Military Technology

Chapter 2146 Intelligent Unmanned Battlefield Combat Rescue Vehicle

“For example, a convoy composed of multiple medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles performs related marching assault missions.

The medium-sized unmanned intelligent tanks in this fleet will organize and establish a cluster control system. Through this system, the detection data information of all medium-sized unmanned intelligent tanks in the fleet will be shared, and then the information will be collected and analyzed. .

With so many sensors, coupled with the joint processing of the on-board intelligent combat systems of multiple medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles, whether it is its ability to perceive and detect the battlefield environment situation, or its ability to process massive data information, it is far better than that of a single vehicle. Medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles are much better at fighting alone.

This is what we often say: more people are more powerful. Here we should call more cars more powerful. "

Zhou Yonghui made a little joke to liven up the atmosphere, and then continued with the introduction.

“When all the data is aggregated and processed, the cluster control system will mark all enemy targets and sort them according to threat registration and target value registration, thereby ranking those priority targets.

The cluster control system will then allocate relevant attack tasks based on the functional attributes and locations of different vehicles, thereby maximizing the combat effectiveness of the fleet.

For example, some vehicles in the convoy are equipped with large-caliber artillery, rockets, grenades, etc., which will be used to attack enemy bunkers that are difficult to conquer. Those vehicles are equipped with anti-tank missiles, which are mainly used to attack enemy armored targets. Those vehicles are equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, so the main task of these vehicles is to carry out regional air defense.

Those vehicles are equipped with large-caliber machine guns and small-caliber artillery, which will be used for fire suppression missions by local personnel and battlefield assault missions.

Even the reconnaissance and attack drones equipped on that vehicle will perform remote area reconnaissance missions, point precision strike missions, etc.

In short, this cluster control system will maximize the combat effectiveness of the units in the entire cluster, and maximize the results of joint operations in the region. "

After hearing Zhou Yonghui's introduction, everyone present nodded and praised him.

Wu Hao did not speak, but looked at the three medium-sized unmanned intelligent tanks parked in the middle of the hall, and then turned to Zhou Yonghui with a smile on his face and asked.

"How do you position this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle?"

After hearing this conversation, everyone stopped talking and looked at Zhou Yonghui, waiting for his answer. As for Zhou Yonghui, after hearing this question, the smile on his face froze for a moment, and then continued to smile. However, this smile was very different from before, which was enough to reflect his state of mind at the moment.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yonghui looked up at Wu Hao and answered seriously: "I think it is an important combat node on the ground battlefield in the future combat system, and it is also an important firepower strike unit on the ground battlefield.

In the future battlefield, it can not only perform some individual combat tasks as an independent armed combat unit, but of course it can also cooperate with other unit personnel to conduct joint operations.

Its superior battlefield environment situational awareness capability can not only meet its own combat needs, but also synchronize the detected relevant data and information to other combat units and combat units.

And these detected data information will also be fed back to the rear command center in real time, becoming a window and a pair of eyes for the rear command center to understand the battlefield situation ahead.

At the same time, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle also has strong combat effectiveness. It can be used to perform some high-risk tasks in complex environments, thus greatly reducing casualties of grassroots troops.

For example, go to some city streets where the enemy is tightly guarded. Because the buildings in the city are dense, there are too many places that can be long. Therefore, urban street fighting has become a meat grinder of war. Unless you use horizontal push technology to tear it all the way through, you will have to pay a huge price of casualties if you want to enter and seize these areas.

But if you adopt the tactic of demolishing buildings flatly, there will be nothing left when you arrive. By the time the war was over, the city would have been basically razed to the ground and in ruins, so it would naturally lose its original value.

As for the current battle, we still hope to capture the city while ensuring that the city is not destroyed and its basic functions are preserved as much as possible.

If you can't use the tactics of demolishing buildings and pushing down, you can only use a few people to attack and seize the territory. Large weapons and equipment are basically useless.

Because in urban combat, the forces of the enemy and ourselves are intertwined, and heavy weapons such as artillery cannot support them at all. Tanks and armored vehicles are the least suitable for urban combat.

Therefore, wars often continue like this, which is a very large drain on the enemy's and our own strength.

But if our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle is used, it can largely replace armored vehicles and tanks, and even some of the roles and functions of our offensive forces.

It can provide abundant fire support to the attacking troops to the greatest extent. Of course, it can also fight independently to destroy the detected invading enemies.

At the same time, it is an unmanned combat vehicle, so it is not afraid of damage or casualties. Therefore, a large number of such medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles can be deployed to consume the enemy's vocal power.

Of course, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle has excellent defense and firepower capabilities, and it is not so easy to be consumed by the enemy through numbers. "

Having said this, Zhou Yonghui paused for a moment, and then continued: "In fact, it also has many other models with transformation functions, such as intelligent unmanned battlefield combat rescue vehicles.

The main mission of this intelligent unmanned battlefield combat rescue vehicle is to rescue wounded soldiers who are injured on the battlefield, lose the ability to move, and are in danger.

This intelligent unmanned battlefield combat rescue vehicle has two drawers at the rear, which can be opened remotely to form two stretchers. The injured soldier can get onto the stretcher by himself or with the help of his comrades.

The intelligent unmanned battlefield combat rescue vehicle will detect whether there are wounded people lying on the stretcher, then determine to retrieve the stretcher, and return the personnel and the stretcher to the intelligent unmanned battlefield combat rescue vehicle.

In the treatment compartment, there will be an intelligent multi-tentacled medical robot that will assist in treating the wounded, such as detecting the injured's injuries and physiological signs of the body, and then feeding back to the medical treatment center behind.

At the same time, under the instructions of the rear medical treatment center, the intelligent multi-tentacle robot can also perform emergency hemostasis, emergency infusion, and blood transfusion for the wounded.

At the same time, the intelligent unmanned battlefield combat rescue vehicle will quickly carry the wounded, then quickly leave the battlefield and go to the nearest medical treatment center in the rear for treatment. "


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