Military Technology

Chapter 1980 Martial arts masters under high technology!

Back at the scene, everyone was still looking carefully at this combat-type humanoid bionic robot and discussing it. Seeing that it was almost done, Wu Hao immediately waved to everyone and said, "Let's move outside first. The test will begin soon."

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone nodded and followed Wu Hao to the console. Wu Hao looked at Chen Ker next to him and nodded slightly.

"The test begins!"

The warning lights on the test site flashed, the iron door in front opened, and several unmanned trailers dragged some test items to the site. They put these things down and arranged them, and the unmanned trailers slowly left.

Under the attention of everyone, this combat-type humanoid bionic robot finally started to move. It first stretched out in a very anthropomorphic way, and then began to move its joints.

"The self-test is completed and the system is operating normally."

"let's start."


Following Wu Hao's instructions, the combat-type humanoid bionic robot began to move. It first walked a few steps, and then began to run lightly around the field, jumping while running. It looked very flexible and light, not like a robot weighing several hundred kilograms at all.

Then, this combat-type humanoid bionic robot began to pass through some of the obstacles that had just been brought in and placed on the scene, such as high platforms, railings, some slopes, chains, etc.

I saw that this combat-type humanoid bionic robot was very flexible and passed these obstacles one by one very easily, just like a well-trained warrior passing a two-hundred-meter obstacle.

Everyone present couldn't help but smile when they saw this scene. Not to mention other aspects, just because of this flexible and lightweight performance, this is already much more advanced than most or even 99% of similar technologies on the market.

Not to mention, the body movements of this combat-type humanoid bionic robot are so coordinated and natural, it doesn’t feel like a robot at all, but like a person running around wearing such a robot jacket.

Testing is still going on, but this combat-type humanoid bionic robot has stopped. Just when everyone was confused, they saw that this combat-type humanoid bionic robot actually opened its legs, got out of the car, slightly bent its knees, then raised its hands, and started Tai Chi slowly.

Moreover, this Tai Chi is not the kind of slow health-preserving Tai Chi, but a bit like the charm of Yang Style Tai Chi performed by an old Tai Chi master. Between movement and stillness, between speed and slowness, there is endless change and smooth flow. .

Tai Chi, which everyone originally thought was harmless, was actually beaten so powerfully by this combat-type humanoid bionic robot that people couldn't help but cheer.

Everyone applauded and started talking. Many people were wondering how this robot could do Tai Chi so well.

"Xiao Wu, did you give him this set of Tai Chi?" Li Weiguo turned to Wu Hao and asked.

Wu Hao shook his head slightly when he heard this. Although Li Weiguo seemed to be asking this, in fact, he was asking Wu Hao whether their Tai Chi set was specially trained to welcome them. If this is the case, ordinary robots can also complete it through programming. It just depends on the programming quality. That's why Li Weiguo asked Wu Hao, eager to know the answer.

"It should be said that it learned on its own."

"Learned it yourself?" Li Weiguo asked doubtfully.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "It is to use the AI ​​system to collect relevant video materials about Tai Chi on the Internet, and then eliminate some unrealistic ones, and select those that can be used to provide practical Tai Chi video tutorials. Study, and then continue to imitate and train, and finally formed such a set of Tai Chi."

Hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone nodded. One of the experts said with a smile: "It is necessary to make a discerning choice. There is really no way to copy and imitate the Tai Chi moves in movies and TV series."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Actually, it doesn't necessarily mean that all kung fu or martial arts in movies and TV dramas are not applicable. This can also be viewed separately. The Anxi we eliminated are all too mythical and exaggerated, such as being motionless. Just turn on special effects or something, but this robot can't imitate it.

But there are some moves in martial arts that may be difficult for us humans to imitate. For example, jumping several meters high in one step, traveling more than ten meters in one step, creating wind under the soles of the feet, traveling hundreds of miles in a day, etc. We humans cannot do these things, but robots with more powerful power can achieve them.

Of course, we are not trying to make it a complete imitation. After all, these martial arts moves in movies and TV series are mostly for performances and do not have that much practicality. Therefore, we let the AI ​​system make corresponding distinctions while learning, eliminating some fancy fists and useless moves, leaving some essence or reasonable martial arts routines.

In this way, when engaging in grappling or empty-handed combat in the future, the robot can recognize the opponent's moves in a very short time, and then respond based on what it has learned and trained before. For example, when the opponent punches, how should the robot dodge, how to block, etc. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao looked at the combat-type humanoid bionic robot in the venue and said: "For example, this set of Tai Chi is a routine generated by the AI ​​system after learning countless related Tai Chi video materials.

It may be more practical than performative. If you are interested in this later, you can go down and fight with it. "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone couldn't help but roll their eyes. Fighting with this steel-framed robot is not asking for death. Don't be careful and the robot directly injures, maims, or even kills them. They can't accuse the robot.

While Wu Hao was talking, the fighting style of the humanoid robot suddenly changed from Tai Chi to a powerful long fist made of steel. It didn't even look like a long fist. It was mixed with Hong Fist and Red Fist. Boxing (a major type of boxing in the north), Paoquan, Bagua, Xingyi and other moves.

The range of movements also became larger and larger, and there were even a few high-flying kicks, causing everyone to break down and cheer.

Amidst the cheers of everyone, the robot ran lightly for a few times, and then kicked directly onto a wall where the layout was implemented. I originally thought it was just an obstacle, but just as the robot climbed over and passed the test, I didn't expect this The robot actually kicked it.

This obstacle was not directly kicked to pieces as everyone imagined, and the fragments were scattered everywhere. Instead, with a loud noise, the wall was directly kicked into a big hole by the robot's flying kick, revealing the metallic color inside.

This is actually a steel plate!

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