Military Technology

Chapter 2156 Immortality and Death

Is this really okay? Zhang Jun's eyes shone brighter and brighter, and he showed an expression of excitement and disbelief.

"Why not? Not only that, as our bio-3D printing technology continues to develop and progress in the future, maybe we can realize human body printing in the future. We can directly print a body for you. At that time, we only need to print your brain Just separate it and then implant it into a new body.

In other words, our technology goes one step further and directly extracts your conscious thoughts from your brain and then implants them into your new body. In this way, we can repeatedly extract and implant it to achieve true immortality. Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun.


When Zhang Jun heard what he said, his mouth opened wide enough to be able to stuff a whole egg into it. After being shocked for a long time, he pointed tremblingly at the jammer on the table and said, "Now I finally know why you took out this thing. Just what you said just now will make anyone who hears it go crazy. This is simply the ultimate dream of mankind.

As for this technology, once it is announced, it will probably cause a shock to the entire human society. "

So, this technology will never see the light of day. Wu Hao said with a smile.

What's the meaning?

Zhang Jun was stunned for a moment, then reacted, then nodded and said: "Yes, once this ultimate technology is released, it will definitely cause turmoil in the human world.

So even if we master this ultimate technology, it will never be released. "

But having said that, is consciousness extraction really possible? Zhang Jun asked a question that he was very curious about.

Wu Hao smiled slightly when he heard this and said, "Why not? Everything is possible."

Seeing that Zhang Jun's curious eyes had not weakened, Wu Hao continued with a smile: "Currently, we can use our own conscious thoughts to control mechanical equipment through the brain-computer interaction system, and can transmit the thought content of our brains through the computer. The AI ​​system expresses it.

For example, we can use this brain-computer interaction system to clearly understand what the wearer is thinking about at the moment and so on.

In the future, with the continuous development and evolution of brain-computer interaction technology, we will gradually extract the ideological reading and writing in the brain, and then load it into a blank brain to achieve reincarnation. "

It's a bit weird, but am I still me after being extracted in this way? If I haven't died yet, then the person who was extracted and reincarnated is also me, so wouldn't there be two me in this world? Zhang Jun raised his doubts and concerns.

good question. Wu Hao praised it, and then said with a smile: "Theoretically speaking, this situation is unlikely to happen. Our consciousness ranges from deep to shallow consciousness. The shallow consciousness can be detected, perceived, read and written, while Deep ideological consciousness is not so easy to read and write.

If you want to extract a person's complete consciousness, the original brain cells of the extracted person may be damaged at the same time. This also means that the person being extracted may suffer brain death due to severe brain damage after extracting their consciousness.

So theoretically speaking, it is unlikely that there will be two similar you in this world. "

Hearing Wu Hao's explanation, Zhang Jun couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. If there really were two of him in this world, it would be really scary.

However, Zhang Jun didn't feel much relieved, and his heart was immediately suspended by Wu Hao's next words.

However, it is not impossible. Wu Hao said with a smile.

What's the meaning? Zhang Jun was shocked and asked immediately.

Can the ideology we extract be replicated? Have you ever thought about this question? Wu Hao said to Zhang Jun.

copy? Zhang Jun opened his mouth, then looked at Wu Hao with wide eyes, speechless for a long time.

Wu Hao looked at Zhang Jun who was stunned and speechless, and said with a smile: "Since ideology can be extracted, why can't it be copied? This also means that we can copy and instill the extracted ideology at the same time into different bodies and brains, thus forming multiple yous.

And this also means that there is more than one you in this world, there may be two you, or even more you at the same time. "


Zhang Jun was dumbfounded by Wu Hao's statement. After calming down for a long time, he said to him: "It's better not to do this technology, otherwise there will be big trouble."

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "Of course, this technology is too unnatural and violates the law and social ethics, so it will not be allowed by society and humans.

Even if it were done, it would be the kind that would never see the light of day.

In comparison, maybe the first type of brain replacement technology is easier for society and humans to accept, and it is less sensitive to the trends in law and ethics. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao changed his tone and said with a smile: "Of course, you also know that it is necessary to remove a person's brain without damage and then implant it into another body. This involves technical difficulties and risks. , undoubtedly all at the massive level.

Therefore, no matter whether society reaches that point or not, this type of surgery will always be the most advanced and the most difficult.

Even if this technology is really researched and developed in the future, I am afraid that the related costs will be a staggering number, and it will only be used by the upper echelons of society. "

Zhang Jun nodded after hearing his words. Indeed, no matter how mature this technology is, the cost will never be reduced. Therefore, even if it is researched, I am afraid it can only be used by some wealthy people with financial foundation, and ordinary people may not be able to afford it.

As for Wu Hao, he continued: "Of course, this technology also has certain limitations, that is, the brain is still the original brain, and it also has a lifespan, so it cannot extend the lifespan for much longer, even if Even if you change your body, it is impossible to achieve immortality."

This is not a big or small regret. Zhang Jun nodded and said slightly.

Indeed, human greed is endless. After they have tasted the sweetness of reincarnation, how can they accept death so calmly?

Wu Hao smiled and nodded and said: "So this technology cannot achieve immortality. At most, it can allow people to live for a few more decades. And the ultimate goal we want to pursue is immortality.

This is certainly a bit fantasy, but isn’t the end of science just fantasy and myth?

In fact, we have been using science and technology to realize those imaginations in myths. And so far we have achieved a lot, such as clairvoyance, sound transmission thousands of miles away, traveling thousands of miles in a day, etc.

In the future, we must move forward towards higher goals, and no matter when it comes, immortality and immortality are the ultimate goals pursued by mankind.

No one can deny immortality"


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