Military Technology

Chapter 1998 Wu Hao’s Confession (D)

Wu Hao's words were not released at once, but were released one after another in the past few days in response to the doubts raised by netizens and some experts and media.

Although the problem of intelligent unmanned farms was finally explained, some netizens immediately questioned that Wu Hao deliberately ignored the problems of super intelligent manufacturing factories. In the words of many skeptics, compared with intelligent unmanned farms (pastures), super intelligent factories are the key.

Faced with so many doubts, Wu Hao originally did not want to continue to entangle with these people. In fact, he originally planned to issue a short statement. But in the face of the pressing pressure of these people, it is necessary for such a person to come out and explain to the public.

Wu Hao left the negotiation with the manufacturers who came one after another to Zhang Jun, and Tong Juan was in Europe, so it was only Wu Hao's turn to come out in person. Even if he didn't like it, he wouldn't. Being patient, he could only endure it, continue to answer these messy questions, and fight back against these doubts.

In fact, regarding the technology of super smart manufacturing factories, I have talked too much about these issues in previous interviews and on various occasions. You should be able to search these on the Internet, so I will not talk about them here. waste time.

Let me give you a few examples.

First of all, it was a project we were working on in Guancheng, the South. The person we were working with was the owner of a digital OEM company in the South. This boss is one of the first batch of bosses who got rich after the reform and opening up in China. He initially grew up gradually by organizing more than a dozen people to take orders. Later, he had his own production factory. At its peak, , he has three foundries under him, with almost more than 40,000 employees.

The business is very big. We have cooperated with many brands and OEMed parts and related products and equipment for many well-known enterprises. Whether it is the quality of the product or the reputation of the company and himself, it is well-known in the industry.

The annual output value of such an enterprise is more than one billion. It can be said to be a fairly large-scale enterprise. It should be said to be a microcosm of our country's industrial production, or a typical representative.

But such a huge company encountered a problem five or six years ago. That is, they suddenly found that they could not recruit people, and labor costs were rising. In the past, six thousand yuan could be used to recruit a skilled worker, regardless of insurance or anything else. It’s no longer possible. These people are not willing to come for 10,000 yuan, and it also comes with five insurances, which was unimaginable in the past.

But even so, we still can't recruit anyone.

Take the spring job fair of the year before last as an example. According to the huge labor gap in their factory, the original plan was to recruit 5,000 workers. However, by the end of the entire spring job fair, they had only recruited 1,000 people.

Is it because the conditions they offered are not good? No, the conditions they offered are very generous, but they just don’t have the talent. The originally very lively talent market, including the train station, has become less prosperous in recent years, and there are not even many people there anymore.

In order to grab enough workers, many manufacturers even opened recruitment points directly opposite the train station, with the purpose of grabbing these workers.

But even so, it is still far from meeting the urgent labor needs of these factories.

Is it just one company and one factory like this? No, basically all factories are facing this situation, and even many small and medium-sized factories have reached the point where no one is available.

Many factories are unable to produce even if there are orders because there are no workers. Many factories have no choice but to close down due to lack of people.

There are still many factories that choose to relocate or relocate to the central and western regions to see if they can survive. Or simply move overseas, to areas with rich human resources and lower labor costs, such as Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa and South America.

This is not random fabrication, nor is it alarmist, but objective fact. The real situation is even worse than what I said.

Nowadays, a large number of factories have left the country and moved overseas every year. Many large companies have also begun to gradually close down domestic production plants, or directly plan to relocate.

Many cities and towns that prospered because of factory production in the past have now become depressed and depressed, and many places have even become hollowed out. Cities, towns, and villages that relied on migrant workers in the past to thrive have also gradually declined amid this change.

Now we are all aware of the seriousness of this problem and are actively working to adapt it. However, the effect is very little. There are many reasons for this, and the main reason is the labor shortage and the increase in labor costs caused by the labor shortage.

Therefore, if we want to address this problem, we must solve the problem of labor shortage.

In fact, there is no solution to this problem. First of all, the easiest way is to cooperate with the central and western regions, organize and recruit relevant migrant workers in these areas, and directly connect with the human resources departments of these production factories and the cities where these factories are located to complete the process. Deep mining and integration of human resources.

This method has actually been carried out all along, and was associated with poverty alleviation in the early years. Poverty-stricken areas uniformly organize migrant workers of appropriate age and then take special trains and planes to the corresponding cooperative city factories for labor transportation.

This kind of situation was completely unimaginable more than ten years ago. There are local unified organizations to work and charter flights to pick them up. What kind of treatment is this?

There are also many factories that are eager to need talents and have directly relocated their factories to the central and western regions. So in recent years, everyone has noticed that more and more factories are relocating to the central and western regions.

There is another way, which is also very simple, but there are certain problems. What's the solution? It's very simple. We don't have a shortage of people in our country, and we don't want these factories to leave. It's as simple as just attracting cheap workers from overseas to work. In fact, many countries do this, which is called migrant migration, and they work across borders. Among them, the most famous and well-known ones are Filipino maids. Everyone is familiar with this. They belong to this group of people in the industry.

This can indeed alleviate labor pressure, but it also brings about a series of problems. The first is the overall benefit. Producing in our country consumes our domestic resources and pollutes our domestic environment. In the end, the money is transferred to these workers. This is very unfair.

Secondly, attracting so many outsiders will inevitably bring about a series of problems. Why Europe is in chaos and why there are so many problems has a lot to do with these immigrants.

So fearing this situation, no one is willing to open this hole.

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