Military Technology

Chapter 2029 Manned launch, set off!

It was three o'clock in the morning, the sky was full of stars, and the Nanhai launch site was brightly lit.

Many people have gathered in front of Feitian Pavilion. Some of them are holding national flags, holding banners, or happily singing red songs. Everyone is looking forward to it, waiting for the most shining and absolute protagonist to appear today.

Accompanied by a burst of cheers, Wu Hao, Zhou Chengfang, and Gao Jinguang appeared on the scene. Then, while smiling and waving, they walked to the microphone that had been set up and stood there, waiting for today's protagonist to come out.

According to the official official launcher departure ceremony, the person who presided over this ceremony should be the supreme commander present, the general. However, this is a civilian spacecraft launch, so we try to get rid of these factors as much as possible. This is also conducive to the external image display. They are really using space peacefully.

Of course, this is just an attitude, or appearance. As for whether others believe it or not, I don’t know. Anyway, they don’t believe it in their own hearts.

Not long after the three people stood there, an exciting march started. Along with the applause and cheers of the crowd, astronaut Yuan Zifeng, wearing a new sci-fi style cabin space suit designed and developed by Wu Hao and others, emerged from Feitian Pavilion. Walked out.

He smiled and waved to everyone. The other hand is also carrying a small external air-conditioning device. This device is connected to the space suit through cables to provide power, ventilation, etc. for the space suit, so that it can maintain normal temperature and humidity inside, so that it will not be affected by the hot outside temperature. , causing astronauts wearing spacesuits to feel stuffy.

After walking to a microphone about three meters in front of Wu Hao and the others, Yuan Zifeng stood at attention and saluted the three of them neatly.

Then he raised his voice and shouted: "Comrade Commander-in-Chief, I have been ordered to carry out the Walker 4 manned flight experiment mission. I am ready. Please give instructions, Yuan Zifeng, an astronaut of the Chinese... Military Astronaut Brigade!"

Set off! Wu Hao, who was standing in the middle, spoke loudly and replied. As the person in charge of Haoyu Technology, Wu Hao naturally became the top person in charge of this project, so it was natural that he should preside over the expedition ceremony. Of course, he was not a good person. He also brought Gao Jinguang and Zhou Chengfang, who represented the launch site and astronaut department, to participate in and host the expedition ceremony. Although the two of them stood beside Wu Hao and did not speak and seemed to have no sense of presence, allowing them to attend was already a sign of respect.

yes! Yuan Zifeng responded loudly.

Then the high-spirited march sounded again, and everyone onlookers cheered and blessed.

Yuan Zifeng waved to everyone present, and then walked up to Wu Hao. Wu Hao shook hands with Yuan Zifeng and said with a smile: "Have a safe journey!"

Thank you Mr. Wu! Yuan Zifeng smiled and thanked, then shook hands with Zhou Chengfang and Gao Jinguang, and then accompanied by music, Yuan Zifeng waved around, especially when passing by his family, Yuan Zifeng showed loving eyes and waved gently, and then It was time to say goodbye to his family and everyone. He walked to the door of the business car that had been prepared for a long time, turned around and waved goodbye to everyone, and then got into the car.

Several accompanying staff also got on the bus one after another, the door slowly closed, and the entire vehicle headed for the launch site under the escort of the motorcade.

Watching the motorcade leave, Zhou Chengfang waved again, and then said with some emotion: "Although I have experienced this scene many times, every time I am very excited, nervous, worried, and reluctant to leave.

In my eyes, they are not only astronauts, but more like my children. I personally recruited them and then trained them to eventually grow into qualified astronauts.

Now he is about to go on a mission and take the big exam. As a class teacher, I feel very complicated at this time. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Chengfang looked at Gao Jinguang and said, "Old Gao, the rest is up to you."

Don't worry, I will send him to space safely. Gao Jinguang comforted him with a smile, but judging from his expression, this task was not easy this time. In fact, it is no wonder that for them, a new rocket, a new spacecraft, and the first manned launch can be said to be very challenging. There are too many unknowns, which also makes them feel a lot of pressure.

Although we have experienced three unmanned experimental spacecraft launches before, we have accumulated some relatively rich experience and data. But this manned launch is different. Leaving aside other aspects, it is just the psychological pressure it brings to everyone, which makes these launch site veterans who are full of surprises not feel relaxed.

Wu Hao naturally took the reaction and performance of the two seriously, and then smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, please believe that our rocket and our spaceship will be able to send him to the sky safely and smoothly, and he will also Sent back safely."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Chengfang and Gao Jinguang couldn't help but nodded. Gao Jinguang waved and said, "Let's go back to the launch command and control center. We still have a lot of work to do."

After hearing Gao Jinguang's words, Wu Hao and Zhou Chengfang did not delay and immediately walked towards the launch command and control center. Although for Wu Hao, his task has been completed at this moment, and his main job next is to be a good audience. No intervention, no impact on the entire launch process, watch the entire launch process quietly. And at the end, just go on stage and announce the results.

However, at this moment, Wu Hao couldn't help but feel uneasy. After all, this is the first manned launch mission, and there are too many uncertainties. Rocket ship launches do not have a 100% success rate, and risks are always associated with them. What's more, this is the first manned launch, so the risks are higher. It is very likely that a small mistake will eventually lead to launch failure.

If the previous unmanned experimental spacecraft failed, it would be a failure. At worst, it would lose some money and start over. But this time it was different. This time it was a manned launch, and there was no room for failure. You must know that this involved a human life, so they couldn't help but be cautious.

People knew that the risk of this mission was very high, and they resolutely chose to participate in this mission. This was a great deal of trust in them, and it was equivalent to putting their lives in their hands. If their negligence leads to an unfortunate launch again, then they are derelict in their duties, a crime, and will never be forgiven.

Even this incident is likely to become an unforgettable regret for Wu Hao and others. They will live with this kind of regret and remorse for the rest of their lives and never let go.

Therefore, at this moment, he also felt a lot of pressure. Although he hides it well. Because as the overall person in charge of this mission, Wu Hao must show confidence and calmness in order to stabilize the morale of the military.

If one of the people in charge shows a worried look, then the people below will inevitably be affected by them, and the entire team may be affected by Wu Hao's emotions and mentality, and ultimately affect their decision-making.

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