Military Technology

Chapter 2009 Gout is the cruelest punishment for foodies

Seeing Wu Hao's curious expression, Yu Chengwu smiled bitterly and said: "Although our previous three unmanned experimental spacecrafts have been successful, this is a manned launch, so the aerospace department has very strict safety requirements.

So after our Walker 4 manned spacecraft was transported to the South China Sea, the aerospace authorities organized a group of technical experts to come over and conduct a systematic inspection of the entire spacecraft, down to every screw.

Fortunately, the quality of our manned spacecraft is excellent. No matter how many times these people checked, they could not find any faults. In the end, they successfully passed the strict inspection and evaluation, and then received the ‘flying permission’. "

"At present, our Walker 4 manned spacecraft is in good condition. Next, we will conduct several test exercises individually and jointly with the rocket, waiting for the final launch time."

Speaking of this, Yu Chengwu said to Wu Hao: "According to relevant plans, a meeting between astronauts and the media will be organized tonight evening. You are also one of the leaders invited to attend."

Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Wu Hao nodded to express his understanding. He had known about this for a long time and had included it in his itinerary, so he didn't feel any surprise.

Has the astronaut been established? Who is it? Wu Hao said with some concern.

Haha, Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming both laughed when they heard Wu Hao's culture.

Yu Chengwu smiled at Wu Hao and introduced: "He is a young astronaut named Yuan Zifeng. This is also his first manned space mission."

oh? Wu Hao was a little surprised when he heard this. He originally thought that an old astronaut would be arranged, but he did not expect that it would be a new astronaut on his first mission.

Zhou Xiangming saw the surprise in Wu Hao's expression, and then explained with a smile: "This is also a candidate astronaut selected by the aerospace department after many assessments and studies.

Although Yuan Zifeng is a new astronaut, he has excellent professional abilities and good physical fitness, making him very suitable for this launch mission. "

Although Zhou Xiangming just explained briefly, Wu Hao had already heard the implication from his words. However, this matter has little impact on them, whether they are old astronauts or new astronauts. This launch mainly relies on intelligent systems to operate autonomously throughout the entire process. Unless necessary, astronauts do not intervene, so it does not matter whoever is sent up.

Perhaps for the aerospace department, instead of sending experienced old astronauts to join the flight time, it is better to send new astronauts to exercise. After all, this is a very rare practical opportunity.

How are the preparations at the launch bay going? Wu Hao nodded slightly and asked.

Everything is ready, our people and those at the launch site are in place, and many joint exercises have been conducted. The two parties have cooperated three times in this regard, and the cooperation is very tacit, and there is no problem for me. Yu Chengwu answered towards Wu Hao.

Well, that's good. Wu Hao nodded and looked at everyone: "This is our first manned launch, and the whole world is watching. Some are sincerely paying attention, and some are naturally waiting to see the joke.

No matter what others think, we must do our part to ensure that this launch can go smoothly. As for success or failure, I believe that as long as we do our job well, we will be able to achieve good results.

Everyone has done a very good job in the past, and I have seen it all. I hope that in the last two days, everyone will stay calm and work hard to do everything well.

The more critical moments like this come, the more you need to treat them calmly and don't be anxious. Sometimes problems appear at this last moment.

Please work hard, everyone. When the mission is over, I will definitely give you a long vacation. "

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Wu Hao immediately waved his hand, indicating that the meeting was over and that everyone could go about their business. As for him, he followed Yu Chengwu and Zhou Xiangming to Yu Chengwu's office, which was actually on this floor. It's a small office with simple facilities, just a desk and a rest area.

Wu Hao walked to the rest area and sat down casually. They were the only ones here, and Wu Hao seemed relaxed and casual.

As for Yu Chengwu, he personally made him a cup of tea and then delivered it to Wu Hao.

How about it, are you still used to it here? Wu Hao asked casually.

It's okay, but not as comfortable as Anxi. Yu Chengwu said with a smile: "In addition to the diet, it is also the environment and climate. The humidity is relatively high, and I have some joint pain."

Zhou Xiangming, as for Zhou Xiangming, laughed when he heard this and said: "I, I eat a lot of seafood these days, which causes the uric acid to rise a lot, and I have had several gout attacks. Fortunately, it is not serious, otherwise there would be nothing I can do." Already working."

gout? Wu Hao heard this and looked at Zhou Xiangming: "How come you have gout when you are so thin? Why didn't I know when you got it?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming smiled and shook his head: "I don't know. During the previous physical examination, it was just that the uric acid was a little high. It was nothing, so I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect that after a few seafood meals, I actually had an attack. Yes, it's quite unfortunate.

Fortunately, he was treated in time and the medication did not affect his work. "

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao immediately reprimanded: "A good body is the basis of your work. No matter how old you are, don't always work hard, but also pay good attention to your body.

Have you gone to the hospital? What did the doctor say? "

I went there and did a set of tests, but nothing was found, except that uric acid was high. According to the doctor, this thing seems to be related to the body constitution. Some people are fat and have nothing to do, while some people are thin but still have this disease.

But this is not a serious illness. It can be controlled by taking medicine. It is not serious. It's just... When he said this, Zhou Xiangming's face couldn't help but turn bitter.

Just what? Wu Hao asked curiously.

Yu Chengwu on the side heard this and smiled at Wu Hao and explained: "It's just that from now on this guy has to say goodbye to big fish, meat, seafood, beer, and barbecue."


Hearing Yu Chengwu's words, Wu Hao was also a little speechless. If it were a girl, these would be fine, but boys are born carnivores, let alone seafood, beer and barbecue. This is the boys' favorite, but now, they can't After eating, this is a very difficult thing to accept.

It doesn't matter, the worst thing is just don't look at it or eat it. Zhou Xiangming said with a sad face.

Wu Hao thought for a moment after hearing this, then looked at Zhou Xiangming and said, "Can this disease be cured?"

Zhou Xiangming shook his head: "Currently we can only control it, not eradicate it. However, I heard that losing weight can reduce the onset time of ventilation, but if I lose my weight now, I am afraid that my ventilation will not be good, and I will die.

So, I looked at it. Isn’t it just a taboo? Isn’t it just that I can’t eat meat or drink alcohol? It’s fine if I don’t eat or drink. "

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