Military Technology

Chapter 2074 This is the real

The car drove all the way to the living area of ​​the Northwest Research Base. Compared with the original barren sand and the temporary container houses and tents, the current living area has become more like a huge community.

In this community, there are residential buildings, commercial streets, and various entertainment and leisure facilities. It can be said that it has everything you need. People at the base can meet most of their daily needs without going out.

More and more family members came here, which also promoted the development of the commercial district. Those family members opened shops, hair salons, restaurants, cafes, etc. here, and Wu Hao and others wanted to meet the living needs of the employees working here. , also opened a comprehensive commercial center, which is very complete from clothing stores to cinemas.

Those buildings are completed. Wu Hao couldn't help but ask as he looked at the high-rise buildings in the living area that stood out from the crowd.

Qi Guangkun nodded and said with a smile: "The project has basically been completed, and the final decoration and finishing work is currently being carried out. It will be fully delivered by the end of this month.

The entire first-level project can provide a total of 1,200 standard residences, the vast majority of which are 45 to 80 square meters with one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom, and one bedroom, two living rooms, one kitchen and one bathroom. Finely decorated small apartment.

Residences ranging from 80 square meters to 120 square meters account for a very small part. This part is mainly for middle and senior leaders who have been working here for a long time, as well as qualified scientists and researchers.

Finally, there are several extra-large apartments, all ranging from 160 to 240 square meters. These apartments are mainly for some leaders of the company to stay.

According to your instructions, I have left you a top-floor apartment with a better view, overlooking the entire base and the surrounding desert scenery. It has been decorated according to your requirements and is ready to move in at any time. "

Hearing Qi Guangkun's words, Wu Hao nodded slightly. This house was a house that Wu Hao asked Qi Guangkun to reserve exclusively for him after the residential project was established.

Preparing this house does not mean that Wu Hao will live here permanently. That is not the case. This house will serve as his future foothold at the Northwest Research Base. In this way, he no longer has to stay in the base hotel every time he comes. Although it is perfectly fine for a day or two, he will still feel inconvenient for a long time.

In addition, the biggest function of this house is actually for disaster recovery. The so-called cunning rabbit has three burrows. People like him must be able to prepare more places for themselves.

Compared with the outside world, it is safer here and will not be disturbed by the outside world.

Zhang Jun on the side couldn't help but look at Wu Hao in surprise and said, "I didn't hear that you got a house here. Why, you want to settle down here."

Hearing Zhang Jun teasing him, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "It's nice to come and stay here by chance. This is a very special sand-view room, much more expensive than any sea-view room.

How about it, are you interested in visiting my home here? "

Hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Zhang Jun smiled and said, "Let's go and see what this so-called sand-view room is like."

Seeing Zhang Jun say this, Wu Hao turned around and waved at Qi Guangkun: "Let's go and see my new home."

OK Qi Guangkun smiled when he heard this, and then gave instructions to the driver. You know, he put a lot of thought into Wu Hao's house and waited for Wu Hao to see it.

So he was naturally happy to see Wu Hao in such high spirits. It seemed that his hard work during this period was not in vain. But while he was happy, he was still a little uneasy, and he didn't know if Wu Hao would like his arrangement.

With anxiety, Qi Guangkun accompanied Wu Hao to this resettlement residential complex. The community is very clean, with lush vegetation and many infrastructure and fitness facilities. The distance between each building in the community is relatively large, so all residences have relatively high lighting.

There are a total of eight buildings in the first phase, each building is around 25 or 6 floors, and there are two rows of four buildings in each row. As for the building that Wu Hao changed, it is located on the side and has a better view.

Take the elevator to the top floor. There is only one apartment on this floor, which can occupy the entire floor. Qi Guangkun took the access card handed over by the staff, opened the door, and invited Wu Hao and the others to enter.

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then walked away with his daughter first. There is a lot of space inside the house, and the overall layout and decoration design are relatively simple and modern, which makes Wu Hao very satisfied.

He personally likes this simple, modern and practical style. As for the luxurious retro style, it is not the type he appreciates.

The most eye-catching thing in the entire living room is of course the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can clearly see the endless desert scenery in the distance, as well as the tree-lined oasis on one side. The entire field of view is still very broad. of.

Through the terrace on the other side, you can overlook the entire park, but in terms of view, this house is simply amazing. In addition, the huge terrace allows people to enjoy the desert wind and watch the sunrise and sunset in the desert.

After turning around in a circle, Wu Hao nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Qi Guangkun who was a little nervous and smiled and thanked him: "Thank you for your hard work."

As long as you are satisfied, I don't have anything to do, it's just my words. Qi Guangkun smiled and became polite, but the joy and excitement in his expression had long betrayed him.

Wu Hao didn't care about this either. This was human nature and he could understand it.

This is so good, I want a set. Zhang Jun, who turned around in a circle, smiled and praised.

Also, if you like it, pick one up. Wu Hao smiled and said casually, for them, this is not a problem.

Hearing his words, Zhang Jun waved his hand: "Forget it, I don't come often, so I'm wasting my quota."

After saying that, Zhang Jun turned to Qi Guangkun and asked, "Are these houses given to employees for free?"

When Qi Guangkun heard Zhang Jun's question, he shook his head and nodded: "That's not the case. Although we provide the houses here for free to employees who have been working here for a long time, we do not have ownership of the houses. The entire house is provided by us for free to employees who have worked here for a long time. Employees can live in the house without a time limit, unless they are transferred here. The house will be taken back automatically when the job position is transferred, and then provided to the employees who come to live here below.

In addition, for some employees who travel between Anxi and here, we will also impose some restrictions, such as the number of days they must live here every year. If the house is idle for too long, they may also face being interviewed and taken back for residential use. processing of rights.

After all, if a house is left idle for too long, it is also a serious waste of resources. It's better to let it go and leave it to those who really need it. "

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