Military Technology

Chapter 2024 Moonlight Dinner

Chapter 2025 Moonlight Dinner

Holding Lin Wei's hand, the two stepped on the sand and were guided by the hotel staff to sit down in a white tent under a coconut tree on the beach in front of the hotel.

This is a shading tent with ventilation on all sides. There is a white dining table and two chairs inside. There are weak lights on the tent to adjust the atmosphere. There are two incense candles on the table, which is full of atmosphere.

"Mr. Wu, would you like to serve the meal now?" The hotel manager led two waiters and said softly to Wu Hao and Lin Wei.

The hotel pays special attention to distinguished guests like Wu Hao, and the manager personally provides services to Wu Hao and others. I even heard that after Wu Hao and the others booked the room, the hotel organized a relevant professional service team to receive Wu Hao and the others, striving to provide the best service.

In fact, Wu Hao and the others decided on this hotel after listening to the assessment of the security team. Before they moved in, security team members had already come over to make relevant preparations.

Wu Hao looked at the hotel manager who was slightly bent over and had a flattering look on his face, smiled and nodded: "Come on, thank you for your hard work."

You're welcome, providing the best service to every customer is what our hotel has always been pursuing. The manager responded, and then stepped back very knowingly, leaving space for them.

When Wu Hao and Lin Wei heard the manager's words, they couldn't help but laugh. They didn't know if other tourists were treated like them and had the hotel's general manager personally provide services.

Blowing the slightly fishy sea breeze, Lin Wei couldn't help but lean on the chair and open her hands. She closed her eyes slightly and said with a look of enjoyment: "It's so comfortable. I really want to stay here for a while."

Hearing Lin Wei's words, Wu Hao smiled and said, "You can live here if you want. Arrange your work and give yourself a holiday. Anyway, we have a house here. I remember you bought several."

If there are several buildings, just three. One on the riverside side, one on the B'ao side, and one on the Yalong side. Maybe we will buy a house here in the future, after all, we may often run here in the future. Lin Wei thought for a while and said.

Wu Hao shook his head when he heard this: "It's not necessary. Those three buildings are enough. Besides, it's not far from B'ao, so we can take care of both."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei nodded slightly and did not insist, but sighed and said: "How can I have so much free time? There are still a lot of things waiting for me in the company.

Besides, even if I can find time to take a vacation for myself, is it okay with you? "

Seeing Lin Wei looking at him, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly. Indeed, this is a major disadvantage of both working. It is difficult to coordinate the time arrangements of both parties. Especially since both of them are heads of large companies, it is even more difficult to adjust their schedules together.

When this period of busy work is over, I will definitely take half a month to come and play with you for a few days. Feeling Lin Wei's gaze, Wu Hao responded with a smile.

It would be weird to believe you. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and said nothing.

Wu Hao laughed, and then said to Lin Wei: "We don't have time, can we ask our parents to come? Anyway, they are idle, and the house here is also vacant. Let them live here for a while. The climate and environment are more suitable for health preservation.”

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Wei couldn't help but shook her head: "These three houses were bought at the time and were not cleaned up very much. They certainly cannot be moved in directly. If you want them to come, I will have people clean them up.

But the question is, will they come?

My parents are busy with projects right now. They are very interested in that apartment project you asked them to build. How could they put down their work and come here for a vacation and recuperation?

As for your parents, it's more difficult. I think they are used to living in your hometown, and they started clamoring to go back not long after staying there during the New Year. "

Aren't they afraid that if they live here for a long time, they will make you unhappy? Wu Hao joked with a smile.

Come on, am I that kind of person? It’s too late for me to be happy that they can come. How could I not be happy? Speaking of this, Lin Wei stared at Wu Hao and said, "Let me tell you, stop blaming these things on me. It's obvious that you are too busy and have no time. The second elder is afraid of affecting your work, so he went back." .”


Wu Hao was speechless when he heard this. He really couldn't refute this. One of the reasons why Wu Jianhua and Zhang Xiaoman went back was because he was busy at the beginning of the year, and the two old men were worried about affecting his work, so they went back.

After a slight cough, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Summer is about to come, and the weather here is too hot. Letting them come here is a complete suffering. Wait until the weather gets cold, and let them spend the winter."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to Lin Wei: "You should also give more advice to your parents. Retire when it's time to retire. You are already in your fifties and sixties. Don't bother like this. Plant flowers at home and practice Tai Chi." What's wrong with boxing and square dancing?"

Go, how old are my parents? Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, and then sighed and said, "It's not like I haven't tried to persuade you, but they are too stubborn to listen to them.

In their words, I don't have to worry about them now, but my brother is still young, so I still need their help.

I was speechless when I heard this. Lin Lei is also about to graduate, isn't he still young?

Besides, the family's share of property is neither too much nor too little. Isn't it enough that I don't want to give everything to Lin Lei? I still have a headache all day long. "

Speaking of this, Lin Wei glared at Wu Hao and said angrily: "Why don't you say it? Compared to my daughter, they love your cheap son-in-law very much. If you go and persuade her, it might be useful. "

A son-in-law is just a son-in-law. Where can you find a cheap son-in-law? Wu Hao said angrily.

He's not married yet, so he's nothing but a cheap son-in-law. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and sneered.

Okay, this matter has been brought up. Wu Hao shook his head helplessly, then looked at her and said, "Well, I'll go back and find some time to talk to the two elders. That'll be enough. Don't worry too much.

I have also received some news before that some people want to have a relationship with me from their second elder. "

"You mean, these people are targeting them?" Lin Wei suddenly turned serious when she heard this.

Wu Hao said nothing because at this time the waiter started to serve the food. Not far away, a girl in a white dress walked onto the wooden stage and slowly played the violin.

The melodious sound of the piano, accompanied by the sea breeze and waves, made everyone on the beach intoxicated.

Taste how it tastes. Wu Hao picked up a piece of salad with a knife and fork, and then ate it.

Come on, you're going to kill me. It's about her parents, Lin Wei couldn't help but said anxiously.

It's nothing big, just some small things that can't be brought to the forefront. Just give me a little reminder, so don't worry. Wu Hao comforted with a smile.

Although Wu Hao said it calmly, Lin Wei still frowned slightly. It was obvious that she could hear that things were not as simple as Wu Hao said.

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