Military Technology

Chapter 2125: Fight “poison” with “poison”

"Even if the enemy uses advanced road-opening equipment, it can greatly slow down their movement speed, thereby achieving the desired tactical or strategic goal.

For example, when we develop fast-growing tree technology in the future, they can grow into large trees of tens of centimeters, or even one or two meters, or tens of meters high, in tens of seconds or minutes.

When these big trees suddenly grow in front of our fortifications, they can block the enemy's progress and delay the enemy's attack rhythm. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao observed everyone's expressions, then changed his tone and said with a smile: "I am not talking so much to advocate war. In fact, it is just related to the application of this technology. Lenovo.

As you all know, part of our company's business is related to military weapons and equipment, so as a leader of the company, I must consider the problem comprehensively.

Just like this technology, its application in the military field is only one aspect. In addition, it can also be used in other fields. For example, this technology can be applied to some environmental protection fields such as ecological restoration, dust control, soil erosion, etc.

For example, in some construction sites, due to large-scale soil extraction, a large amount of land is exposed and dust is flying, which greatly pollutes the surrounding environment. In response to this situation, the general solution is to cover it with a sunshade net, but this method has limited effect and has a poor look and feel.

If we can use this technology to cultivate a fast-growing lawn grass or other plants, we can use spraying technology to quickly cover these bare lands, so that complete grass and trees can grow, which will Covering the exposed soil will not cause environmental pollution and other problems, and the look and feel is also very good.

Similarly, we can apply it to some exposed mines, slag, tidal flats and other places, and it can achieve very good results.

For another example, we can also apply this technology, or the fast-growing technology shown earlier, to the production of silage, so that we can produce a large amount of fresh forage and silage in a very short period of time, thus Vigorously develop the animal husbandry industry.

We deserve it. In the livestock industry, a considerable cost comes from feed cost input. With cheaper and more abundant forage and silage, the cost of livestock breeding can be greatly reduced, and the price of these meats will naturally come down.

This plays a very positive role in protecting our country’s food security and enriching people’s material lives. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed the topic and said: "There is a premise for all this, and that is to ensure the safety of this technology and the plants cultivated by this technology. Whether it is for human consumption, or cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and ducks Everything you eat must be safe.”

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Yang Fang immediately nodded in agreement: "Don't worry, we will continue to conduct research on technical security, be strict and tight, respect objective facts, and will never be dazzled by immediate interests. , do things that violate professional ethics, ethics, and laws."

Um. Hearing Yang Fang's words, Wu Hao smiled and nodded, then waved to everyone: "Let's go, let's hurry up and go to the next place."

Mr. Wu, if you don't want to rest here, I'll have someone prepare some fruits or something. Yang Fang quickly said to Wu Hao.

Wu Hao waved his hand after hearing this: "No, I've been wasted here for too long. I have to go to the next place quickly, otherwise it will be too late."

With that said, Wu Hao turned to Qin Yongchuan and smiled: "Mr. Qin, let's go see what latest achievements you have."

Haha, our results over there are not as dazzling as here. Even so, Qin Yongchuan still led Wu Hao to their research institute.

Entering the institute, Qin Yongchuan smiled at Wu Hao and introduced: "We are mainly engaged in research on biology and life sciences, and the most important one is the research on some viruses, bacteria, and some diseases.

For example, our P3 laboratory is conducting research on some viral diseases, such as viral pneumonia, viral hepatitis, viral meningitis, and other related diseases caused by viral infections.

Conventional treatment technology uses antiviral drugs to kill these viruses, but the efficacy is not so arbitrary. Therefore, we have always wanted to make breakthroughs in this area and develop new therapeutic drugs or technologies to treat such viral diseases.

How to kill these viruses without harming the human body itself is the most important problem we face now.

Currently, we are trying to extract some nucleic acids, that is, DNA fragments, from the virus, and then conduct targeted research to provide targeted treatments. "

Gene therapy? Wu Hao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then asked.

Qin Yongchuan smiled and shook his head: "Not entirely, it does use genetic technology, but it is still a relatively safe conventional biological therapy.

To put it simply, fight fire with fire!

We use genetic technology to change the pathogenic DNA of some viruses to make them non-threatening. Moreover, by infecting other original viruses in a targeted manner, the virus will no longer be threatening, and then gradually be expelled from the body as the body metabolizes, achieving the purpose of cure. "

The principle is similar to our anti-Helicobacter pylori superbug technology. Wu Hao reacted and said immediately.

Yes, we also drew some inspiration from this technology and conducted relevant experiments, and the results were very good. Especially in the treatment of some viral pneumonia diseases, the results are remarkable.

Viral pneumonia, which usually requires a long treatment cycle, can be treated with our technology in only four to ten hours, and can achieve very good results. The condition can be basically controlled after one day, and the disease can be cured in two to three days. Able to achieve basic healing.

Of course, this is nothing. The important thing is that this technology is very safe and will not have any side effects. In this way, it can be used to treat some patients with underlying diseases, thereby saving many lives.

As we all know, for many patients with underlying diseases, it is often difficult for doctors to prescribe medicine when they suffer from other diseases. Because of concerns about the dangers of these drugs. Usually, for many patients with basic diseases, their condition is relatively stable, but just because of a little cold, their condition worsens and they eventually lose their lives.

Among them, viral colds and viral pneumonia are the main killers. If we can conquer this technology, we can save the lives of many patients.

They don’t have to worry about the side effects of the medicine and can take it with peace of mind. Moreover, the drug has remarkable efficacy and can quickly control the condition and prevent it from getting worse and causing danger to the patient.


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