Military Technology

Chapter 1992 The ultimate technology for future industrial production

As the saying goes, friends come with good wine, and enemies come with shotguns. As for these people, Wu Hao and the others could only treat them with affection and reason, and entertain them with "warmth".

Naturally, this has also received strong criticism from the West, which believes that Wu Hao and others are engaged in technological monopoly, which is not conducive to the world's technological and economic development. However, compared to the Western responsibilities, all developing and third world countries are overjoyed. If this technology is really allowed to be exported, then they will definitely become the biggest victims.

So these people are naturally happy. When they are happy, they reciprocate the favor and naturally thank our country and Wu Hao and the others.

However, these countries can only be happy for a few years, because with the continuous increase and development of domestic super smart manufacturing factories, the low labor costs brought by these countries and regions relying on the demographic dividend will also disappear, and their markets Competitive advantages will also be eroded.

In other words, no matter what the outcome is, there is only death waiting for them. It just depends on whether you choose a quick knife to cut the meat quickly or a slow knife to cut the meat.

In fact, these countries and regions also know that if they do not carry out industrial transformation and upgrading as soon as possible, the advantages they have accumulated based on population will eventually be broken. This is just a matter of time.

Although everyone knows that cutting flesh with a slow knife is more uncomfortable, it is better than pooping it out immediately with a fast knife.

Of course, Wu Hao and the others did not directly and decisively reject these capital giants. Although these technologies and equipment products cannot be exported overseas, they can definitely be transformed into another form. That is to allow these capital giants to build factories in China, otherwise they will not violate the ban.

This move is undoubtedly a win-win situation. First, these capital giants no longer have to worry about bans, and can also use such advanced technology, thereby further reducing their production costs.

Second, Wu Hao and the others do not need to be affected by the ban, so they can sell more equipment products, thus bringing huge market benefits.

Thirdly, it can naturally attract a large amount of domestic investment and attract these companies to build factories in the country, thereby promoting domestic economic development.

Such a proposal naturally attracted the interest of these capital giants, relevant authorities, and all three parties, so all parties began to further negotiate and finalize the details of cooperation in this area.

For example, regarding the confidentiality issue of these equipment technologies, this is a problem that Wu Hao and the others have to solve. They cannot let the other party learn the core technology, otherwise they will suffer a big loss.

Another example is the management issues of these equipment factories, as well as the handling issues of removing these legacy factories in the future, etc.

After months of arduous negotiations, an agreement on cooperation has finally been finalized. Subsequently, more than a dozen large multinational companies announced that they would build super smart manufacturing factories in China to produce related products.

As for Wu Hao and the others, they sold dozens of these super smart manufacturing factories, directly bringing in profits of tens to tens of billions of dollars.

In addition, the tax revenue these factories bring to the local area every year and the development of supporting industries they drive have greatly promoted the development of the local economy.

As more and more super smart manufacturing factories are built, relevant information about this super factory, including some production videos in the factory, are increasingly disseminated on the Internet, which also allows more people to see it. This super intelligent manufacturing factory is shocking, terrifying, and incredible.

For many people, they can never imagine that in such a super factory, there are only dozens or even a dozen people working, and everything else is run by equipment. Even these people are in management positions and technical personnel. None of the workers are actually involved in production. They all rely on equipment to operate independently.

Looking at the busy industrial production robots, the unmanned transfer vehicles shuttling back and forth, and the fast-moving products on the assembly line, everyone exclaimed.

It seems that all of this seems unreal, and many people even believe that these are all derived from CG digital special effects lenses, which is not true.

And now, it has been reported in the news that Wu Hao and the others have developed Super Intelligent Manufacturing Factory 3.0. How can this not shock everyone?

Because the first two generations of super smart manufacturing factories are already advanced enough, sci-fi enough, and shocking enough, what will the third generation of super smart manufacturing factories look like?

Out of curiosity, everyone clicked on the news video. When they saw the first scene, many people in front of the screen couldn't help but open their mouths.

If the second-generation super smart manufacturing factory still needs management operations personnel and technical maintenance personnel, then the third-generation super smart manufacturing factory no longer needs these personnel. It can be said that the entire factory or even the entire factory area no longer needs one. There are people, and everything is taken care of by an intelligent management system.

The personnel who were previously responsible for factory operation and management were replaced by intelligent management control systems, and the engineers and technical experts responsible for technical maintenance were replaced by new inspection robots and maintenance and inspection robots. Security personnel throughout the factory have been replaced by new intelligent security systems. The ones patrolling the factory are no longer security personnel, but mobile patrol robots, drones, and unmanned sentry systems.

Even the sanitation and cleaning of the entire factory are handled by robots.

This means that a normal factory can operate normally without a single person. This is incredible. It can be called the ultimate technology for future industrial production. Nothing can do better than this technology, nothing.

Likewise, this news and this reporting video have also plunged many people into despair. This means that if Wu Hao and others promote this technology, all production workers may face unemployment.

This is undoubtedly terrible and will directly destroy the jobs of hundreds of millions or even billions of people.

Fortunately, due to relevant regulations, this technology cannot be exported and can only be used domestically. This gives many overseas people a little bit of luck.

However, an earlier piece of news was also dug up by netizens, which caused many people to go crazy and even fear.

That is the previous news report that Haoyu Technology has established many intelligent unmanned farms in the deserts of Western Xinjiang. These farms completely rely on intelligent control relationship systems to operate, and all agricultural equipment is operated unmanned. From leveling the land to sowing, fertilizing and pesticide spreading, irrigation, pest control, artificial pollination, and final harvesting, primary processing, and further processing, the environment is all automated and unmanned, without any human involvement.

This also means that farmers will also lose their jobs. Some people used to joke about not being able to be workers and going back to be farmers. Now they can’t even be farmers. How can this not make people despair and fearful.

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