Military Technology

Chapter 2131 Super Mine

“And these smart landmines are in a silent and concealed state before attacking. In other words, others cannot detect them until they are activated to launch an attack.

So when the enemy discovers them, it means that they will die.

It takes a few seconds for these smart mines to activate, and the number of smart mines that need to be activated is determined based on the number of units on the target. Therefore, the activated mines will start to attack. When the target is confirmed to be eliminated, these activated mines will choose to be in the standby alert state again.

Therefore, even if the other party knows that there are smart mines in this area, there is no way to confirm the location of these smart mines. And you can't get close. Once you get close, these smart landmines will attack. "

What if the other party uses unmanned demining robots to carry out demining in depth? Wu Hao asked very pointedly.

Hearing this question, Zhou Yonghui nodded with a smile and said: "We have already thought of this problem when we were researching it. We have adopted two methods. The first method is to filter and then continue to standby and hide. Unless the smart mines is discovered, otherwise no attack will be launched.

To put it simply, when an unmanned mine-sweeping robot enters the minefield when the intelligent mine detection system detects it, it will continue to choose the concealed standby state. If the unmanned mine-sweeping robot discovers a smart landmine and takes further actions, such as choosing to dismantle, destroy, detonate, etc. Then smart landmines will actively attack unmanned mine-clearing robots, one for one.

Calculated in this way, if we want to eliminate this minefield, the cost will be high, and we will not lose money.

Of course, we don't need so many triggering conditions, just set one, and when local mine-clearing equipment is discovered, attack first. "

Upon hearing Zhou Yonghui's introduction, Wu Hao nodded and showed a satisfied smile. Then he looked carefully at the smart landmine that looked like a big toy truck on the test bench and said.

How powerful is this smart mine?

The power is very impressive. Zhou Yonghui nodded and smiled: "This small smart landmine is specially used to kill the enemy's living targets, so it is filled with high-energy explosives and wrapped with steel balls. Once it bursts, its killing radius can reach thirty meters. Once it is inside the enemy's If it explodes in the crowd, the other party will not be spared.

Of course, for the enemy's common state of lying down and looking for cover, this kind of smart landmine can also be bounced into the air and exploded, so that its killing area will be wider. Even if the enemy is lying down, it is difficult to avoid these Splashing steel ball attack,

In addition to steel ball killing, we can also load other ammunition, such as pure explosive ammunition, or special ammunition such as combustion and smoke.

As for the large-scale smart landmines here, they are mainly aimed at some armored vehicles, so they have a huge charge and use hollow charges, which have strong penetration into armored targets.

And it generally attacks the weaker parts of the armored vehicle, such as the tracks, the rear of the armored vehicle and other areas.

In addition, this kind of smart landmine can also be linked with anti-tank missiles and placed on some strategic arteries. Once a local tank is found, the smart landmine will lock the target and control the anti-tank missile to attack the locked target. Armored target.

Similarly, we have also applied it to underwater smart mines and high-altitude mines.

The first is underwater mines, which use high-explosive ammunition and use sonar systems to monitor the waters in real time. After discovering the enemy's traces, activate the underwater smart mines, and then identify the opponent's identity through the intelligent identification system. Once identified as an enemy, these smart underwater mines will attack the target.

It is worth mentioning that compared with smart landmines on the ground, underwater smart mines are highly concealed and difficult to defend.

As for high-altitude mines, these mines are generally placed on higher cliffs, halfway up mountains, on top of mountains, or on trees.

It is mainly aimed at low-altitude targets. Rather than saying it is a smart landmine, it is better to say it is a smart air defense missile. Through the intelligent image recognition system, the monitored and alerted areas are detected in real time. Once a local low-altitude flying target is discovered, it will take the initiative to launch a sudden attack, catching the opponent by surprise.

In fact, it doesn’t have to be air defense missiles. Our attack drones are also very easy to use. Combining the two together can also work wonders.

From this, we can extend and upgrade smart landmines into a new form, which we call super landmines.

This kind of super landmine is shaped like a large vehicle. The vehicle carries an attack drone launcher, which contains many attack drones.

This car is also equipped with an intelligent optical sighting system, which will monitor the surrounding environment in real time and identify and monitor targets within the monitoring range. Once an enemy target is discovered, it will take the initiative to attack.

And according to the type and quantity of the target, how many attack drones are selected to be launched to strike. After the strike is over, it will be judged whether to carry out a second strike based on the damage to the target.

After the strike is over, the vehicle, or super mine, will move and hide autonomously to prevent the other party from detecting and striking.

Even this kind of super mine can be intelligently patrolled according to a predetermined route or a selected area. They will conduct patrols along predetermined routes or independently set routes, waiting for opportunities to attack local personnel or armored vehicles that appear, or even local low-flying helicopters, or speedboats in rivers and lakes.

Of course, it can also be hidden in the jungle like a smart landmine, acting as a hidden killer, waiting for an opportunity to launch a fatal blow. "

interesting. After listening to Zhou Yonghui's introduction, Wu Hao nodded and said to Zhang Jun next to him.

Zhang Jun also nodded, and then said to Wu Hao and Zhou Yonghui: "It can be expected that this kind of smart landmine is another weapon and equipment that can change the way of war.

It's just that we don't know what this super mine is like, whether it is what this guy said. "

This is easy to handle. Just ask him to demonstrate it on the spot. Wu Hao smiled and turned to Zhou Yonghui and said.

No problem, we will make arrangements immediately to ensure your satisfaction. Zhou Yonghui responded with a smile.

Not now? Zhang Jun asked.

Zhou Yonghui shook his head: "The space here is limited, and smart landmines are also more dangerous, so we should conduct it on the outdoor testing ground. That way it will be easier to practice and enjoyable to watch."

Listen, it's up to you, we'll just wait and see. After hearing Zhou Yonghui's explanation, Zhang Jun nodded in agreement.


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