Military Technology

Chapter 2092 If you want to take risks, you must take risks

"Twenty hours? According to the terrain conditions of the lunar surface, even if a lunar surface emergency rescue vehicle with stronger off-road capabilities is used, the maximum speed is only sixty or seventy kilometers per hour. Calculated based on seventy kilometers, twenty hours is also That’s 1,400 kilometers.

The circumference of the moon is more than 10,900 kilometers. Calculated, our rescue distance is only about one-eighth of the equator circumference of the moon. Is the distance too short? Beyond this distance, the rescue force will not be able to arrive in time. What about the passengers in the crew cabin? Should we just give up? "Wu Hao stared at Zhou Xiangming and asked.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Xiangming smiled and shook his head and said: "Under normal circumstances, this will not happen. Whether it is landing on the moon or launching from the moon, an inclination angle is required, and It's not straight up and down. In fact, it's not just the moon, but also the launch and landing of the earth.

The reason why this kind of tilt angle is chosen to rise and fall is that in the rising phase, it is better to use the inertia of the rotation of the earth or the moon to reduce fuel consumption as much as possible. The purpose of landing is to extend the time the lander flies in the atmosphere and slow down as much as possible.

For any of our space missions, every action needs to be extremely precise every minute and every second. Therefore, this rising stage and falling stage have been carefully calculated by us to ensure that they are correct.

For example, regarding a certain launch from the Northwest Launch Site, the rocket was launched from the Northwest Launch Site, and the fairing fell in Luo County, which is more than 600 kilometers north of Anxi, and the launch site The branch line distance from the fairing landing point is about one thousand kilometers.

Similarly, according to our traditional spacecraft return capsule, the ground distance from loading into the atmosphere to landing at the landing site is almost the same.

The moon's gravity is only one-sixth that of the earth, so its descent and ascent height are much lower than that of the earth, and the relative distance to the ground is also much shorter than that of the earth.

Therefore, even if the lunar lander malfunctions during landing or ascent, and the crew module makes an emergency landing, the final landing point of the crew module will be far less than this distance from the landing and take-off site of the lunar scientific research station.

In fact, we have reserved a large capacity at the beginning of the design to ensure that in most cases, we can arrive in time to carry out rescue.

Of course, there are some uncontrollable factors. If the crew capsule lands in other areas on the moon, we will definitely not be able to catch up with the rescue, but this situation is almost impossible to happen. "

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's introduction, Wu Hao nodded. He also understood the implication of Zhou Xiangming's words. The twenty-hour rescue window has met most, even 99%, of emergencies. There is still one percent that cannot be predicted. It is an accident within an accident, so naturally it is impossible to carry out rescue.

This is a space exploration mission. No matter what the mission is, as long as it enters space, it faces huge risks. What's more, going to the moon is even more risky.

As for the present time of the earth and the foreseeable future, human beings still cannot guarantee that they can travel between the earth and the moon completely safely and without any risk.

In fact, even the now very mature passenger aircraft cannot guarantee that every flight is safe. It also has risks, and it is already the safest means of transportation on the planet.


Seeing Wu Hao's signal, Zhou Xiangming continued the previous introduction.

In addition to the escape rocket thrust reverser, we also designed and installed an inflatable buffer airbag at the bottom of the crew cabin. When the crew cabin breaks away from the rocket and makes an emergency landing, the airbag will also quickly inflate to reduce the impact and shock of the crew cabin with the lunar surface. While ensuring the stability and safety of the passenger compartment structure, it also protects all members from impact injuries to the greatest extent.

After the crew cabin makes an emergency landing, it will use the solar panels on the outer wall of the crew cabin to continuously transmit relevant radio distress signals. Relying on our detection satellites on the moon, we can detect and locate them as soon as possible, and provide communication support services. This allows the rescue team to set off as soon as possible, find the crew cabin and rescue the passengers in the shortest possible time.

What if it takes more than twenty hours and the rescue team is unable to arrive? Will the passengers in the crew cabin be suffocated to death like this? Zhang Jun asked loudly at this time.

Feeling a little embarrassed by Zhang Jun's words, Zhou Xiangming coughed twice, then shook his head at Zhang Jun and replied: "Under normal circumstances, this kind of situation will not happen.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of encountering some accidents and the crew capsule landing in a place beyond our rescue capabilities.

At this time, the passengers in the crew cabin must choose to save themselves. They need to save energy, oxygen, water, and food as much as possible to survive until the rescue team arrives.

We will also place some additional emergency supplies in the crew cabin. If the passengers can respond calmly and calmly and distribute them scientifically, theoretically, they can support it for a while longer. As for how long it can last, it depends on the specific situation.

If the rescue force cannot arrive by this time, then the outcome will naturally be the worst. As for how these crew members choose, it's up to them. "

This is too cruel to imagine. Yang Xiaoyun couldn't help but sigh.

"This is a situation that none of us want to happen, and we try our best not to let it happen, but it is something that we and every crew member need to face head-on. All passengers who choose to go to the moon must bear such consequences. Want to To take risks, you must learn to take risks.”

Speaking of this, seeing everyone's faces looking a little solemn, Zhou Xiangming said with a smile: "But don't worry, the probability of this happening is very low and basically unlikely to happen. And with the continuous advancement and development of technology, our spacecraft The security will also be greatly improved.

Besides, we have designed so many disaster recovery plans. If we still fail to survive, then these members will be too unlucky. "


Hearing Zhou Xiangming's joke, everyone at the scene chuckled.

As for Zhou Xiangming, he went on to introduce: "The section below the crew cabin is the landing and launch platform. Of course, it can also be called the propulsion service module.

The biggest change of our lunar lander is the landing and launch platform. We creatively integrated the two to perform lunar landing and lift-off docking missions.

The entire landing and liftoff platform is composed of a control section, a resource storage section, a thruster, and a landing frame from top to bottom. "Remember the URL of this site, www.biquxu.Com, for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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