Military Technology

Warm congratulations to Sanxiaoshui (2 long words)

I have been extremely excited since I saw this news. As an old military fan who has been reading various military magazines and "Ship Knowledge" since he was a child, just seeing the scene of 003 being launched today was really touching, exciting, and overwhelming!

Ever since I learned about military affairs and understood what a ship and an aircraft carrier are, we have been dreaming about when our country will have modern warships like the West, with vertical launch systems and Aegis phased array radars; when will our country have modern warships like those in the West? There are amphibious assault ships and there are Sea Eagles. When will our country be able to have its own aircraft carrier and its own through-deck ejection aircraft carrier?

It has been more than 20 years since I came across my first military magazine at a used bookstall in 1997. I have witnessed the People’s Army and the People’s Navy move towards modernization step by step, and witnessed the equipment that we once dreamed of piece by piece. Appeared, launched, first flew, and deployed troops.

I am very lucky and happy that I can become a military fan and witness all this. We can live in such a prosperous era.

In fact, it was because of my love for the military that I started writing in this area. There are also stories that have been told in various ways in my books. Among them are our imaginations, our sorrows, and our regrets, such as the things I wrote in "Military Industrial Hegemony". Or maybe a lot of what I wrote in "Reigniting the Age of Passion" was my personal experience as a military fan.

Or maybe the book "Military Industry Science and Technology" that I'm writing now contains a lot of weapons, equipment, and technologies that I envisioned, and each one of them is actually becoming a reality.

Really, there are a lot of weapons, equipment, and technologies, all based on my assumptions and thinking about new technologies, including future wars, over the years. Soon after I wrote them, they were all realized. Many similar weapons, equipment, and technologies have appeared at home and abroad. If it was one or two, it might be a coincidence, but it happened many times. From this aspect, this is no longer a coincidence. It should be said that I still have something.

The results of this book are actually not good, but I still continue to write it, because I still have many assumptions, ideas, and thoughts about future weapons and equipment and advanced technology in my mind. I want to finish it in one go, and then never write it again. It’s really hard not to touch this kind of technical writing anymore.

I also hope that everyone can give me more support and subscribe, which will give me the motivation to continue writing and let everyone see more of my wild ideas in my mind. Thank you everyone!


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