Military Technology

Chapter 2127 Haoyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Haoyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Speaking of this, Qin Yongchuan smiled at everyone and said: "Many people may think that this drug should be very simple, and have listed many similar drugs. But in fact, it is very difficult to research such drugs.

To research a drug that is effective against the disease, does no harm to other organs of the body, and can be reused for a long time, this means that several huge problems with the drug must be solved to obtain a drug that is close to perfect. Drug.

However, achieving this perfect drug is not easy. "

“These problems may seem like small problems, but when combined they become difficult problems.

First of all, drugs with fewer side effects are almost non-existent. The metabolism and absorption of drugs are the joint effects of multiple organs. It is difficult for us to make drugs that only target a single organ and have no side effects on other organs. In addition, this drug also requires long-term use, so the requirements in this regard can be said to be even more difficult.

In fact, to put it bluntly, we need to find a balance point among these requirements so that we can achieve balanced requirements in all aspects. However, this balance requirement often makes the efficacy of this drug very mediocre, which obviously does not meet our requirements.

Therefore, we not only need to understand the entire physiological mechanism of gastrointestinal work, but also study the principles of the occurrence of these diseases. Once we understand these, we can carry out targeted treatment.

Based on these, we have developed a drug that we believe is currently very effective in gastrointestinal diseases. This drug is mainly targeted at gastrointestinal diseases. So far, we have not found any side effects or caused occasional reactions in the body.

The reuse method of this medicine is very simple. Patients can choose capsules or tablets containing different concentrations of medicine according to their own needs. If it is only used to nourish the stomach and has good self-discipline, then you can choose low-concentration drugs for continuous reuse.

Through continuous reuse over a period of time, we can well improve the patient's gastrointestinal environment, repair damaged parts of the patient's gastrointestinal tract, and restore gastrointestinal health. The second type, high-concentration drugs, is used to treat some sudden gastrointestinal diseases, such as common stomach pain, acid reflux, heartburn, bloating and other problems. After taking the medicine in warm water, it will start to take effect in about ten minutes. The medicine will be completely dissolved and released within thirty minutes. It will have a very good effect in about an hour and last for three to four hours, and it will be gradually metabolized.

This drug is very effective in relieving pain and relieving symptoms, and after a period of treatment, it can achieve very good results. "

good. Upon hearing Qin Yongchuan's introduction, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun nodded in appreciation.

According to what you said, I think this drug can not only be used as medicine, but also can be used as some health food, or made into some daily necessities, such as tea, snacks, drinks, toothpaste, mouthwash and other products. It is fully Unleash the market value of this technology. Of course, doing so can also benefit more patients and sub-healthy people. After listening to this introduction, Zhang Jun's eyes lit up and he clapped his hands and said excitedly.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Qin Yongchuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Absolutely, compared to long-term medication, such daily snacks and drinks are more acceptable to the general population, especially young people.

And the added value of these products is relatively high, so more profits can be obtained.

As for toothpaste and mouthwash, this remains to be studied. We hope that our technology can benefit more people and allow everyone to benefit from it. It's not just for the sake of profit, hyping a concept and making some dirty money. "

Of course, of course! Wu Hao nodded in approval and said: "This is the ideal and persistence of our Haoyu people, and it is also our original intention of establishing Haoyu Medical.

We enter the medical field not only to make profits, but also to benefit more patients through our efforts. In fact, we have always done this, and we seem to be doing pretty well so far, which is obvious to everyone. "


Everyone present laughed when they heard this. If such brilliant results are just a matter of doing a good job, then how should other medical research companies, and how should those pharmaceutical giants live?

Wu Hao also changed his tone and said with a smile: "In this regard, you can make the decision yourself. We will not intervene unless necessary.

Next, we plan to integrate the relevant resources and institutional personnel of our company's medical department to establish Haoyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. and Haoyu Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

As for the latter, we will integrate our relevant resources, institutions, and personnel teams in the field of biotechnology, especially in the field of plant technology, and establish an independently operating subsidiary to be responsible for the research and commercial operations of related technology projects in this field.

Among them, the key points include Yang Fang's Biological and Life Sciences Research Center.

The former is to integrate all current medical resources, institutions, and team members under our company. It has also established an independently operated subsidiary to be responsible for related technical research and commercial operations in the field of medical technology.

The reason for doing this is of course to integrate existing resources so that these resources can be fully utilized. In addition, it is also to integrate the existing messy organizational departments, streamline and merge them, so as to rejuvenate them.

Finally, it is to bring relevant teams and personnel together, which is conducive to mutual communication, mutual promotion and common progress. In addition, it can also speed up the flow of personnel in these teams and improve everyone's initiative and enthusiasm. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao smiled at everyone and said: "The reason why we have separated you and established a special subsidiary to be independent anyway. This is not because we want to abandon you and ignore you, but to let go of the constraints on you. , so that you can develop better.

In the past, due to the company's related resource allocation, some of the problems you encountered in resource allocation and project operations will no longer be a problem after the subsidiary is established.

In addition, in the future, the profits of subsidiaries will also be given priority for internal project investment. In this way, there will be no case of occupation and misappropriation by other departments and units.

Finally, the establishment of a subsidiary can release part of the equity, which can be used to reward individuals and groups who have achieved outstanding results in their respective jobs and projects, so that everyone can benefit from their own efforts. "

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