Military Technology

Later at 1 o'clock, update chapter 1

Remember [new] in one second! "We inserted some genes from vine plants into the watermelon gene sequence, thus making its vines and roots lignified. On the one hand, this is of course to make the vines stronger and able to withstand greater weight. On the other hand, On the one hand, it also extends the life of the melon vine and changes the growth habit of the melon vine from annual to perennial.

In this way, some of the watermelon's growing habits can be changed so that it can be managed like a fruit tree and continue to grow for many years. As for ordinary watermelon varieties, you have to change the location every year, but we don't need to change the location.

In addition, we have also optimized the size of the watermelon, including its texture and taste. Because it is a hanging melon, the size of the watermelon should not be too large. The overall size is about 20 centimeters and it is round in shape.

The skin is golden or green. The skin is relatively thin, but relatively strong and not easy to break. This is what we are specifically improving. The purpose is to prevent this watermelon from breaking during transportation and avoid unnecessary loss and waste.

The melon pulp is a kind of sandy pulp with relatively sufficient water content. The sugar content of mature watermelons can reach more than 20 degrees, which is already very sweet among watermelon varieties. And we have also made seedless improvements, making this watermelon taste without watermelon seeds and very convenient to eat. "

"Without seeds, how do you breed this kind of watermelon?" Zhang Jun couldn't help but wonder.

"Haha, this involves the application of square wood technology to artificially induce polyploidy. In fact, seedless watermelons are also grown from watermelon seeds, but seedless watermelons are triploids. Cell synapsis is disordered during meiosis, so triploid watermelons cannot form seeds.

However, we can also use this technology to propagate tetraploid watermelon and diploid watermelon. Every year, the tetraploid watermelon is the female parent and the diploid watermelon is the male parent, and the melon seeds are cultivated.

Of course, there is a more convenient method, which is the grafting method and the cutting method. Grafting technology is used to cut some bud branches from the mother tree for cutting cultivation, or grafting for breeding. "

Seeing everyone nodding, Yang Fang also continued to lead everyone while introducing them. These are some fruits and vegetables, using similar techniques to this watermelon tree. The biggest advantage of this is that the output is huge and it is easy to manage.

Like the watermelon tree in front, one tree can grow four tons of watermelon in a year, which is eight thousand kilograms of watermelon. This is a very scary number (Note 1). The yields of other melon and fruit trees vary greatly. All around this number, it can be said that the output is very amazing.

This also makes Wu Hao full of interest in this technology. Their biggest project currently is the preparation project for the lunar scientific research station. In the future, in order to allow astronauts, scientists, and some residents and tourists to live on the moon for a longer period of time, they must be self-reliant according to local conditions.

Therefore, it is also an inevitable trend to establish a lunar plant factory to grow and cultivate related agricultural products, fruits and vegetables. After all, it is just a supply from the moon. On the one hand, it is difficult to provide such long-term fresh vegetables and fruits to meet the dietary needs of the crew at the scientific research station. On the other hand, it is difficult to completely control the cost of this kind of earth-to-lunar supply, even if Wu Hao and his team use their stepped transfer technology.

Therefore, the lunar plant factory must be established, but what to plant in this plant factory requires careful study and consideration.

As for these fruit trees, they have huge yields and are easy to manage. If they can be planted in the lunar plant factory, they will provide a very abundant and stable source of fruits and vegetables for the lunar scientific research station.

Thinking of this, Wu Hao immediately asked Yang Fang.

After hearing his question, Yang Fang smiled and shook his head: "At present, we are not sure that this vegetable and fruit variety is suitable for growing in the lunar environment. Because this vegetable and fruit tree has a huge yield, it requires fertilizer nutrients. The demand is also very huge.

The moon is a very barren place and it remains to be studied whether it is suitable for the growth of these species. "

Hearing Yang Fang's answer, Wu Hao was not disappointed, but nodded and said to her: "In this way, based on this aspect, you can contact and communicate with the lunar scientific research station project team of the aerospace department to see Can we cooperate in this regard?

I very much hope that these new technologies can also be applied to the construction and operation of lunar scientific research stations. In the future, if we want to survive in space and on extraterrestrial planets for a long time, food is a problem that we must solve. Supplying close to the earth is too inefficient and the cost is too high. Moreover, the transportation time is too long. Even if advanced cold storage is used, it is difficult to store a large amount of fresh vegetable ingredients.

Therefore, the best way is to be self-sufficient and grow your own food in space, on the moon, or even on Mars in the future, or even on other planets, so that our people’s talent for growing vegetables can continue to be used. "

Everyone nodded after hearing his words, and Yang Fang responded with a smile: "Don't worry, our cooperation with the aerospace department has been continuing. At present, our main research is on the recycling construction of the space farm ecosystem.

We have verified through the Oasis inflatable and expandable space experimental capsule that we can build a space farm and a simple space ecosystem, but we are still not sure whether this ecosystem really meets our needs.

Because this ecosystem is still in its infancy and relatively fragile, and not everyone can accept it. For example, when we cultivate mealworms, although they are a very good source of high-quality protein, not everyone can accept eating these insects, and if you eat them every day, the taste will definitely not be good.

So we are currently studying to introduce some other animals into the entire ecosystem to make the entire ecosystem more complete and provide better and higher-quality meat and protein for astronauts.

For example, our scientists have proposed adding bullfrogs and rabbits to the mix. Rabbits can be raised on forage plants, which are an excellent source of meat. The same goes for bullfrogs. They grow up by eating mealworms, and their meat quality is also very good. Both of them grow and reproduce very quickly and do not take up much space, making them very suitable for space breeding.

And like bullfrogs, we can transport some refrigerated fertilized eggs to the site for cultivation, which makes transportation more convenient. Unlike mammals like rabbits, we need to transport live rabbits from the earth for breeding. "

Note, this number refers to the tomato tree displayed at the West Farm Expo, which can grow six thousand kilograms of tomatoes every year. Based on this, I made a reasonable imagination.


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