Military Technology

Chapter 2104 The little secrets of migrant workers

Half an hour later, Wu Hao met a young man led by Shen Ning in the hotel room. This person Wu Hao has an impression. He is also one of the employees who participated in tonight's dinner event. However, his performance at the dinner was not eye-catching. Instead, he was a taciturn person, and not many people paid attention to him.

Also in the room were Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi. They rushed over after hearing the news and brought the young man's relevant and detailed identity information.

Zheng Qiuheng, 29 years old, has a master's degree in computer technology and science from Sichuan University of Science and Technology. He has been working in the company for two and a half years. He is an only child. Both his parents are civil servants, so his family is relatively privileged. He previously worked for a technology company, and later switched jobs to Haoyu Technology, where he was responsible for the development of artificial intelligence systems under the Institute of Automation Machinery Technology. I am currently single, have no girlfriend, and live in a relatively simple life circle, nothing special.

This is the relevant preliminary information that they can currently grasp, and they have not conducted too many investigations to avoid alerting the enemy.

Zheng Qiuheng was a little nervous after coming in and seeing so many people.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao greeted with a smile: "Zheng Qiuheng, right? Come on, sit down!"

Guiding Zheng Qiuheng to sit down, Wu Hao smiled at him and said, "Don't be nervous, we just want to understand the situation and tell us what you know. Nothing will happen.

These two are the heads of the company's security department and confidentiality office. After receiving your email, we set up a special investigation team and the two of them were personally responsible. This time we came here to conduct a secret investigation and did not leak any information. On the one hand, this is a kind of protection for you, and on the other hand, it is also to avoid alerting the enemy.

Don't worry, we will protect your safety. If you want, you can stay here from now until the end of this case, and will be protected by a dedicated person responsible for your personal safety.

Even if you are worried, we can transfer you back to other departments in Anxi to work after this matter is over, and keep everything strictly confidential to relieve your worries. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Zheng Qiuheng, who was sitting opposite him and was a little nervous, nodded. But I was still a little nervous, my hands were sweating, and I kept shaking hands, making my whole person look tense.

Don't be nervous, relax, we are not bad people, we are not that scary. Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, drink some water first and take a rest."

With that said, Wu Hao also smiled and gestured to Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi who were sitting, and then he also picked up the water glass and drank.

After waiting for about three or four minutes, Zheng Qiuheng finally relaxed a little after drinking some water. After a lot of mental struggle, he immediately said to Wu Hao and the others: "I don't know how to say it."

Hearing Zheng Qiuheng's words, Wang Xi smiled and said: "It's okay. Say whatever comes to mind. Let's start with the content of this anonymous email and how you found out about it."

Wang Xi, who has extensive experience in this area, could see that Zheng Qiuheng was overly nervous and confused at this time, so he spoke out to comfort and at the same time try to guide.

Sure enough, this trick is very effective. Zheng Qiuheng nodded, then looked at Wang Xi and said: "I also discovered it accidentally. Because our project is relatively busy, it is normal to work overtime for a period of time, and we all go home very late. But one time I discovered that sitting A colleague not far away quietly pulled out a USB flash drive from his computer and put it into his pocket."

Just a USB flash drive? Zhao Jiaping asked.

Hearing Zhao Jiaping ask, Zheng Qiuheng raised his head and glanced at him, then quickly lowered his head and said: "It should be a USB flash drive, but it doesn't quite look like a USB flash drive. Our project team's internal computers are not allowed to connect any private storage devices, and the device is not allowed to connect to it." There is no such interface. If data needs to be imported and copied, specialized personnel will be responsible for it and it will be stored in a professional encrypted hard drive."

So you are not sure whether the other party is plugging or unplugging a USB flash drive. Wang Xi asked.

Zheng Qiuheng shook his head: "It should be a USB flash drive, but I'm not sure because our computer doesn't have such an interface."

Go on. Wang Xi nodded and signaled.

yes. Zheng Qiuheng nodded and then continued: "Originally, I didn't think much about this matter, but the next day we heard that the confidentiality personnel in charge of our project said that our project team's computer library was infected with a virus last night, and then the personnel in the confidentiality office also We were organized to take relevant work confidentiality courses.

I wondered at the time whether this might be related to the colleague I saw last night, but it was just a suspicion and I had no evidence. In addition, the staff of the confidentiality office only said that there was a virus in the computer, so at that time, they thought that this colleague might be illegally fishing or something, and didn't think too much about it. "

Fishing? Wang Xi raised his eyebrows and asked.

yes! Zheng Qiuheng said with some embarrassment: "The computers in the project team are relatively clean and do not have any entertainment game programs, so some colleagues will privately find ways to install some casual games and the like on the computers.

This is no secret. In some small internal communication groups and circles, people often post these. "

Okay, go on. Wang Xi nodded and continued to indicate.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing Zheng Qiuheng's introduction. He knew about this matter and had heard about it before. He originally thought it was something innocuous. It was not an industry secret for employees to fish in private, everyone would do it.

Some companies are relatively strict in this regard, such as monitoring employees' computers and conducting occasional inspections. Some companies have relatively loose management and basically turn a blind eye. As for Wu Hao and others, they don't make too many demands. As long as they are not excessive, Wu Hao and others will not go into details. The point is that it does not affect their work.

Of course, for internal computers of some project teams, private installation of programs is not allowed to avoid leaking secrets. Despite this, it still cannot be banned. Some people will still violate the ban in private. This kind of thing does not happen only once or twice.

Therefore, it is understandable that Zheng Qiuheng thought this way after discovering this situation. After all, it was someone else's business, and it was not easy for him to control it, let alone report it.

After hearing Wang Xi's signal, Zheng Qiuheng smiled bitterly and said: "Originally, I thought this matter was over, but I needed to go to the unit to deal with something that night, and I met this person again by chance. He was a little panicked after seeing me, and quickly Turn off the computer and leave. Although the other party moved very quickly, I still glanced at it from a distance and found that the other party was copying things." Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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