Military Technology

Chapter 2061 Reshaping the Five Officials

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zou Feifei nodded. After all, for her, the only ones she can trust now are Wu Hao, Xu Shenghua and the others. If even they shook their heads and lost confidence, then who could she turn to for help.

After comforting Zou Feifei, Wu Hao took a pair of medical rubber gloves from the doctor on the side and put them on, then slowly turned Zou Feifei's head to an angle that was more conducive to attention, and then looked closer and looked at it carefully.

The repair of the large muscle groups on the face has been basically completed. Judging from the current repair effect, it is still very ideal.

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present nodded. They saw the changes in the damaged wounds on Zou Feifei's face. It can be said that today's results are indeed due to the bio-3D printing technology supported by Wu Hao and others.

"The next step is to repair some small muscle groups, nerve tissue, and subcutaneous capillaries. Although it seems to be some piecemeal work, the total amount of work is still relatively large, and this is a delicate job that cannot be done blindly. If you are greedy for speed, you must take your time.

Of course, in order to reduce the number of surgeries as much as possible, thereby reducing the patient's postoperative pain and a series of other problems, my suggestion is to focus on repairs, that is to say, perform multiple rounds of repair surgeries in one operation. "

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Qinghong was worried and said, "This can indeed reduce the number of surgeries, but there is a problem that needs to be solved, that is, can we obtain enough repair materials at one time, that is, bio-3D printed tissues. You know, we are now The progress of the repair work depends entirely on the efficiency of the bio-3D printing tissue. It is good to perform multiple repairs at one time, but the efficiency of the bio-3D printing cannot meet the demand."

Zhang Qinghong's words naturally attracted everyone's approval. Indeed, it is not the hospital that affects the patient's treatment progress, but Wu Hao and the others. That's why Zhang Qinghong asked questions after hearing what Wu Hao said.

Regarding the problem mentioned by Zhang Qinghong, Wu Hao glanced at everyone and shook his head with a smile, "This problem is actually not difficult to solve, first of all, because the next ones are small muscle groups, nerve tissue, capillaries and other tissues and organs. For transplantation and repair treatment, the bio-3D printed tissues required are relatively small, so the time required for printing is relatively short.

And because the volume is relatively small, printing requires less space. In this way, we can print multiple sets of biological 3D printing tissues at the same time. In this way, we can obtain quite objective biological 3D printing tissues in one printing.

In this way, we can meet the needs of patients related to facial damage repair surgery.鵵婲尐徾网

Secondly, we will also invest in two new bio-3D printers, which will greatly improve the printing efficiency, printing quality and accuracy compared with the previous ones. These two new bio-3D printing machines will also be used for bio-3D printing of some precise tissues and organs. "

Really, that's great. Hearing Wu Hao's words, not only Zou Feifei, but also Xu Shenghua, Wu Jiuzhi and others couldn't help but become excited. The reason why they are so excited is not only because there is finally hope for Zou Feifei's treatment and recovery. On the other hand, of course, we are also excited that the technology of bio-3D printing is becoming more and more mature. As medical experts who participated in the first clinical trial of this technology, they will definitely leave a mark in this field.

Even many people present are still thinking about how many related papers about biological 3D printing and this case will be published by experts.

"If this is the case, then one or two surgeries can be used to repair the damaged tissue on the patient's face.

Once these are repaired, we will begin transplanting and repairing the patient's damaged skin tissue. Because the damaged area is relatively large, it is expected that the entire face will require three to four surgeries before it can be completely repaired. "Wu Jiuzhi looked at the wounds on Zou Feifei's face and said.

Xu Shenghua nodded and said, "It's almost the same. The main difficulty lies in the repair around the facial features and the surgery to reshape the facial features."

"Mr. Wu, do you have any ideas or suggestions regarding the repair of the patient's damaged facial features?" Zhang Qinghong did not follow, but looked at Wu Hao and asked.

Wu Hao did not speak when he heard this, but lowered his head again to look at Zou Feifei's damaged face, thought for a while, and then said, "First of all, let's talk about the nose. Half of the patient's nose has been severely damaged. If only Repairing on the current damaged basis will undoubtedly mean filling in new tiles with rotten beams, which is of no use at all.

Therefore, if you want to completely repair it, you need to remove the damaged part of the nose and even the good part, and then transplant the new nose printed by bio-3D onto it, which will be more intuitive and natural. "

You mean to remove the whole thing and replace it with a new one? This is too risky. Zhang Qinghong frowned when he heard this.

Xu Shenghua also nodded and looked at Wu Hao and said, "Mr. Wu, the nose is an important respiratory organ. If it is completely removed and then re-transplanted, it is not necessary. What I mean is that we should be more conservative and only treat the damage above the nose. Just repair the part, there is no need to take so many risks.

After all, the nose is connected to the lungs. If the wound is too big, it can easily cause lung infection, which can be life-threatening. "

Another point, Wu Jiuzhi said, "It will definitely look more beautiful if it is replaced as a whole, but I also mean to be cautious. After all, the nose is one of the most fragile organs on our face, and it is also an organ that we often touch.

Therefore, whether the new nose with bio-3D printing can withstand the daily collision with the hands, as well as the daily kneading of the patient himself. "

After listening to what a few people said, everyone present nodded.

As for Wu Hao, he did not continue to refute or explain, but looked at Zou Feifei's damaged nose again, and then said to her, "The reason why we are talking about this in front of you is to let you be fully informed." Rights and choices. So now the choice is in your hands, will you choose a more radical treatment plan or a more stable treatment plan?"

When Wu Hao suddenly asked her, Zou Feifei was a little confused. Facing the people who were looking around, Zou Feifei thought for a moment, then smiled at Wu Hao and said, "Mr. Wu, what are the advantages of these two treatment options? Can you give me some advice?" May I introduce you?"

After hearing Zou Feifei's words, Wu Hao smiled at him and said, "Actually, we have talked too much about this before, so I won't repeat it.

Let me put it simply, choose the riskier and more radical treatment option, which is to replace the entire nose. This way, the integrity is better, no traces of repair or replacement can be seen, and you get a real nose. Moreover, if you dislike your nose being too flat, you can ask us to print it to make it straighter.

That said, we can make it a little more perfect. "

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