Military Technology

Chapter 2007 Care and respect are the basis for winning the following and trust of employees

Taking a special plane, Wu Hao came to Nanhai with Lin Wei's family and accompanying staff.

Without any delay, they went directly to the launch site.

Wu Hao, who had been here several times, was already very familiar with the environment here, so he checked into the internal guest house very smoothly. It was still the same room, unchanged. It can be seen that this should be specially prepared for them by the other party.

After resting for a while in the guest house, Wu Hao came to the command and control center of Haoyu Aerospace at the Nanhai Launch Site. This organization was set up temporarily. It can also be said to be the office or temporary work station of their people at the Nanhai launch site.

This office is set up next to the command and control center building of the launch site. This is a working location specially prepared for Party A by the launch site, which is suitable for Wu Hao and the others. This time Wu Hao and the others came not only with the rocket launch team, but also with the manned spacecraft technical team, so the office area given to them at the launch site was very large, basically the entire floor was theirs.

Until Wu Hao arrived, several technical team leaders led by Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming were already standing at the door of the office building to greet him.

"Mr. Wu!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Wu Hao smiled and shook hands with everyone. Looking at Yu Chengwu, who was dark and thin, with bloodshot eyes and a tired look on his face, Wu Hao patted his arm and comforted him.

He knew that as the overall person in charge of the entire project, Yu Chengwu had been under great pressure during this period of time. You know, this is the first time in China. As a private enterprise, if it wants to carry out manned launches, the difficulties, hardships, and grievances involved are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Yu Chengwu shook his head and smiled at Wu Hao and said: "I mainly help everyone with logistics services and so on, mainly the big guys. It has been really hard during this period."

Well, Wu Hao nodded with a smile, then looked at the other people and said: "I know everyone's hard work. When this mission is over, I will give you a good vacation to rest.

I heard that the health centers and resorts here in Nanhai are good, so why don’t we book a health center or resort for everyone to recuperate for a few days. "

Thank you Mr. Wu! After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone's eyes lit up and they immediately thanked him. Although they have been in Nanhai for a while, they are mainly busy with projects and have no time to hang out. Even if I go out, I just have a seafood barbecue or something nearby. I come and go in a hurry, with no leisure time and no mood.

So after hearing Wu Hao's thoughtful promise or arrangement, everyone became excited, and a warmth suddenly rose in their hearts. It turned out that their hard work and efforts were all seen by the boss.

This is actually one of Wu Hao's strengths, that is, he is able to understand and understand the minds of his employees, respect the fruits of their labor, and is generous and never treats employees badly in terms of benefits and treatment.

No, the resort and sanatorium will cover it as soon as they say it will be covered. If it were any other owner, who would be so generous? It's not that I'm not so generous, I can only say that I'm not so thoughtful.

In fact, these may be secondary. The main thing is attitude. The attitude of caring and respect for employees is an important basis for winning their followers and trust.

Under the guidance of Yu Chengwu and others, Wu Hao came to their command and control center on the fifth floor.

The entire floor is very spacious and is divided into several areas. The decoration inside is the simple and simple style of blue and white that we often see. However, on this basis, Yu Chengwu and the others made a lot of decorations, such as purchasing a large number of green plants, placing refrigerators, coffee machines and shelves in the office area to store some drinks, ice cream, snacks, and provide freshly ground coffee.

Seeing Wu Hao and others coming in, the employees who were working stood up and cheered and applauded. After working hard for so many days, the boss finally came to visit them in person, which moved everyone somewhat.

Although the South China Sea is nice, it is not home after all. Thinking about what happened during this period, everyone couldn't help but be a little excited.

Wu Hao smiled and waved to everyone, then came to the middle of the crowd, took the microphone handed by the staff, and then said with a smile to everyone.

"Looking at everyone's familiar faces, I feel very warm. I am very familiar with many of you.

Thank you very much for your hard work and efforts during this period. Our launch vehicle and our manned spacecraft project can develop so rapidly, which is indispensable for your hard work and dedication.

Although I come less often due to work reasons, I am always paying attention to you through various channels. I see all your hard work and dedication.

This time, I was entrusted by the company's board of directors to come here to visit and express my condolences to everyone. Now I look at the smiles on everyone's faces. They should all be pretty good. I feel very happy. This also makes me finally let go of my hanging heart.

Okay, now that the visit is over, the next step is to express my condolences to everyone.

I just asked you, Mr. Yu (Yu Chengwu) and Mr. Zhou (Chief Engineer Zhou Xiangming), to know what you lack most and what you want most right now?

These two people told me that you are most in need of rest and want to sleep right now! "


After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present laughed. Indeed, everyone is very tired after working hard for such a long time. Compared with other things, everyone really wants to rest the most, not thinking about anything, having a good sleep, and getting up when they are full.

When everyone's laughter gradually subsided, Wu Hao then said with a smile: "After hearing their answers, I shook my head and refused. I can't satisfy everyone's requirements for the time being, because our launch vehicle lifts this The manned spacecraft is about to launch its first manned flight. At this critical time point, I definitely can't let everyone rest and go to sleep right away.

This is definitely unrealistic, because you have all gone to rest and sleep, who will be responsible for sending our rockets and spaceships on their last journey. "

As he spoke, Wu Hao glanced around the crowd with a smile, saw the smiles on everyone's faces, and then continued: "So, I asked them to make their demands and be realistic. I can do it. After all, I also It’s not Santa Claus, isn’t it?”


Seeing everyone chuckle, Wu Hao continued: "Now, after thinking hard, they finally gave me some constructive suggestions that are easier to implement.

They said that we all have been busy here for so long, and we usually follow the base for food and other things. Although the food quality is good, I always feel that something is missing.

So I want me to arrange a big meal for everyone, especially beef and mutton, because some of us are about to vomit after eating seafood. Some people say they want to eat noodles from the north. They eat too much rice here. Although there are noodles, they always feel that they are not as strong as those from the north. "

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