Military Technology

Chapter 2087 Earth-Moon Transfer Spacecraft

So I think we should pay attention to this issue. On the one hand, we can focus on targeted observations. If they are really not suitable for management positions, I suggest that they leave as soon as possible and become a technical expert with peace of mind. This is also good.

In addition, for other people, can we set up a training class on business management and operations, and bring experts to recharge their batteries?

Live until you are old and learn until you are old. "

This is a good suggestion!

Wu Hao affirmed: “Relevant corporate business management training courses can be set up, and some famous university teachers and famous experts can be invited to teach and impart some knowledge on corporate management and operations.

Even, I think we can set up such a training class for a long time, so that the heads of these branches, subsidiaries, and company departments can rotate to learn and form a mechanism.

We can even cooperate with universities and send people to universities for relevant studies. "

We also have this idea, but considering that not only the management of branches and subsidiaries, but also the heads of company departments, they are very busy at work, it may be difficult to spare time to participate in such training courses.

It's fine if you accidentally take a day or two to attend a lecture or something, but it's a bit difficult to get them to put down the work at hand and study for a period of time. Zhang Jun expressed his worries and difficulties. ’

When Wu Hao heard this, he waved his hand and said: "No matter how busy they are, can they be as busy as us? Let's take the lead in learning and set an example for them.

You are right, live until you are old and learn until you are old. If we never learn and are not exposed to the latest cutting-edge ideas, then we may be abandoned by society and the times. We are a technology company, so our thinking must be ahead of society and the times. We must be a leader in thoughts and concepts, not a follower.

All middle and senior managers in the company must go through such learning opportunities. In order to prevent someone from taking advantage of the loopholes, set some hard targets. Each person must attend twelve classes per year and produce a handwritten account of their learning experience.

Class performance and final assignments are comprehensively scored, and the scores are included in the annual assessment, which is directly linked to performance bonuses and serves as an important reference for future job promotions. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Yang Xiaoyun and Zhou Xiangming present couldn't help but smile bitterly. As the managers in charge of Haoyu Aerospace, they will definitely not be able to avoid this training class.

When I think about my current job, I still have to attend this training class and hand in homework. It is also linked to performance bonuses and job promotions, which is really stressful.

No matter how much reluctance they had in their hearts and no matter how many words they said, they did not have the courage to speak anymore in the face of Wu Hao's irrefutable tone and expression.

Zhang Jun naturally noticed this, he smiled slightly, and then said to Wu Hao: "Then I will start making arrangements when I get back, starting with us.

To be honest, I haven’t studied for a long time. I took this opportunity to gain a lot of experience. Now when I meet some customers and industry bosses, we all have trouble understanding some new terms and so on. "

Everything remains true to its original purpose. To put it bluntly, it is the continuous deepening of corporate operation and management concepts and the continuous exploration and expansion of market business. Grasp these two points and you won’t go too far.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun: "When inviting famous teachers and experts, try to find some people with good reputations, real abilities, and pragmatism. Don't just look at reputation and look for those who are rhetorical and flashy. We don't need these people."

Don't worry, I will arrange this myself. Zhang Jun assured Wu Hao.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Wu Hao nodded, then turned to look at Zhou Xiangming and said, "Let's go and see other projects."

Zhou Xiangming understood, and then led everyone to another laboratory. In the middle of the laboratory, there was a one-to-one scale model of a spaceship. However, this is not a Walker manned spacecraft, but more like the core module of a space station, but there is a big difference.

This is our research project team for the Earth-to-Moon transfer spacecraft. What you see in front of you is a one-to-one spacecraft model of our Earth-to-Moon transfer spacecraft. Zhou Xiangming introduced to everyone.

Wu Hao and the others immediately gathered around and looked at him after hearing this. In fact, they were attracted by this big guy when they first came in.

Why does it look a bit like the core module of our space station? Zhang Jun was the first to speak, and he directly expressed the thoughts of everyone present.

Everyone at the scene laughed when they heard this, and Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "Yes, during the design and development process of this Earth-moon transfer spacecraft, we referred to existing spacecraft and space stations to a certain extent.

We believe that the core module of our national space station conforms to some characteristics of the Earth-moon transfer spacecraft to a certain extent, so we have conducted relevant research on this basis. "

Be specific. After Wu Hao listened to Zhou Xiangming's words, he motioned for him to continue preaching.

Okay, after hearing this, Zhou Xiangming led everyone to the model of the Earth-to-Moon transfer spacecraft, and continued to introduce it to everyone: "Before I go into details, let me ask everyone, what is the Earth-to-Moon transfer spacecraft?"

After asking, Zhou Xiangming glanced at everyone, and then continued: "The so-called Earth-moon transfer spacecraft, as the name suggests, is a cargo and personnel transfer spacecraft that flies from the earth to the moon, or from the moon to the earth.

In the past lunar landing missions, the moon landing was done in one go, that is to say, the lunar landing spacecraft was used to directly depart from the earth, then go straight to the moon, and then come back from the moon.

This method of landing on the moon seems very convenient, simple and direct, and does not require any complicated procedures. But the cost of this method of landing on the moon is very huge. Let’s not talk about other things, let’s just say that launching such a massive lunar landing spacecraft requires a behemoth like the Saturn V.

Even the United States had to give up this plan because the cost was too huge. If it were us, would we be able to afford it?

The answer is definitely not possible, even in today's technological and social context, it is not feasible. And this does not meet our needs. What we want is a sustainable, ultra-low-cost lunar transportation technology or lunar transportation solution.

And moon landing plans like Apollo are obviously not our best choice.

Therefore, based on this idea, we have reorganized our moon landing technology plan from the aspects of economy and sustainability. Ultimately, we decided to split the entire moon landing process from one piece into several parts to achieve maximum sustainability and economy. "Remember the URL of this site, www.biquxu.Com, for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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