Military Technology

Chapter 2018 I will realize what I boasted about before

"Secondly, our escape system can ensure that the spacecraft can function before it separates from the rocket. In other words, our escape system can function at any time during the entire rocket launch process, which greatly improves the spacecraft's efficiency. The safety of the crew inside is something that conventional manned spacecraft and launch vehicles cannot achieve.

Finally, there is our Walker series manned spacecraft. The entire launch mission is controlled by the intelligent control system on the spacecraft. No human intervention is required unless necessary.

All status data and information of the spacecraft operating in space will be transmitted to the ground control center through the Skylink satellite system, so that we can control the flight operation status of the spacecraft in real time and ensure the safety of the spacecraft and the crew inside the spacecraft. "

After listening to what Wu Hao said, many reporters present nodded to express their understanding. However, many reporters present still picked out some questions and immediately asked Wu Hao.

"Mr. Wu, if the spacecraft fails in space, does your company have the ability to deal with it?"

This is obviously an issue of disagreement, and the other party is deliberately looking for trouble. After hearing this question, Zhou Chengfang and Gao Jinguang beside Wu Hao couldn't help but frown. It would be an understatement to say that this kind of question was deliberately embarrassing.

However, in front of so many reporters and cameras, they couldn't help but look at Wu Hao, with expressions of concern and worry on their faces.

Wu Hao also had some headaches about this problem, but in front of so many people and cameras, he naturally couldn't show it. Instead, he smiled and took a sip of water, then looked at the reporter and said: "First of all, I want to tell everyone that any space activity is full of risks. No project or activity can be said to be absolutely safe. No one, no one No organization dares to give such a guarantee. Musk cannot, and neither does NASA.

Secondly, although space activities are very risky, through scientific and rigorous work, we can control this risk to a minimum and make it as unlikely as possible.

Finally, there are dangers and unknowns in space that we never anticipate. For example, some debris and debris, sudden cosmic ray radiation, and some possible causes of malfunctions, etc.

No one can guarantee that these things will never be encountered. What we can do is avoid this launch as much as possible. If something should happen, we have thousands of plans in place to deal with a variety of crises and emergencies. If unfortunately we do encounter one, we will immediately activate relevant emergency plans and install relevant plans to deal with these crises, ensure the personal safety of the astronauts, and safely bring the astronauts back to Earth. "

"Hello, Mr. Wu, according to the data of the Walker series spacecraft you previously announced, this spacecraft can accommodate six to eight astronauts. But this time there is only one astronaut performing this mission. What is the reason for this? consider."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then replied with a relaxed smile: "Yes, our Walker spacecraft can accommodate six to eight astronauts to carry out space missions.

But if there are too many people in the spacecraft, the space for activities will be greatly reduced. As a result, the astronauts' activities and living experience in the spacecraft will be greatly reduced.

So under normal circumstances, we will not carry so many astronauts and passengers to perform missions. Moreover, this kind of full-crew transportation mission is generally quite special. It is basically only used for some round-trip transportation missions. It is generally used as a spacecraft for spacecraft and space stations.

This kind of mission generally takes a long time. It only takes six hours to dock with the space station or return to the earth, so it will not cause too much discomfort to the crew members in the cabin.

But if the spacecraft stays in the air independently for too long, it will not be suitable for carrying so many members.

The purpose of this Walker 4 manned spacecraft mission is to test the safety and reliability of the Walker series of manned spacecraft and verify the overall performance of the spacecraft, so it does not require so many crew members. To us, one passenger is the same as a full passenger, and we have an obligation and responsibility to make sure they get on safely and get off safely.

In addition, because the time in space is relatively long, this member can obtain a larger living space, which can ensure that the astronauts' nearly thirty hours in space are as comfortable as possible.

Of course, a person also has his own shortcomings, that is, he feels lonely.

Therefore, we have prepared psychological experts for astronauts to provide psychological counseling and relieve stress and loneliness. Astronauts can also communicate and chat with us at any time through the dedicated line between space and earth, and can also make video calls with their families, etc.

In addition, we have also prepared our related technological digital products for astronauts, such as our latest transparent folding tablets, smart AR glasses, etc. Astronauts can watch movies, read e-books, listen to music, and even play games through these devices. wait. "

"Hello, Mr. Wu, you said before that you will open this Walker series spacecraft to more people in the future, so that ordinary people can also have the opportunity to enter space and have a romantic journey in space. And, you also He said that he would lower the price of a round-trip ticket between heaven and earth so that ordinary people can enjoy such a space journey. Mr. Wu, now that the Walker manned spacecraft has begun to carry people, when will we implement these plans?"

Upon hearing this question, Wu Hao stroked the microphone, then smiled at the reporter and said: "First of all, thank you for your long-term attention and support. I am very happy that everyone still remembers my bragging.

What I can tell you now is that I can realize what I boasted at the beginning. I am not talking big words or deceiving you. In fact, related plans have been in progress.

It is very difficult to send ordinary people into space. Because we cannot require ordinary people to have the professional qualities and physical conditions of astronauts. Astronauts are qualified for space missions only after years of perseverance and hard work.

As for us ordinary passengers, we can't train them for several years just to let them go into space. This is unrealistic.

Therefore, if we want to allow ordinary people to go into space, we must lower the standards and requirements in this regard.

How to achieve this is to upgrade and optimize the technology of the manned spacecraft so that it can adapt to ordinary people to the greatest extent, provide ordinary people with a more comfortable riding environment, and enable ordinary people to adapt to the entire launch and launch. Space flight environment.

This is easy to say but very difficult to do, and we have been working hard on this. "

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