Military Technology

Chapter 1994 Who can feed us in the future?

"As for intelligent unmanned farming (pasture), I think the situation is the same. First of all, as our domestic urbanization process continues to accelerate, more and more rural people are rapidly pouring into cities. Many Rural areas and even many towns have become hollowed out. There are no young people in them. They are basically old people and some left-behind children. As these old people pass away and left-behind children grow up, these villages and towns are gradually abandoned.

You can go to the Northeast and the Midwest to see these. There are many villages and towns that have been abandoned due to population loss. Due to the loss of rural population, a large amount of land originally scattered in the countryside has also been abandoned. So in fact, our domestic land has been shrinking. Coupled with urban land use, soil erosion, desertification and other impacts, this number may be more serious than everyone thinks. "

"The disappearance of cultivated land will naturally lead to a reduction in grain production. Although our domestic grain production has been steadily increasing over the years, in fact this is only an increase in yield per mu brought about by grain technology. It is precisely because of this increase that we have made up for the leak. This loophole in the reduction of cultivated land makes it difficult for us to detect. In fact, let's ask each other about this question: how big was the city ten years ago, and how big it will be ten years later. Where did these increased lands come from? Isn't it the same as before? of cultivated land.

Seed technology has a bottleneck period, and the productivity of cultivated land also has an upper limit. In fact, the steady growth of our domestic farmland yield per mu has brought about the continuous increase in the amount of chemical fertilizers per mu in recent years.

An important consequence of this is that the land is becoming salinized, the original fertility of the land is declining, and even the microbial flora in the soil, including the ecosystem surrounding them, are being destroyed and disintegrated. "

"You can imagine that in the past, when we dug up the soil in the cultivated land, we could see earthworms and various insects. But now, it is just a handful of dry soil, and those earthworms and insects are no longer visible.

In Western countries, their cultivated land adopts rotational cultivation. After a piece of land is cultivated for several years, it is allowed to rest for one or two years to restore soil fertility. However, we do not have this condition in our country, which also leads to the decline in soil fertility being more serious than it appears on paper. "

“Who can feed us in the future?”

"This is not alarmist, but urgent fact."

"We don't have this sense of crisis now because the country has provided everything for us. In fact, as our domestic demand for food and meat and poultry continues to grow, our domestic food has become increasingly unable to meet our consumption. So now A large amount of grain is imported from overseas every year. Some of this grain will be brought directly to our tables, while a large part of it will be used as livestock and poultry feed to provide us with poultry food.

In addition, we have been the largest importer of meat and poultry products in the world for many years in a row. A lot of the human, livestock and poultry meat we eat is imported from overseas. "

"Have you ever thought that we can still do this if things are peaceful now? But if a war breaks out, or there is a major change in the external situation, and we are unable to obtain food from the outside, what will we do then?

Therefore, we can only rest assured if the food is in our hands. To this end, several generations of scientists in our country have been working hard towards this goal. "

"Now that such a new technology is born, it undoubtedly brings us a new opportunity to solve the problem of growth. In Western Xinjiang, Haoyu Technology, together with the Corps and the Corps, have established more than ten such super intelligent unmanned aerial vehicles. Farms (pastures) will produce a large amount of grain, edible oil, and livestock and poultry meat every year.

This means that we are gradually getting rid of this pressure to rely on imports. With the continuous construction of such intelligent unmanned farms (pastures) in Western Xinjiang, Hexi, Guanzhong, North China, Central Plains and Northeast China. This will enable us to build a huge grain and meat production security system, which will play a very important role in promoting our domestic food stability and responding to various future crises. It can be said that it will be the anchor of peace for us.

Therefore, no matter what overseas people think, we must support these two technologies and support these projects. This is related to the vital interests of each of us. "

"That's right. As Chinese people, we should support these two technologies."

"I really didn't expect that the country has done so much for us behind the scenes."

"Haoyu Technology is really amazing. It has directly developed two advanced technologies that benefit the country and the people."

"Wu Hao should be great. I think he will become a great scientist like Newton Einstein who will be remembered by history and praised by all generations."

"No, in a sense, he is greater than Newton and Einstein. The contributions of Newton and Einstein were limited to the field of scientific research, while Wu Hao focused more on time and the transformation of technological achievements. It can be said that in recent times, In the past few years, the great changes in our society, including our lives, have come from Haoyu Technology. The changes he has brought are more direct and can be felt by us. Not to mention these two technologies, it can be said that there are countless living people , but with this intelligent unmanned farm (pasture) technology, we can ensure that humans will never go hungry again and completely get rid of hunger."

“It’s not necessarily possible to get rid of hunger. Have you ever thought about how those farmers who have had their farmland taken away by intelligent unmanned farms and workers whose jobs have been taken away by super intelligent manufacturing factories will live? Will starve."

You are completely nonsense. We have experienced several industrial revolutions in history. Have all the eliminated types of jobs and workers starved to death? Whether you like it or not, technology is constantly moving forward and no one can stop it. Those who stand in front of it can only act like a mantis and will be crushed by the wheels of history. Only by adapting to the development of the times, strengthening one's own capabilities, and responding to challenges is the future, and only then will we not be eliminated by society, the times, and technology.

As for what you said about robbing farmers’ land, you can rest assured. Because intelligent unmanned farming (pastoral) sites generally require large areas of flat land resources. Therefore, for some relatively scattered farmland resources, this technology cannot be applied to these things. After all, it will cost a lot to build such an intelligent unmanned farm (pasture).

In addition, even if the land of these farmers is expropriated, these farmers will not lose their livelihood. They can completely use their land to invest in shares, so that smart unmanned farms (pastures) can bring them very generous share dividends every year and become new farmers in the new era.

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