Military Technology

Chapter 2021 Finding a replacement for the commercial space station

In the end, the meeting ended with reporters raising their hands, and Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Every time he dealt with this group of reporters, he felt a little exhausted physically and mentally. I don’t know why those celebrities, those so-called Politburo members, like these reporters and cameras so much.

However, he was not completely relaxed after leaving the venue, because there were still people and things to deal with. The first is naturally Zhou Chengfang, Gao Jinguang and other leaders and experts.

At the press conference before, it was difficult for anyone to ask questions, but now it was just them, and these people could no longer hold back their curiosity.

Mr. Wu, do you really want to start the lunar scientific research station project? Zhou Chengfang asked Wu Hao curiously.

Seeing Zhou Chengfang taking the lead in asking questions, the surrounding experts immediately looked at Wu Hao with expressions of concern.

Wu Hao smiled upon seeing this and said: "There is such a plan, but it has not been officially decided yet. After all, we are still considering whether to build a commercial space station."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Gao Jinguang nodded slightly and said: "It is true that whether it is lunar exploration or a commercial space station, it is a huge scientific research project with huge investment. It is difficult for you alone to support it at the same time.

So there must be a sequence and some sacrifices. If a commercial space station is developed, the lunar scientific research station project will have to be postponed. But if a lunar scientific research station is to be built, the commercial space station project will have to be shelved first and then re-evaluated and launched when the time is right in the future. "

Zhou Chengfang, who was on the side, nodded when he heard this and said, "That's the truth, so the final decision has to be made by yourselves.

Compared to us, you are more sensitive to market dynamics. What you have to consider is not only technical risk control, but also market benefits, so you really need to make a careful decision. "

“In fact, as you said at the press conference, there are currently many commercial space station projects, and the space station projects in various countries have indeed compressed this fledgling commercial market to a very small size.

Although commercial aerospace is also a commercial project, it is also designed with some sensitive issues in mind. Even if we really want to open up to the outside world, people may not be willing to believe us. This is not only about design technology and market economic news, but also involves security and even core interest areas.

Therefore, if you don’t want to get involved in this muddy water, that’s fine. Anyway, you have the technology, so accumulate it first. When the market clears up and the time is ripe, it won’t be too late to decide to enter.

The lunar exploration project is currently very hot, and the market development prospects are very broad. In my personal opinion, it is also a good choice to get involved now and seize the opportunity.

However, compared to space station projects with relatively mature technology and precedents. There is no precedent for lunar exploration and lunar scientific research station construction projects, and everything needs to be explored by oneself. And the distance is 380,000 kilometers, the risks are huge, and the way forward is unknown.

Therefore, how to choose is really a difficult problem to be honest. "

In fact, both projects have their own pros and cons. The specific choice depends on Mr. Wu and his colleagues. As far as I am concerned, I am still more inclined to support the lunar scientific research station because of its broad development prospects. Gao Jinguang looked at Wu Hao and said with a smile.

Wu Hao naturally noticed the two men singing and harmonizing, just wanting to find out the truth from him. Of course, Wu Hao would not cause embarrassment by naming them. After all, they still have to cooperate, and they have to cooperate for a long time. It is not good for the relationship to become tense.

In addition, Wu Hao also wanted to use these two people to convey some information to the aerospace authorities, and he also wanted to test their opinions.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao shook his head slightly: "It is indeed very difficult to handle. As I said at the meeting, we have very serious internal differences regarding this project. Experts from the two sides even quarreled over it and almost became angry. Come on.

Personally, I am naturally more inclined to the lunar scientific research station construction project, because it has more development prospects than the commercial space station project.

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However, commercial space stations also have their own advantages, especially when we want to engage in space commercial laboratory projects and space commercial tourism projects, which all require the support of commercial space stations.

If this project is cut off, then the manned spaceflight project that we have put so much effort into will have no use for the time being, and therefore the series of projects we have formulated cannot be carried out. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded to express their understanding. Indeed, such a large project cannot be cut off just because it can be cut off. After all, so much has been invested in it. If it were cut off directly, it would really be a huge loss.

Is there no way to get the best of both worlds? An old expert in the crowd asked.

Upon hearing this question, everyone's eyes lit up, and then they looked at Wu Hao with a look of hope. Yes, isn't there a way to get the best of both worlds? Everyone also began to think about it.

When Wu Hao heard this question, he was secretly delighted. This old expert was really Song Jiang. This question was raised so timely that Wu Hao even doubted whether this old expert had been bribed by Yu Chengwu. Cooperated with Wu Hao.

Glancing at the crowd, Wu Hao pretended to sigh: "There is a way to get the best of both worlds, but it's too difficult."


"Tell me, what can I do?"

"If you have any difficulties, just ask. As our country's outstanding private aerospace enterprise, the state and relevant departments will definitely actively support your development. There is no need to worry about this."


After hearing what everyone said, Wu Hao's expression changed and he chuckled, then looked at everyone and said, "Actually, we have thought about this problem before. The best way is to find a replacement for our commercial space station project."

replacement? Everyone couldn't help but wonder.

Yes, alternative, find a space station to collaborate with. Wu Hao said with a smile.

Hearing what Wu Hao said, there was no one here who didn't understand what Wu Hao meant.

"Do you want to cooperate with Tiangong Space Station?"

Seeing someone asking a question, Wu Hao nodded very frankly and replied: "At present, Tiangong is indeed our best choice. Although there are many commercial space station projects abroad, everyone knows that we have been excluded and unable to obtain cooperate.

As for those who can obtain cooperation, we are not very able to take a fancy to them.

So after much deliberation, only Tiangong is more suitable.

Besides, is this our own space station? By cooperating with it, we are not taking advantage of others. Secondly, with our cooperation, not only can we continue to build and expand Tiangong, but we can also reduce related operating costs, and we can carry out more scientific research and commercial tasks. It can be said that there are hundreds of benefits and no harm. "

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