Military Technology

Chapter 2129 Landmines that can launch attacks independently

Hearing Zhou Yonghui's introduction, Zhang Jun couldn't help but said: "I seem to have heard of this kind of active attack mine introduction before."

"Yes, it is no longer news that the concept of smart landmines has been proposed. As early as decades ago, even during World War II, someone had proposed such an idea. However, due to technical reasons, it has never been successful, let alone There is no batch installation.

Why? On the one hand, it is of course limited by technology. This kind of active offensive landmine has very high technical requirements. It must be able to identify the target and launch an attack to ensure that it is safe and reliable enough. Otherwise, the enemy might not have been hit by the explosion, but his own minelayers might have been hit first.

Second, due to relevant treaty restrictions, there is currently an international convention banning landmines. Therefore, due to the restrictions of this convention, countries are more restrained and cautious in their research on landmine technology.

Of course, except for some countries that have not joined this treaty.

In fact, none of the world's major military powers has joined the treaty. Why, because landmines are defensive weapons and are only used for defense. If the enemy does not invade, then the landmines will naturally lose their effect and pose no threat.

Therefore, based on this, landmines are very good homeland defense weapons and have high strategic value. Therefore, our country has not joined that convention.

Having said that, when there is a real war, those treaties and conventions are all useless paper. Anyone who fights in accordance with these treaties and conventions should be prepared to die. "

Ahem, Wu Hao coughed twice, and then said to Zhou Yonghui: "Don't go too far when talking about this landmine."

Yes, under Wu Hao's reminder, Zhou Yonghui reacted, nodded quickly and led everyone to a booth, smiled at everyone and introduced: "This is our smart mine series, which is divided into three categories. , which can be arranged on the ground, trees and other high-altitude locations, and in water.

In addition, depending on their size, they can also be used to attack different targets. For example, smaller ones are used to attack enemy infantry, while larger ones are used to attack armored targets.

As for the smart landmines placed on trees, on the one hand they can be used to attack some ground targets, and on the other hand they can be used to attack some low-altitude targets, such as helicopters, drones, etc. flying around trees.

As for the mines placed in the water, they are used to attack armed personnel trying to swim, or underwater frogmen, surface speedboats, ships, etc. "

Is this a smart landmine? It looks no different from a toy remote-controlled bicycle. Zhang Jun looked at a large bicycle painted in military green placed on the stage and couldn't help but express doubts.

In fact, Zhang Jun's question is also a question on the minds of many people present. Is this big bicycle-like toy really the smart landmine that Zhou Yonghui boasts about?

Haha, facing Zhang Jun's doubts and everyone's suspicious looks, Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded generously and admitted: "Yes, this is the experimental product we transformed from the big bicycle toy.

In fact, what we need is its chassis and transmission system. Everything else is designed and developed independently by us.

For example, the six-sided compound eye lens on it is an optical imaging reconnaissance system independently developed by us that integrates white light, infrared, and low-light night vision functions. Using our intelligent image recognition technology, we can identify enemies passing nearby. Infantry, armored vehicles and other targets, then select the appropriate target and launch an attack. "

In other words, it is actually similar to our previous attack drone, except that you replaced the drone with a big truck. After listening to Zhou Yonghui's introduction, Wu Hao thought thoughtfully.

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui smiled and nodded: "That's true, but we have conducted targeted research and improvements to make it more suitable for ground attacks and more capable.

This kind of smart landmine is in a folded state before it is activated.

We can mine mines in a variety of ways, such as manual mine mines, vehicle mine mines, aircraft mine mines, etc.

The method of laying mines is very simple. You only need to put it in the corresponding position, camouflage it slightly, and then activate it. Or, it can be activated directly on the mine-laying vehicle, and then the computer performs cluster control, allowing these smart mines to drive out of the mine-laying vehicle on their own, and then drive to a predetermined area for standby.

As for aerial mine-laying, it is also very simple. With a small parachute, we can drop this kind of mine in the air. These mines will parachute to the ground, then automatically activate, hide and stand by, waiting for the target to enter the range.

In order to allow these smart landmines to have a longer standby period, these landmines will automatically sleep in the standby state, and will only turn on some sensors for early warning detection.

For example, the vibration sensor located under the vehicle will detect small vibrations in the nearby area in standby state to determine whether the enemy is approaching. When an enemy approaches the warning area, the intelligent system in the mine will automatically turn on, then start searching for and detecting targets, and determine whether these targets are the ones it needs to attack.

Once it locks onto a target, it attacks autonomously.

In addition to the vibration sensor, the infrared camera and other sensors on it will also enter the on-duty warning state. After discovering the target, it will also trigger the mine to turn on, search and determine, and carry out independent attacks. "

How far is this detection distance? Wu Hao asked immediately after hearing this.

After hearing Wu Hao's inquiry, Zhou Yonghui said with a smile: "The detection distance of each smart landmine is about one hundred meters. If the field of view is good, the distance can be further. The main reason is that there are too many obstructions on the ground and the field of view is relatively small. Restricted.”

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's answer, Wu Hao nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Zhou Yonghui nodded and continued: "In order to give the smart landmine a longer standby time, we installed a solar panel on it, which can replenish power slowly to meet daily standby needs.

In addition, we also install chemical batteries inside the smart mine. When a landmine attacks, the solution in the chemical battery will react quickly to generate a large amount of electrical energy, stimulating the motor to accelerate, allowing this smart landmine to attack the locked target faster.

Moreover, based on our cluster control technology, these mines can quickly connect to autonomous networks after activation and implement collaborative attacks.

For example, against some armored targets, one smart mine may not work and multiple mines are needed to attack. In this case, this system can play a very important role.

Reasonably allocate resources to maximize the results, thereby exerting its powerful combat effectiveness. "


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