Military Technology

Chapter 2090 Lunar Lander

Faced with Wu Hao's tough tone, Zhou Xiangming opened his mouth. He tried to explain out loud, but after seeing Wu Hao's determined eyes, he swallowed back all his words.

We do our best. Zhou Xiangming said.

Wu Hao nodded slightly when he heard this, with a smile on his lips. What he wants is Zhou Xiangming's attitude. As for whether it can be completed within two years, he doesn't necessarily insist on it. He knows very well that it is almost impossible to complete such a huge project within two years, but aren't humans constantly creating miracles? Haoyu Technology is a group of companies that are good at creating, so Wu Hao also hopes to use this This kind of pressure can be exerted on them so that they can work hard to take action. Time waits for no time.

What about the lunar lander? How is the progress on this aspect? Wu Hao then turned to look at Zhou Xiangming and asked.

Hearing Wu Hao change the topic, Zhou Xiangming breathed a sigh of relief, but he became worried again, and then he shook his head at Wu Hao and said.

Regarding the lunar lander, we are not making good progress.

Wu Hao was not surprised by Zhou Xiangming's answer, nor did he get angry. Instead, he nodded slightly and looked at the other person and said, "Tell me, what problem did you encounter?"

Seeing Wu Hao's reaction, Zhou Xiangming secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Wu Hao and the others: "If it was just an ordinary one-time lunar lander, we should have no problem in this regard.

The sky crane technology used by our "Wangshu" intelligent lunar surface patrol and exploration vehicle can also be regarded as a lunar lander to a certain extent. Therefore, in this regard, we still have a technical foundation.

If it is just a simple moon landing, then our technology is ready-made and can be used to redesign and apply it without any problem.

But ours is a manned moon landing and transportation of supplies and equipment.

Let’s not talk about the transportation of supplies and equipment, let’s talk about the manned moon landing. We must consider how to safely land people on the moon, and how to pick up people from the moon and dock with our Earth-to-Moon transfer spacecraft.

And this time and again, this is the problem we are facing now.

As we all know, a traditional lunar lander is divided into two parts, the lunar lander and the lunar ascender mounted on it. The lunar lander climbed into the manned module above the ascender, and then landed the lunar lander on the moon.

When the lunar landing scientific research mission is completed and it is time to return, the personnel return to the lunar ascender, and then the ascender detaches from the lunar lander platform and ascends alone to the orbiter orbiting the moon, which is our Earth-moon transfer spacecraft. Do docking.

The personnel were transferred to the Earth-Moon transfer spacecraft, while the ascender was abandoned directly.

This is currently the most mainstream method of landing on the moon. The Apollo moon landing forty or fifty years ago used this method, and our lunar scientific research sampling return project also used this method.

The reason why this technology has become the mainstream in lunar exploration projects in various countries is that it is the most feasible method among the current lunar landing and return technology solutions.

In a sense, the lunar lander can also be regarded as a manned spacecraft. It is divided into three parts. From bottom to top, they are the lunar lander platform, the ascender, and the carrier on the ascender. man cabin.

However, under normal circumstances, the ascender and the manned cabin are designed to be integrated, which can greatly reduce the structure, weight and volume. Similarly, during the return and ascent stage, only the ascender returns. This design also reduces the mass launched from the moon, reduces the load, saves fuel, and thus reduces costs.

Each unit performs its own duties and works together to complete the entire lunar landing and return steps. "

Speaking of this, Zhou Xiangming slid the transparent folding tablet a few times, then put the picture on a screen in front of them and said to everyone.

“What we have to do now is to abandon this set of very mature and time-tested successful design solutions and find another way, which can even be said to overthrow all previous successful cases.

Our goal is to design and manufacture a reusable lunar landing and return vehicle. In other words, we have to abandon the previous split structure and combine the lunar lander platform and the return vehicle manned module. It all comes together to design a lunar lander that travels to and from the lunar surface and into lunar orbit. "

After saying this, Zhou Xiangming changed to a picture of the surface of the moon, and then continued to introduce to everyone: "Look, everyone, this is the moon. It is about 380,000 kilometers away from our earth, and it is a natural satellite of the earth. , is the planet closest to us.

Its average radius is about 1737.10 kilometers, which is only equivalent to 0.273 times the radius of the Earth; its mass is close to 7.342x1022 kilograms, which is only equivalent to 0.0123 times the Earth's radius.

Although it looks small compared to the Earth, it is actually the fifth largest satellite in the solar system.

Because of its proximity, it has always played a vital role in our human culture, and has even been given very beautiful stories in some myths. In Chinese, it is commonly known as moon or moon, taiyin, black rabbit, chanjuan, jade plate, golden toad and so on.

Because its volume and mass are too small, the moon's gravity is very small, so it has no atmosphere, or its atmosphere is very thin and can be ignored.

Therefore, when we land on the moon, we cannot use the same method of landing on the earth, using parachutes to slow down the landing. Therefore, rocket reverse thrust technology is generally used to continuously decelerate the lander and finally land on the moon.

It is also easier to rise above the moon because its gravity is very small, so it is relatively easy to get rid of the moon's gravity and lift off.

Note that what I'm talking about here is relatively easy. But in fact, it is also very difficult to develop the technology to launch on the moon.

So how to design a lunar lander that can be reused and returned is a question we have been thinking about for a long time. Regarding this aspect, we have done a lot of research and homework, and have designed many plans.

But the difficulty now is that we cannot conduct experiments with our design plans and some technologies and ideas, and intelligently use supercomputers to conduct simulations.

But you also know that the real environment is always much more complex than what is simulated in the computer, so computer simulation alone cannot fully verify our ideas and technologies.

This is also our biggest headache at the moment, although we have also asked the aerospace department for help and cooperation in this regard. However, the relevant help and support that can be obtained is also very limited, and we have very little reference, so we still have to do everything ourselves. "

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