Military Technology

Chapter 1996 Wu Hao’s Confession (B)

Currently, food in the world is not completely sufficient. Many people are still hungry in many places, and many people are malnourished due to lack of food. We hope to use this intelligent unmanned farming (pastorage) technology to change this situation so that these people will no longer go hungry, so that there will no longer be the tragedy of starving to death in this world.

This is our original intention to study this intelligent unmanned farm (pasture) technology. It is very simple, simple and beautiful, and not as complicated and dark as everyone imagines.

In fact, this intelligent unmanned farm (pastorage) can not only be applied to the production of these agricultural and animal husbandry products, it also has a lot of room for application.

For example, vegetation degradation and land desertification are a major problem in the world and a major problem. With human deforestation, human expansion, and agricultural and industrial production due to a series of reasons, it is true that vegetation is being severely damaged and degraded. Soil erosion is serious, and if the soil is desert, the area of ​​the desert is also constantly expanding.

How to restore vegetation, control soil erosion, and control deserts are topics we have been studying. As we all know, our country has made very remarkable achievements in this regard.

But these are not enough, because soil erosion in our country continues, and land desertification has not been well restored. There is still a large part of our country's desertified territory. To manage it all is a long-term and arduous task.

In the past, we managed deserts and planted trees manually. However, as the aging of the population continues to intensify, labor costs increase, human resources are scarce, and the number of front-line personnel working in this field is also decreasing.

To put it bluntly, this is a public welfare project, and there is not much income or even no income, so few people can stick to it.

As for commercial afforestation, the cost is too high and recycling is too slow, so few companies are willing to persist in it.

Using our intelligent unmanned farm (pasture) technology, we can realize unmanned afforestation, or intelligent unmanned forest farm technology. From the cultivation of suitable saplings and grass species, to planting, watering, pruning, to later inspection and management, pest control, forest fire prevention and other step functions, we can all achieve it through such a complete system.

It is precisely by using this set of intelligent unmanned forest technology that we have built an intelligent unmanned forest warehouse next door to Xijiang. The current area of ​​this forest farm has reached 200,000 acres, and it is still growing every year. Fifty percent growth continues to expand.

What I want to tell you is that all the current investment in this intelligent unmanned forest farm comes from us and other related cooperative enterprises and public welfare institutions. Currently, including for a long period of time, this project and this forest farm have no of any income.

Not only is there no income, but we also invest a lot of money every year in the operation of this intelligent unmanned farm (pasture). Although the operation of this intelligent unmanned farm (pasture) is entirely intelligent and unmanned, the electricity it uses comes from solar and wind power generated in the forest farm, without any emissions.

However, this system includes the loss of supporting facilities during operation, as well as the grass seeds and sapling cultivation required for afforestation, etc., which all require funds.

As for us, we are also doing our best to ensure this project and promote the continuous expansion of this forest farm at an annual growth rate of 50%. If possible, we will continue to promote this project, hoping that one day we can really turn the Taklimakan, the largest desert in our country in Western Xinjiang and one of the largest deserts in the world, into an oasis ocean.

With this, I also want to advertise and promote it. If you are interested in this project, you are welcome to go to the official website of this project to learn more. If everyone recognizes this project and has the ability, you can contribute your part.

We will cooperate with relevant organizations and select a number of volunteers to go to this forest farm every year to conduct on-site visits and report to everyone on the actual situation of this forest farm. Of course, volunteers also have to engage in some activities within their capabilities, such as helping engineers maintain related equipment, and working with many volunteers to collect and clean up garbage in the desert.

What I want to tell you is that these acts of kindness are not free. In the future, the carbon emission income generated by this forest farm will not only be used for the initial revenue investment of many cooperative companies, but also a considerable part of it will be used to return all those who have made a contribution.

We are also planning to turn this project into a concept stock and list it on the Carbon Exchange, so that everyone can buy it with confidence.

In addition to intelligent unmanned forest farms, we are also experimenting with intelligent unmanned hay barns, using drones and unmanned ground vehicles to continuously sow drought-resistant plant seeds in these desert areas for continuous vegetation restoration. Don't underestimate these seeds. These are our latest biotechnology achievements. They can stay dormant in arid deserts for several years. They only need a rain to grow out and take root in the desert. Their vitality is very strong. .

In addition, we will also apply this technology to many other fields, which are closely related to our environmental and ecological life. No one will feel it, and there is no need to feel it, because they will silently serve everyone's lives.

In the past few days, I have actually been paying attention to everyone's heated discussions. I also affirm and agree with some of the views, including the opposing views. Here, I will also pick some questions about this intelligent unmanned farming (pastoral) farm technology that everyone is more concerned about to answer.

For example, some friends are worried about whether the quality of food and meat products produced in intelligent unmanned farming (pasture) farms will be at risk, and whether they can be eaten with confidence. I can assure you here that the agricultural and animal husbandry products produced by our intelligent unmanned farming (pastoral) farms are of high quality.

Whether it is grain, agricultural and sideline products, or poultry products, their entire life cycle from sowing to harvesting is subject to our strict supervision. The entire supervision process is open and transparent. You can view relevant videos at any time through the official website to view the actual situation, and you can also view relevant testing data, all of which are open to everyone.

In other words, all our production and breeding processes are open and transparent and can fully withstand everyone's consideration and review. Moreover, these products will also undergo strict inspection and quarantine procedures before leaving the factory and being put on the market to ensure that only qualified and high-quality products are delivered to everyone's tables.

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