Military Technology

Chapter 2114 Plant Science Research Center

Different from the so-called golden trees and money trees packaged by ordinary florists and flower farmers, our golden tree is more vivid. It has this golden color throughout its growth stages from germination to leaves growing and forming, to withering.

So this also makes it unique among all closed plants and very eye-catching.

Of course, this very conspicuous gold color also brings some problems. For example, if the color is too bright or too dazzling, some people may feel uncomfortable with their glasses. In addition, if it is too dazzling, it will also become a feeding target for some insects, so during the planting and maintenance stage, you need to pay more attention to preventing diseases and insect pests. Later, we can insert some disease and pest resistance genes into the tree. For example, some special smells, etc., so that they are less likely to be infected by pests and diseases. Yang Fang introduced with a smile to everyone.

This is not a big problem, just take good care of it. Anyway, I'll get some for me later. It's so yellow and I'm happy to see it. Zhang Jun waved his hand and said indifferently.

As for Wu Hao, he smiled helplessly and then raised his hand to signal Yang Fang to continue.

Yang Fang, on the other hand, smiled at everyone and said: "Actually, here is only a small part of what we can display. There are also many very novel plant species in the glass greenhouse of our laboratory. You and Mr. Zhang If you are interested, you can go over there and give us some guidance.”

After hearing Yang Fang's words, everyone at the scene laughed. No one could understand the meaning of her words. She just wanted to take the opportunity to attract Wu Hao and the others to inspect the guidance work, and then take the opportunity to make demands to Wu Hao and the others.

Hahaha, you little Yang, you are quick enough. Qin Yongchuan pointed at Yang Fang and cursed with a smile.

Haha, Mr. Qin, first let Mr. Wu and others guide us in our work. As for you giving us the finale, let’s put the fun behind us, so that we can have a sense of anticipation. Yang Fang said with a gentle smile.

Ha ha ha ha……

After everyone laughed, Wu Hao smiled at everyone and said: "In that case, let's go to Dr. Yang's place first to see what good things she has prepared for us. Mr. Qin, why don't you accompany us to go there? walk."

Qin Yongchuan smiled and nodded after hearing Wu Hao's words: "Okay, then I will go and broaden my horizons today. I haven't been to Xiao Yang and the others for a while."

With that said, everyone walked out of the side door of the hall, and then came to the internal campus of the Biological and Life Sciences Research Center, which was divided into several research areas and covered a very huge area. This is also because this place is located deep next to the desert, so there is such a vast space.

Called the internal shuttle bus, everyone arrived at the Plant Science Research Center under the Biological Science Research Center. Yang Fang and others were initially responsible for research on drought-tolerant plants. Later, because they were dissatisfied with the overlap of research with several other project groups, in order to conduct better research, they integrated the resources of these project groups and became the Plant Science Research Center. .

In addition to the laboratories of the Botanical Research Center, the most famous ones here are several large glass greenhouses, or glass greenhouses.

In fact, these two names are not accurate. It should be said to be a large glass factory. A full-body glass building is more accurate. Glass greenhouse Glass greenhouse is just its popular name.

This kind of glass house covers a huge area. Several of the large glass houses cover an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters, which is equivalent to the size of three basketball courts. And the youngest ones are all on the same basketball court.

It adopts intelligent control, including Wu Hao's intelligent unmanned farm control technology, which can intelligently control the temperature, humidity, light, and even carbon dioxide concentration in the entire glass room. In addition, some glass houses can also simulate the pH, fertility and fertility of the soil, etc., to simulate the climate environment of different regions and conduct different plant growth experiments.

Walking into a large glass room, everyone who entered felt a bit of coolness compared to the heat outside. The breeze blew the water vapor, making everyone feel very comfortable. What greets everyone is a world of green and lush plants. In addition, there are some more bright and colorful flowers and plants.

"This is a simulated environment greenhouse that we use to cultivate the growth of some plants. The temperature here is moderately controlled in an environment suitable for plant growth, so you can see that the plants here grow very lushly."

As he spoke, Yang Fang led everyone to a golden tree that was about two or three meters high, and then introduced with a smile to everyone: "This golden tree is the golden tree that everyone saw in the hall. We press the parent tree of the tree through high-pressure propagation balls and then separate and cultivate it.

Please see, these little brown balls above are high-pressure breeding balls. "

Following Yang Fang's fingers, everyone can see that the balls are wrapped on the branches of the tree, just like an ordinary rubber ball is put on the branches, and then fixed with nuts. In addition, There doesn't seem to be anything else special.

But this thing has caused a technological revolution in the gardening world. Many precious trees and plants that were difficult to reproduce before can be reproduced in this way, which is an amazing invention.

Will using this high-pressure breeding ball cause harm to the mother tree? Zhang Jun looked at it for a while and then asked.

Yang Fang, who was introducing at the side, immediately smiled and nodded when he heard the words: "Of course, because it is necessary to stimulate the rooting of the location wrapped by the high-pressure breeding ball, it must absorb more nutrients from the mother tree itself, which is a loss to the mother tree. After the roots take root, it must be Cutting off this branch is also a loss to the mother tree.

Therefore, in order to ensure the health of the mother tree, we cannot breed too many at one time, which limits the promotion and planting of this tree to a certain extent, resulting in a relatively high cost of its saplings.

Of course, this also has pros and cons. On the other hand, it also increases the market value of this golden tree, which is beneficial to our profitability. "

In other words, this kind of golden tree does not yet have the conditions to enter the market. Wu Hao asked, grabbing the core of Yang Fang's words.

"Yes, the number of golden trees we have cultivated is currently limited. We can only conserve them first to ensure the stability of the entire tree species, and then carry out large-scale commercial cultivation and sales." Yang Fang nodded and answered truthfully.

"Take your time, don't be in a hurry." Zhang Jun said with a smile at this time. He who was originally the most concerned about this matter smiled and shook his head: "First ensure the stability of this golden tree variety, and then consider the market. Transformation. Don’t lose such a good variety, it would be a pity.” Remember the website address, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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