Military Technology

Chapter 2041 Risks and Opportunities Coexist

Hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, Wu Hao smiled slightly and joked: "This is not like you. When did you consider market operations and economic benefits?"

Wu Hao was right. In the past, Zhou Xiangming focused entirely on technical projects and rarely cared about the company's business, let alone market economy gains. But now that he said these words, Wu Hao and even Lin Wei, who was familiar with Zhou Xiangming, were a little surprised or even surprised.

Seeing Wu Hao and Lin Wei looking at him with strange eyes, Zhou Xiangming showed a wry smile and said: "Isn't this forced? I want to devote myself to the project research, but I need funds.

You don’t know that firewood, rice, fuel and salt are expensive. Every year, you only grant us a small amount of funds. Haoyu Aerospace has so many projects, each of which requires money, and they are all big money burners.

What do you want us to do? With this little money, if we give a little more to this person, that person won't want to; if we give a little more to that person, this person will get upset. So, we must take care of it at all levels.

In addition, aren't we preparing to go public? After the company goes public, we must consider market efficiency. Otherwise, who will be willing to buy our stocks? So I have been studying hard and striving to improve myself. "

Yes, Not Bad. Wu Hao smiled and nodded in appreciation.

“If you are just doing technology, naturally you don’t need to consider these things, but if you want to lead the team’s research work and lead the company’s development, you must consider economic benefits. This is the basis to support your continued research.

If there is no strong economic support, then all your dreams and ambitions will be castles in the air. "

Zhou Xiangming nodded and let out a wry smile and said: "I understand, so in recent times, I have been learning about the company's market operations. I had never been exposed to it before, but only after I got in touch did I realize that there are so many aspects of operations management. It’s so winding and winding that I have a bit of a headache.”

Hehehe... Wu Hao and Lin Wei both laughed after hearing Zhou Xiangming's words.

Okay, back to the project, you go on. Wu Hao returned to the topic and said.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming immediately put away his smile and said seriously: "I think so. In fact, the technology of the space station is not much different from that of the lunar scientific research station. There is not much difference.

Perhaps the only difference is that one is floating in space orbit and the other lives on the moon. And compared to floating in orbit, standing on the moon is an advantage.

The only thing that may give us some difficulty is the distance between the earth and the moon, but this should not be a problem.

So if that's the case, why do we need to build such a commercial space station that is of no use at all? Why not pool the financial resources in this area and invest them in lunar exploration that has broader prospects anyway.

Now the moon can be said to be a virgin land, and everyone is coveting it. However, there are only a few people who can actually land on the moon and land on the moon, and there are even fewer commercial companies. This is an opportunity for us.

At present, we have conducted on-site detection of a large area on the front of the moon and have mastered a lot of first-hand information. With these detection data, we can take the lead and seize some areas on the moon with high economic value and scientific research value. Place.

If we really delay and others take the lead, then we will have to pick up what others have left, and it will be too late to regret it by then. "

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this. Zhou Xiangming's words made sense. Indeed, compared to the commercial space station project that seems to be hot now, the lunar scientific research station project and the entire lunar exploration project have more development prospects.

In addition, there are indeed many countries and companies currently planning to go to the moon. If they develop step by step, they will definitely fall behind each other. So instead of doing that, it is better to simply give up on the immediate and take a longer-term view. For a long time in the future, what humans will be paying attention to and competing for will definitely be this extraterrestrial planet closest to our earth.

In addition, the moon has a special strategic position and is the gateway to the earth. It can be said that if humans want to go out of the earth to explore space in the future, they must pass through the earth, and when returning to the earth from outer space, they must also pass through the moon.

For such an important location, both its strategic and economic value are immeasurable.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming and shook his head slightly: "Whether it is a commercial space station or a lunar scientific research station, it is a huge project. It cannot be canceled just by canceling it, nor can it be changed by changing it.

We all know that lunar exploration is a very huge project. Once the construction of the lunar scientific research station is started, the investment will be a huge amount. You must understand the risks involved.

Secondly, there are still many technical problems that need to be solved in our lunar scientific research station project. Do you think it’s appropriate to launch hastily before these issues are resolved? "

After hearing what Wu Hao said, Lin Wei, who was sitting next to him, nodded in agreement. For such a huge project, it is too hasty to advance it in advance.

Zhou Xiangming looked at Wu Hao and nodded when he heard this: "I think risks and opportunities coexist, and any project has risks. And it is foreseeable that the commercial scientific research station project is not a profitable project, and I think you are not willing to do it either." Throw all the money in and you won't hear any noise.

As for technical matters, I actually don’t think it’s that serious.

As far as transportation is concerned, what we are most worried about at the moment is the transportation of materials and personnel to the earth and the moon. I don’t think this is a problem.

Our Jianmu-9 rocket can transfer nearly 20 tons from the Earth to the moon, which is enough to meet the material transportation requirements for the initial construction of the lunar scientific research station. There is no problem at all. As for personnel transportation, haven't we already thought of a solution?

A transfer spacecraft is operated between the moon and the earth. This spacecraft can operate in orbit for a long time and perform personnel transportation between the earth and the moon.

If astronauts or other scientific researchers want to go to the moon, they can launch our Walker series spacecraft, and then dock with the transfer spacecraft orbiting the earth and the moon. The personnel will enter the transfer spacecraft and go to the lunar orbit.

It docks with the lunar lander in lunar orbit, then transfers personnel to the lander, and then the lander relays the personnel to the moon. In this way, we can make full use of limited resources and greatly reduce initial construction and operating costs. I think this plan is feasible. "

So have you ever thought about the risks this plan brings? Wu Hao looked at Zhou Xiangming and asked seriously.

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