Military Technology

Chapter 2149 Micro Nanorobot

Wu Hao thought for a moment after hearing this, and then asked Zhou Yonghui: "How many engineering prototype vehicles are there now? Will sending a few of them affect the progress of your scientific research."

Hearing his inquiry, Zhou Yonghui shook his head: "That's not true. We currently have about a dozen engineering prototype vehicles. Sending a few over will not affect the progress of our project research.

But if it is sent to the military in advance, the performance display effect of the equipment when we participate in the internal weapons and equipment technology promotion meeting of the military industry system may be greatly improved. "

This is okay. Wu Hao waved his hand and said: "You can sign an agreement with them and keep the test results data confidential. Besides, as for the performance of this equipment, hearing about it is one feeling, seeing it with your own eyes is another feeling, it won't If it has too much impact, don’t worry.”

Okay, then I will contact them later. Zhou Yonghui nodded in response.

Wu Hao smiled when he heard this, and then continued to eat. The mutton soup was good and made people feel comfortable, which made him take a few more sips. As for Zhang Jun next to him, he had already finished most of what he ordered and was enjoying his iced drink leisurely at this time.

Wu Hao wiped his mouth, then inserted a piece of fruit with a knife and fork and ate it. While eating, he glanced at Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming opposite and asked with a smile: "Because of time constraints, today's lap is a bit hasty, and Didn't go to many places.

While you have some time now, please give me a general introduction. "

here? Lin Jiaming subconsciously turned his head and took a closer look at his surroundings.

It was already past dinner time, and there were not many people dining in the restaurant. Everyone was eating sparsely, and there were no people around them, just them.

A brief introduction without any impact. Wu Hao waved his hand.

However, after Wu Hao finished speaking, several security personnel stood up and sat down around Wu Hao, wrapping them inside. One of the security personnel also took out a piece of equipment, opened it, and placed it on the dining table.

Wu Hao can not care, but the people around him cannot care, especially his security team. Perhaps because they are used to Wu Hao's usual style, these people have prepared multiple sets of response plans. For example, this reaction now is the result of having been rehearsed many times in advance.

Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming also saw this situation. They couldn't help but were stunned, opened their mouths, and finally nodded.

Zhou Yonghui wiped his mouth, sorted out his thoughts a little, and then said to Wu Hao: "In fact, we still have a key research project, but it is too difficult and has not been completely conquered."

Oh, after hearing Zhou Yonghui's words, Wu Hao and Zhang Jun couldn't help but become interested. They really want to know what this scientific research project that Zhou Yonghui calls too difficult is.

The two of them looked interested, but Zhou Yonghui did not say anything directly. Instead, he asked the smiling two, "I wonder if you and Mr. Zhang have ever watched a cartoon called Super Marines, where there is That movie about the inflatable robot Baymax (●—●).”

I remember this movie, the Baymax (●—●) in it was very cute. Why, you developed it. Zhang Jun asked Zhou Yonghui in surprise.

No, Zhou Yonghui and Lin Jiaming smiled and shook their heads.

Zhou Yonghui directed at the two tree holes: "Research on Dabai (●—●) is the business scope of the Institute of Automated Machinery Technology, and we don't want to get involved. To be precise, we have nothing to do with the kind of micro nanorobots developed by the protagonist in the movie. It’s the kind of tiny nanobots used by the villains in the show that interest me.”

It's the kind of micro nanorobots that the villain in the show uses to control many micro nanorobots to attack the protagonist's team. Zhang Jun said in surprise.

As for Wu Hao, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and he immediately said: "Large-scale cluster array control technology."

That's right. Zhou Yonghui nodded repeatedly and said with a smile: “This is this technology, and this is also the project we have been researching and conquering.

It should be said that we have mastered all the technologies for the miniature robots in the movie, including cluster array control technology, brain-computer interaction thought control technology, intelligent robotics technology, nano-manufacturing technology, etc.

It should be said that we already have the conditions to reproduce the tiny nanorobots in the movie, so we thought about whether we could make it. "

Wu Hao nodded to express his understanding, and then asked him: "Now that the technology has matured, why is the research progress so slow? What are the difficulties?"

After hearing Wu Hao's words, Zhou Yonghui smiled at Wu Hao and said: "Originally we thought it would be easy, but when we actually studied it, the difficulty level exceeded our belief.

First of all, we need to solve the first problem, which is the shape and structure of this micro nanorobot.

In the movie, we are shown the appearance structure of a single micro nanorobot. It is composed of three parts, namely the upper and lower rhombus parts and the spherical movable joint in the middle.

Note that these three are not connected together through a mechanical structure, but through the strong magnetic servo joint ball structure shown in the movie to connect the upper and lower rhombus to form the main body of a micro nanorobot.

This is a technology demonstration in the movie, but it is impossible for us to realize it. We cannot realize this kind of strong magnetic servo joint ball technology.

And what’s even more terrible is that the key connection technology used by the tiny nano-robots in the movie to form a huge robot cluster relies on this strong magnetic servo joint ball technology to connect to each other.

It is precisely because of this technology that the powerful micro-nanorobot cluster form in the movie can be so strong and stable together, and possess powerful strength and very powerful flexibility. .

Therefore, if we want to replicate this technology, create micro nanorobots comparable to those in the movie, and achieve powerful micro nanorobot cluster joint forms, we must first overcome this strong magnetic servo joint ball technology.

However, in the movie, the two rhombuses are directly connected together through strong magnets. This can also be done in reality, but the magnetic attraction is far less powerful than in the movie. In addition, our control of the magnetic field is very unstable. If numerous micro-nano robots are arranged together, the magnetic attraction of many strong magnetic servo joint balls will interfere with each other, thus affecting the overall control. It will also affect or even disrupt the orderly arrangement of the entire cluster array. structure.

Therefore, with our current technical strength, it is basically impossible to completely reproduce the strong magnetic servo joint ball technology in the movie. So, can we use real-life technology to replace this technology as a movable drive joint and interconnection mechanism? Woolen cloth. "


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