Military Technology

Chapter 2064 The billion-dollar market in hair

Regarding the application of hair follicle cloning and transplantation treatment technology, Wu Hao and the others have actually drawn up a very complete implementation plan. The ultimate goal is to launch this technology into the market within two to three years.

From this summer to autumn, this technology will also be officially put into clinical trials. Sixty to one hundred patients will be recruited for the initial phase of clinical trials. After the first-phase clinical trial achieves satisfactory results, the second-phase clinical trial will be conducted, and three hundred to five hundred patients will be recruited for further clinical trials.

After the results of the second phase clinical trial reach the expected goal, it will immediately enter the third phase clinical trial. Wu Hao and the others plan to expand the number of people in the third phase clinical trial to more than 1,000 people.

The more people involved in a clinical trial, the richer the data collected and the more accurate it will naturally be. Of course Wu Hao and the others hope that the more data in this area, the better, or that is what all pharmaceutical manufacturers think.

However, clinical trials are expensive, so everyone tends to control them within a reasonable range. As long as the drug or treatment technology developed meets the relevant expected standards, the clinical trial can end.

Generally speaking, you can apply for marketing after completing the third phase of clinical trials. However, for some drugs and technologies, relevant research continues after they are launched, and there may even be phase four or five clinical trials.

On the one hand, the purpose is of course to conduct more detailed experiments on this drug or technological achievements, so as to obtain more data and information, such as what kind of curative effect this drug has on what diseases, and what side effects it has on ordinary people and specific groups of people. Wait, these all take a long time to research.

So you may find that the instructions for some very expensive drugs or some common drugs are very detailed and densely packed with relevant research information about this drug.

On the other hand, it is to explore the maximum value of this drug and technology. For example, the development of some drugs is usually very dramatic. For example, the aphrodisiac drug that everyone knows, brother, this drug was originally developed to treat heart disease and cardiovascular disease. However, researchers later discovered that this drug has serious side effects, one of the most important side effects being that it easily causes men to become excited and stand up.

As a result, this drug, which was originally used to treat new men and cardiovascular diseases, has dramatically become a holy medicine for men to regain their prowess. On the contrary, its original role has been gradually ignored by people.

There are also some drugs that have very good therapeutic effects on different diseases. In other words, one drug can treat many diseases. As a result, the scope of use of this drug will be wider, the demand will increase exponentially, and its market revenue will naturally increase.

Especially for many pharmaceutical companies, it is not easy to develop a new drug. The investment is huge, time-consuming and labor-intensive. It usually takes five to ten years to produce results, and it may not be successful.

So now that a drug has been developed, these pharmaceutical companies naturally want to tap out the full value of the drug.

As far as this hair follicle cloning and transplantation treatment technology is concerned, its market prospects are definitely very broad. Wu Hao and others once made an estimate that once this technology is put into commercial use, it will bring market revenue of more than 100 billion to Haoyu Technology.

This is definitely a huge market. After all, for all men and women who suffer from hair loss or have hair loss, regaining beautiful black hair is what these people dream of.

"Can the price really be controlled so low? In theory, it seems to be much more complicated than ordinary hair transplantation technology." An expert present who also suffered from hair loss asked.

After hearing what this expert said, everyone present nodded and looked at Wu Hao. Indeed, they also have such doubts in their minds. In this case, the cloning and transplantation treatment technology of hair follicles should be more complicated. Why is it cheaper than ordinary hair transplantation?

Facing the curious eyes of everyone, Wu Hao said with a smile, "First of all, traditional hair transplant surgery involves collecting and extracting hair follicles from other parts of the patient. This process is relatively slow, and then the extracted hair follicles need to be sorted. , and eliminate some less qualified ones.

Finally, these extracted hair follicles are transplanted bit by bit into the parts of the patient's head that need to be covered. The entire treatment process is basically manual, which is very time-consuming and labor-intensive, so the cost is naturally high.

As for our technology, it uses automated intelligent medical technology to a large extent. For example, some processes can be completely automated using these surgical instruments. Not only is the operation time shorter and more efficient, but the average quality is better than manual surgery. The implantation is more stable, which ensures the survival rate of hair transplantation.

And it is also because the addition of automated and unmanned surgical instruments has greatly liberated the doctor's hands. As a result, the corresponding treatment costs have also been significantly reduced. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, everyone immediately laughed, but the smiles on the faces of the medical experts present were more or less bitter. Hearing that Wu Hao wanted to replace the original hair transplants and perform hair transplants on their behalf, this was undoubtedly robbing them of their jobs. As colleagues, how could they bear it? At the same time, they also had a great sense of crisis for their professional work.

This sense of crisis did not just appear today. In fact, it has already appeared. In particular, Wu Hao and the others have developed biological 3D printing technology, which makes experts like Xu Shenghua, Zhang Qinghong and others feel a little bit of a sense of crisis. The medical technology experience that they relied on to survive and draw lessons from seemed to be so vulnerable in the face of new technologies.

This time, they saw the recovery changes on the patients' faces, which made their sense of crisis even stronger. Maybe one day, they really won’t be needed anymore, just having machines and equipment will do.

What you mean is that the entire hair transplantation process uses intelligent medical equipment and does not require the involvement of a doctor. Wu Jiuzhi grasped the core of the problem and looked at Wu Hao for confirmation.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded, "In fact, not only the hair transplantation process, but also the cloning and cultivation process of these hair follicle tissues can be completely handled by robots.

We only need to pass the patient's hair follicle tissue sample into the machine. The relevant cloning equipment will clone the hair follicle tissue and then cultivate it. After the required amount of cloning culture material is cultivated, the biological 3D printing equipment will work independently to print out batches of cloned hair follicles. "

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