Military Technology

Chapter 1976 Combat Humanoid Bionic Robot

The next morning, the expert group was divided into two teams according to the relevant schedule. One team was led by Tan Yongzhen and Su Qidong and went to the laboratory to participate in the comprehensive evaluation of Lele humanoid robots.

The other team, led by Li Weiguo and Luo Kai, was mainly composed of military personnel and military experts. Under the personal guidance of Wu Hao, they came to the smart factory area on the north side of the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park. A special factory building.

The exterior of the factory building is no different from an ordinary factory building. It presents a rectangular and square structure. The whole is made of new white environmentally friendly materials. There are also some strips of glass on it, which looks very three-dimensional and science fiction.

The entire factory has strict access control and is guarded by security personnel. Except for Wu Hao, all mobile electronic devices in the hands of the group cannot be brought into the venue.

This is very familiar to these people. After all, they have also been to some confidential units and are very familiar with this set of security procedures, so there are not many surprises.

However, after actively cooperating to pass the access control, everyone couldn't help but be curious about what was inside this factory. Such a factory is hidden among many manufacturing factories. What could it be? Is it the legendary robot manufacturing factory?

Out of curiosity, everyone followed Wu Hao through a passage and entered the factory.

The space inside is very huge. It looks more like a gymnasium. The internal space is very huge and very bright under the illumination of natural light and fluorescent lamps.

Similar to the test field they saw underground in the robotics laboratory, the empty space inside the factory was also blocked by glass, forming a huge internal space.

Surrounding the huge glass is a circular passage, surrounded by some stands and some control equipment and facilities.

He led everyone to the console, and everyone couldn't help but marvel.

The view from the console is very good, overlooking the open space inside the entire glass curtain wall. There are many large screens hanging on it. In addition to displaying various data information on these screens, there are also pictures captured by various high-definition lenses installed in and around the venue.

In addition, there are a series of control devices on the console.

Seeing everyone's curious and sizing looks, Wu Hao smiled and introduced to everyone: "This is our large testing center, which is mainly used for some of the new technological achievements we have developed.

For example, our previous robotic arms, mechanical exoskeletons, various drones, etc., and this robot.

Today, we are going to show you the relevant performance of this humanoid robot. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone's faces showed excitement. Although they knew Wu Hao was going to take them to see something different today, they didn't expect it to be arranged like this.

Is it Chen Kerr who is here to demonstrate? Luo Kai looked at Chen Keer, who was wearing a white short dress next to Wu Hao, and asked.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head, and then explained to everyone: "Although Chen Keer also has such performance, it is too wasteful to let him participate in some destructive projects.

Especially the skin on it, the cost is a bit high. There will inevitably be damage during the experiment, which is not worth the gain for us.

In addition, robots like Chen Kerr are not suitable for use in the military field. To put it simply, it has not undergone relevant militarized improvements. So what we are showing you this time is a combat-type humanoid bionic robot with the same technology as Chen Keer. It can be regarded as the sister version of Chen Keer, but we did not put this set of simulated skin on it. It has undergone corresponding militarized transformation and been equipped with armor and other parts.

Therefore, some of his performances should be said to be better than Chen Ke'er. "

After speaking, Wu Hao gestured to Chen Keer. Chen Keer nodded and saw the relevant equipment in the entire test site running. The gate opposite the console slowly rose, and several small automated trailers with yellow warning lights flashing slowly arrived, dragging a square coffin similar to one in a science fiction movie, or a white iron box. Stopped in the middle of the test field.

Then, the square coffin was slowly raised and moved to the site by a crane.

Under the intense gaze of everyone, the hatch slowly opened, and a burst of white smoke floated out from inside. Following some noises, a tall humanoid figure wearing a camouflage protective suit, a protective hat, and a protective mask was seen, or in other words, in the eyes of everyone, this was just a person, slowly walking out of the coffin step by step. Come out and stand in the middle of the field.

The coffin was re-hoisted onto the trailer by a crane, and the small, automated, unmanned trailer dragged the empty box away from the testing site. The only thing left at the scene was to deal with the "person" who was wrapped in camouflage protective clothing in the middle of the field.

Xiao Wu, is this the combat-type humanoid bionic robot you are talking about? Li Weiguo swallowed his saliva, turned to look at Wu Hao and asked.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Yes, it is the combat-type humanoid bionic robot that will be demonstrated today. Its internal structure is actually the same as Chen Ker's, except that this is a male robot, so it is taller. He is strong and muscular, with a height of about 1.88 meters, very powerful."

If you didn't say it was a robot, we would have thought a real person came out of it. Luo Kai smiled bitterly.

Yes, at that moment, I really thought it was a real person walking out of it. A military expert standing next to him nodded in response.

Once you put this costume on, you can't tell whether it's a real person or a robot. Li Weiguo also nodded.

Wu Hao nodded and explained with a smile: "This is one of our experimental test projects, just to make its body shape, appearance, and language dynamics the same as a real person, so that this combat-type humanoid bionic robot can blend into the warriors Among them, the enemy cannot tell which is a robot and which is a real person, which can exert a more powerful combat effectiveness.

The second purpose is to make it less noticeable. If it were really a robot performing a task, it would easily attract attention and onlookers. If it wears this set of clothes, everyone will only feel strange and not feel anything else. This can also avoid attracting too much attention and thus affect the performance of the task.

Finally, this can be regarded as a kind of surface protection. Although this combat-type humanoid bionic robot is not afraid of things like biological and chemical nuclei, and naturally there is no need for protection, some corrosive liquids, including graphite bombs, etc., may cause damage to it. Therefore, wearing such a protective suit can also protect it. "

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