Military Technology

Chapter 2167 The competition between spear and shield

By setting up a large screen on site, everyone can very intuitively see the real-time movement of these two medium-sized unmanned intelligent tanks.

Even though they were driving on the Gobi desert, the speed of the two vehicles was not slow, almost maintaining a speed of sixty or seventy kilometers per hour. Of course, this speed is not very fast on the road, it should be said to be relatively slow, but if it is next to the desert with no roads, there are gravel and potholes everywhere, it is still possible to maintain such a speed. It's already very powerful.

The important thing is that all this is controlled without human intervention and is completely controlled independently by the on-board intelligent unmanned driving system of the medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle. ,

From the perspective of two aerial drones flying in the sky, two medium-sized unmanned intelligent tanks are dragging dust on the desert Gobi and galloping in the Gobi. This shot is very spectacular.

"Okay, let's let these two vehicles run first. Next, we will use the other two vehicles to show you some of its related functions, such as the excellent active defense system on our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle. and battlefield target search and tracking performance.”

Zhou Yonghui said with a smile to everyone.

Seeing everyone's attention and being attracted by his words, Zhou Yonghui randomly gestured to the technicians next to him, then turned to everyone and introduced again: "Okay, next we will use these two fire support vehicles and combat rescue vehicles The vehicle will demonstrate its active defense system, its ability to perceive the situation of the surrounding environment, and its ability to search and track targets.

In order to ensure the safety of the test and the personal safety of all of us present, live ammunition was not used in this test, and the entire test process was completely conducted under simulated conditions.

We will arrange multiple simulated targets in the front test field. These targets simulate some enemy targets that may appear on the battlefield, such as enemy armed personnel, enemy armored vehicles, tanks, and some enemy targets. Fortifications built by the party, etc.

After the test begins, we will control two vehicles to drive into this test field to see the response and search capabilities of these two vehicles for these targets, and how long it will take to find all these targets and identify and confirm them. and lock the attack target.

Of course, the attacks here are only simulated attacks at the system level, and everyone knows about them.

In addition to these simulated fixed targets, we will also set up some moving targets, such as ground moving targets and some aerial targets, to see if the active defense system and vehicle-mounted intelligent combat system can detect these targets and identify and confirm them. Lock attack. "

While Zhou Yonghui was introducing it, everyone had already followed its gaze and saw that the target arrangement over there had begun. In fact, the entire arrangement process seemed very casual to Wu Hao and the others.

Several leather vehicles drove randomly to an open space, and then began to place targets from the bottom of the vehicle. And these targets are not the standard ones that stand up and are placed in prominent positions.

Not like that, these technicians either erected the targets directly there, leaned them against rocks, or placed them directly down there. Some of them were directly hidden in some sunken pits.

As for those moving targets, it seems that they should be the six-wheeled carts of smart landmines. They should not be smart landmines, but there will be a small target placed on them for identification and confirmation, and then placed in some hidden places.

Looking at the curious and confused eyes of everyone, Zhou Yonghui smiled at everyone and explained: "Yes, these moving targets are our smart landmines, but these smart landmines are our experimental samples, and they are not loaded with ammunition, so No danger will arise.

Except that these smart landmines are not loaded with ammunition, other parts are the same as the smart landmines we experimented with previously. In order to facilitate simulation testing, we will place a small target on each smart mine to simulate identification.

Of course, this will not happen in actual combat. This is just for convenience of testing and test safety considerations.

In the test to come, these smart mines will take the opportunity to attack these two medium-sized unmanned smart combat vehicles. Therefore, our two medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles need to find the target before the mines reach the two vehicles, and lock and attack to eliminate the opponent. It can be said that this will be a battle of contradictions and shields.

Competition, the test later will be very exciting.

In addition to these smart landmines on the ground, we have also deployed multiple drones in the air. These drones will also simulate aerial targets in some places to test the search for aerial targets by medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles. capabilities and defense capabilities. "

Just as the technicians were arranging the targets at the test site, there were new trends on the big screen over there.

Zhou Yonghui called everyone to come to the big screen, and then introduced with a smile: "Look, everyone, these two vehicles have arrived at their destination. Next, they will follow the instructions to circle the sand dune, and then return again.

One thing I don’t know if you have noticed is that when the vehicle arrives at the destination, it will simultaneously transmit high-definition image data near the destination. This is also to enable the rear command and control center to know the details of the scene as soon as possible.

With this feature, it also means that this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle can perform some complex and high-risk tasks.

For example, if some areas are inaccessible to personnel, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle can be dispatched to the scene for detailed investigation.

Some areas are more dangerous for people to enter, so it is entirely possible to send medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicles into these areas to conduct reconnaissance and combat situations.

To give a very simple example, after a group of armed gangsters committed a crime, they jumped into a factory area and fought hard. Under normal circumstances, in order to eliminate these gangsters, we need to dispatch elite troops to eliminate or arrest these gangsters.

But in this case, the desperate gangsters will definitely fight to the death, which will often cause us some casualties, which we don't want to see.

At this time, we can send this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle to this factory area for inbound reconnaissance and combat. Not only can we know the details inside in real time, but we can also launch attacks on the stubborn gangsters to eliminate them or make them lose their combat effectiveness.

Even if the gangsters in the factory area continue to resist and no matter how fierce the firepower is, we will not cause additional casualties. It can be said that you can defeat your opponent without losing any blood.

Similarly, this medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle can not only be used in these areas, but can also be used in some dangerous goods disposal areas. It is too dangerous for people to enter these areas. Conventional unmanned robots are limited by their own performance and carrying capacity, and the role they can play is very limited.

Our medium-sized unmanned intelligent combat vehicle can carry a lot of rescue equipment in and can transmit back the details inside in real time. Therefore, under the guidance of experts, unmanned operations can be carried out, rescue and disaster relief can be carried out, and dangers and losses can be minimized, thereby effectively protecting the safety of people's lives and property.

At the same time, it can also reduce unnecessary losses and casualties of our rescue forces. "


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