Military Technology

Chapter 2102 Question 23

Hearing Yu Mingnan's words, Wu Hao nodded, and he could understand the feelings of Yu Mingnan and his girlfriend. The job itself means that we live in two places, and we can't see each other often. I'm afraid only those who have experienced it will know the pain of long-distance relationships.

Yu Mingnan started the topic, and everyone started talking too.

Mr. Wu, can you coordinate the express logistics? The express logistics and transportation at our base is too inconvenient. We are all usually busy with work, and this place is relatively remote, so we don’t have time or opportunity to go shopping. We basically shop online. But online shopping here is too inconvenient. Usually it takes three days or even two days to meet in Anxi, but here it takes a week or even longer.

The person who raised this smell issue was a female employee. Once her question was raised, it was immediately echoed by other female employees and some male employees present. It seems that express delivery logistics is inconvenient and has become a consensus among everyone.

Wu Hao naturally did not disappoint everyone. After thinking for a moment, he nodded and responded: "No problem, I will organize and coordinate the logistics department and logistics transportation system to improve the logistics transportation time and reduce the express delivery time as much as possible to the same level as in mainland cities.

This really shouldn’t be the case. We are engaged in logistics technology, but our own people cannot enjoy the convenience and benefits brought by fast logistics. This is something that the logistics support department needs to reflect on. "

Wu Hao's tone obviously became more serious at the end. It can be seen that he still has a big opinion on the performance of the logistics support department.

Such a response indeed aroused the enthusiasm of everyone at the scene. One of the male employees could not help but complain: "Mr. Wu, can we provide food delivery service here at the base? Although the restaurant has a 24-hour window, Sometimes I am just too busy and tired, and I don’t even want to go to a restaurant to eat.

On the one hand, we are too tired and don’t want to run, and on the other hand, it takes too much time. If we don’t have the time, we might as well make a pack of instant noodles or eat some snacks, and then find a place to rest for a while. "

Um? Wu Hao couldn't help but come over after hearing this difference: "I remember, doesn't the restaurant have a food delivery service?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhang Bin smiled and shook his head: "In the past, but later, because of this service, many people were unwilling to come to the restaurant to eat, waiting for someone to deliver it, and there were too many people, so So it was cancelled. Now we are just protecting some key scientific research teams and some teams working outside. In principle, everyone is still required to go to restaurants to eat as much as possible."

After hearing Zhang Bin's explanation, Wu Hao nodded and then looked at the employee and everyone and said, "After hearing this explanation, I actually support this regulation.

Why do you say that? Because the purpose of this in restaurants is not only to reduce their operating pressure, but also to enable you to have a good meal.

There are many of us who forget everything when we are busy, forget to eat, forget to sleep, forget to drink water and rest. If you're really hungry, grab whatever you can, such as cold rice that's already cold, or some junk food, instant noodles, or something like that.

If you are hungry and full, your body will easily suffer from problems. The body is the capital of revolution. No matter what you do, a good body is the foundation. One of the key points in evaluating and screening employees for some major projects and tasks is to look at the physical health of the employees. If you are not in good health, you will definitely not be allowed to join. Because once you join the body, it is easy to delay work if you are not able to do it anymore. In addition, these tasks and projects are very stressful, which can easily overwhelm your already fragile body and make your condition worse.

Diet is the most important source of energy for our body and is directly related to the health of our body. We should not be careless about it. Don't think that it is just one or two meals and it is no big deal.

This is not okay. When you have a real problem with your body, it will be too late to regret it.

This is why I attach great importance to the food quality of our company's restaurants. I spend so much money and put so much thought into it just to make you eat well so that you can have a good body so that you can shine better in your respective positions.

In addition to eating, there is also rest. I have long said that our company does not advocate or encourage people to work overtime. In my opinion, high-efficiency work is more effective than inefficient overtime work.

So from this aspect, I support the regulations in the restaurant and logistics department. "

After hearing Wu Hao's words, everyone present could not help but feel slightly disappointed, but no one continued to speak. Wu Hao naturally saw the reactions on everyone's faces, and then changed his tone and said with a smile: "Of course, considering some special circumstances, I think the relevant regulations of the restaurant cannot be so rigid and can be a little more flexible. Because Those employees who miss meal times and need to work at night provide meal delivery services, and the same instant noodles and snacks are not healthy."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, then looked at the happy faces and continued: "But how to implement it specifically requires research by the restaurant and the logistics department to try to give everyone a more satisfactory answer. "

Mr. Wu, I also have a problem here. Guo Zifei over there said to Wu Hao.

Oh, what's the problem? Tell me. Wu Hao turned to look at him.

Guo Zifei hesitated for a moment, and then said to Wu Hao: "It's like this. Every day, many tourists come to our base, and the number is increasing. It seems that our base has become a local tourist attraction. Yes, there are tour groups.

We have no objection to promoting local economic development. But there are too many people and it’s too complicated. The quality of these tourists varies greatly. They wander around, destroy and litter, which makes everyone very unhappy.

Our base is engaged in research, not a tourist attraction to entertain tourists. So I think we should prioritize and ban these tourists from entering. These tourists have affected our normal research work and cannot continue like this. "

After hearing Guo Zifei's words, other employees present also nodded in agreement. It can be seen from their reactions that they have been dissatisfied with these tourists for a long time.

Hearing this situation, Wu Hao was first a little surprised, then a little angry, and finally turned into helpless. This can be regarded as the agreement he reached with the local government to open it up and allow tourists to come in and visit. I originally thought that there wouldn't be many people deep in the desert next door, but I didn't expect that it would be like this now.

Promoting local economic development is their due responsibility and obligation, but if this approach has affected their normal operations, they must reflect and make corrections. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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