Military Technology

Chapter 2110 Professional people do professional things

Near noon, Wu Hao met security personnel from the military security department.

The leader of the team should be considered an old acquaintance of Wu Hao, Zhang Tao, who had dealt with Wu Hao before. Because we were acquaintances, we didn’t exchange too many greetings, and immediately got to the point.

Zhang Tao also said to Wu Hao very simply: "Where are these people now?"

Hearing Zhang Tao's inquiry, Zhao Jiaping on the side quickly called up the surveillance video and said: "These people are currently under our close surveillance. Qiu Nansheng went to Greentown for purchasing today, but we have already applied with the Greentown security department. They assisted us in comprehensive monitoring of Qiu Nansheng. Just in case, we also have a high-altitude drone in the air for real-time monitoring in case of emergency.

As for Huang Haitao and Sun Yingying, they are both still at work. We have also monitored them, and we can clearly know each other's every move.

Because it involves military security and the case is relatively serious, we have also applied for approval to monitor the communications of these people. We can know exactly who they contact.

As for Zheng Qiuheng, who voluntarily surrendered, he is still in the hotel and is being closely monitored and protected by our people. "

Hearing Zhao Jiaping's answer, Zhang Tao nodded and said: "It's right to wait and see what happens first, not to alert the enemy. We need to find out if there is a remote control command behind them. Then follow the clues and try to take them down in one fell swoop." "

Speaking of this, Zhang Tao turned to Wu Hao and said: "When I came here, my leader specifically asked me to protect the security of your data and then pursue relevant arrest and investigation operations.

Do you have any requirements here? We will try our best to meet them. "

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "The leader has considered it carefully. We don't have any other special requirements here. Just make less noise when moving. Although this place is located next to the northwest desert, if there is too much noise, It will also bring some bad results.

Especially overseas, we don’t want to add new heat and be grabbed by the neck and criticized. "

Don't worry, the leader also gave special instructions in this regard when we came here. The leader said that Haoyu Technology, as a company with great influence, should pay attention to methods and methods when taking actions to minimize the impact as much as possible.

We don’t have many people here this time, so we hope you can cooperate more with us in some actions. Zhang Tao smiled at Wu Hao and said.

no problem!

Wu Hao waved his hand and said: "I asked Zhao Jiaping, the head of the security department, and Wang Xi from the confidentiality office to fully cooperate with you. If you have any needs, you can come to them. Of course, you can also come to me directly."

Zhang Tao nodded, looked at Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi and said with a smile: "No problem, they and I are also old acquaintances, there will definitely be no problem in cooperating with them."

Well, we will leave all the power to you here. Wu Hao stood up, stretched out his hands to Zhang Tao and the others and smiled.

Zhang Tao immediately stood up, put on his hat, saluted Wu Hao, and then quickly shook hands and said: "Don't worry, leave it to us to handle it. Time is tight, so we will go ahead and wait for any progress in this case." , we will report to you again.”

After saying that, under the watch of Wu Hao, Zhang Tao led several of his men and walked out accompanied by Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi.

After watching everyone leave, Wu Hao sat down again, and Zhang Jun became more casual and said to him: "I really leave this matter to them."

Of course, professional people do professional things, and they are professionals in this regard. It is not up to them to leave it to anyone. Wu Hao replied with a smile.

Hearing what he said, Zhang Jun rolled his eyes and said: "Our people are also professionals, why don't we still make such a trap? If we really let it go, if they make a big move by then, it won't end well for us. ah."

In response to Zhang Jun's worries, Wu Hao smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, they have experience in handling this kind of case and won't make any big noise. In the past few years, you have seen their cases make more big noises." Well, aren't they all very low-key?

In addition, with Zhao Jiaping and Wang Xi cooperating from the side, what should I be afraid of? If we really encounter some problems, Wang Xi and Zhao Jiaping will definitely report to us as soon as possible. "

"Let me tell you, you are so calm and composed, it turns out you have already made arrangements." Only then did Zhang Jun react, and then he smiled and complained, and then continued to ask.

"Then what should we do next? Just wait here and wait for the result?"

Do whatever you need to do, just don't delay your normal schedule. If we behave abnormally, these people will become alert. Wu Hao said with a smile, and then asked Shen Ning, "What's your schedule today?"

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Shen Ning smiled and replied: "According to relevant arrangements, you were going to the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center for inspection in the morning. Now because of this matter, the entire trip has been postponed."

What about the afternoon? What are the plans for the afternoon? Wu Hao nodded and asked.

In the afternoon, according to the original itinerary, you will go to the Institute of Aviation Technology and UAV for inspection. Shen Ning replied with a smile.

Wu Hao heard Shen Ning's words, thought for a moment, and then said: "Let's compress the trip. It's still early, let's go to the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center for inspection first, and shorten it as much as possible. Let’s keep the trip within two hours. After that, take a short rest and go to the Aviation Technology and UAV Research Institute.”

Having said this, Wu Hao turned to look at Zhang Jun and said, "The schedule is a bit tight, can you bear it?"

What are you talking about? If you can do it, I can do it. How about we compete to see who can last longer? Zhang Jun's hair immediately exploded as if his tail had been stepped on, and he said angrily to Wu Hao.

My, my, let's just trim it a little bit and then go to the Center for Biological and Life Sciences Research. As he spoke, Wu Hao turned to Shen Ning and said, "Call me here and explain a little bit."

OK Shen Ning nodded and left on high heels.

Wu Hao and Zhang Jun were the only two people left at the scene. Zhang Jun looked around, and then whispered dissatisfiedly to Wu Hao: "I asked you, can you save me face in front of others, especially women, or beautiful women?" Don’t say that a man is incompetent in front of you, this is the greatest insult to him.”

"Fine, you care about this." Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, then sneered.

"Why are you laughing? You are reasonable. Believe it or not, I will complain about you like this next time in front of the media." Zhang Jun looked at Wu Hao who laughed out loud and couldn't help but said angrily.

"Okay, my, my fault, be careful next time, be careful next time." Wu Hao quickly admitted his mistake and begged for mercy. I didn't expect this guy to care about this. Is this sentence really that lethal? Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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