Military Technology

Chapter 2180 The worst possible outcome

"Intracranial hemorrhage, don't you need surgery first?" Wu Hao, who knew some medical knowledge, couldn't help but reacted and asked after hearing this.

Haha, after hearing his words, Mr. Sun shook his head with a smile and said: "This is where this young man's fate lies. If there is massive intracranial bleeding, then it is very likely that this young man will not be able to hold on until he can be rescued.

As for this young man, because he had complete airbag protection in the car, his craniocerebral injury was relatively mild. Except for the skull fracture, the amount of bleeding from these two intracranial bleeding points was actually not large. They were both capillary bleeding, so The bleeding mouth was stopped in time.

Generally speaking, we rarely perform cranial surgery on this kind of wound. We treat it with medication to allow the patient to slowly absorb the blood. However, this also depends on the absorption of the drug, which may not be ideal. Look here, there is quite a lot of bleeding here. If some nerve tissue is compressed, it is likely to cause some problems. Therefore, we also need to go through a comprehensive evaluation to see if surgical intervention is needed. In addition, the patient has brain damage, so we need to repair the damage to the patient’s skull. "

After hearing Mr. Sun's introduction, Wu Hao and Lin Honghan nodded to express their understanding. However, the risks caused by brain loss and brain surgery made Lin Honghan and Wu Hao show a solemn look on their faces.

Mr. Sun also noticed this and said with a random smile: "Don't worry too much, these two positions are relatively good, and the general impact should not be big."

You continue. Wu Hao nodded and signaled Mr. Sun to continue.

Mr. Sun nodded, and then continued: "The next step is the key part, the torso injury, which is the most serious and complicated.

The first is the skeletal part. There are many rib fractures. There are fractures here, here, and here. Especially here, you can see that the broken rib has penetrated into the lung, which is very dangerous.

And here, it is less than one centimeter away from the heart. If it goes a little further in, the heart will be squeezed, which is very dangerous.

Then there is the damage to multiple organs and tissues in the body, such as the lungs, liver, kidneys, spleen, etc. In addition, we also need to check the intestines to avoid intestinal damage, which is also very dangerous. "

After hearing Mr. Sun's introduction, the wrinkles on Lin Honghan's forehead deepened. He clenched his hands into fists, as if suppressing his emotions, and then said to Mr. Sun calmly: "Please do your best to save him, no matter what the price, you can get rid of him."

With that said, Lin Honghan bowed deeply to Mr. Sun.

Hey, what are you doing? Get up quickly. As he said this, Mr. Sun and Wu Hao quickly went to help Lin Honghan one after another.

Don't worry, we will do our best to treat him. Mr. Sun said sternly to Lin Honghan.

Lin Honghan looked at Mr. Sun's serious expression, then nodded, then sighed and stopped talking.

Upon seeing this, Wu Hao immediately comforted Lin Honghan: "Uncle, don't worry too much. Take care of yourself. Let's sit down and wait for the operation to end. No matter how much you worry now, it won't help."

Hearing Wu Hao's words, Lin Honghan glanced at Wu Hao, then nodded, walked to the front seat and did it, and then silently stared at the surgery scene on the screen and watched it carefully.

After looking at Lin Honghan, Wu Hao walked up to Mr. Sun and Dean Liao and asked softly: "What do you need me to do now?"

Mr. Sun shook his head: "Now it depends on the result of the operation. If the result of the operation is ideal, then this most dangerous stage has been passed. If the result of the operation is not ideal, then we have to prepare for the worst. "

After hearing what Mr. Sun said, Wu Hao nodded silently. Dean Liao on the side said: "Mr. Wu, in the past few years, you have accumulated very fruitful achievements in the field of intelligent bionic artificial organ technology and bio-3D printing technology.

If the situation is really not ideal in the end, maybe you can prepare to replace him with these things to save his life first. "

Hearing Dean Liao's words, Mr. Sun's eyes lit up, and then he nodded slightly: "I have also heard about your intelligent bionic artificial organ technology. If the technology is really mature, maybe it can be used on him to save his life first. Say it again."

Wu Hao nodded when he heard this, and then said to the two of them: "I'll go out and make arrangements."

With that said, Wu Hao glanced at Lin Honghan and walked out quickly.

As for Mr. Sun, he looked at Wu Hao's back and said to Dean Liao: "Aren't you afraid that people will say you are taking advantage of others when you speak now?"

They said let them talk. If we can get these projects to fall into our hospital, then I will be willing to say more. Dean Liao replied and then said: "Besides, this is also to save his brother-in-law. This is indeed the last way to save his life."

On the other side, Wu Hao, who walked out of the operating area, was immediately surrounded by waiting people. Especially Lin's mother and Lin Wei, they were even more excited and took Wu Hao's hand and asked tremblingly: "Xiao Hao, how is Xiao Lei's situation?"

Looking at the excited two people, Wu Hao comforted him and said as calmly as possible: "He is still in the process of surgery, and his life is currently stable. However, because the surgery is still going on, all the conditions will not be known until the end of the surgery." "

In this case, if you no longer match my father inside, what are you doing outside? Lin Wei asked him involuntarily.

When Wu Hao saw this, he said: "My uncle is with me. I have to do something."

whats the matter? Lin Wei couldn't help but ask, and everyone else also looked at him.

Wu Hao did not speak, but said to Lin Wei: "Hello auntie, I'll go out for a while."

With that said, Wu Hao glanced at Yang Fan who was standing aside, and the two of them walked out together with Shen Ning and others who were waiting.

Lin Wei watched Wu Hao and the others leaving, and then said to her mother, "Mom, I'll go listen."

After saying that, without waiting for Mother Lin to speak, she walked out quickly.

Wu Hao and Yang Fan came to an empty rest area and stopped. Wu Hao turned around and saw Lin Wei following behind him, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Didn't I ask you to accompany your aunt? Why did you come with me?

What's going on? Why can't you tell us in front of us? Lin Wei did not reply but asked directly.

Wu Hao looked at Lin Wei's scrutinizing look, then shook his head and sighed angrily, "Xiao Lei's condition is a bit serious, and many organs and tissues in his body are damaged, so we need to prepare for the worst."

Having said this, Wu Hao turned to Yang Fan and said, "Go and call some of the intelligent bionic artificial organs we have developed and related technology R\u0026D team members to be on standby in case of emergencies. need."


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