Military Technology

Chapter 2192 Innovative Technology Treatment Plan for Heart Disease

After waiting for a while, various dishes were presented one after another.

Although it is Huaiyang cuisine, it is not traditional Huaiyang cuisine. Basically, it is creative Huaiyang cuisine improved from traditional Huaiyang cuisine. For example, in the dish of white robe shrimp, tea is added on top, so the shrimp has a hint of tea aroma, making the taste more layered.

Another example is the crab meat and lion head dish. The chef did not use traditional pork and crab meat alone, but used beef, mutton and pork to make the meat more elastic. The chef also used braised and stewed styles to eat two dishes in one dish. It was very Not bad.

There are many similar famous dishes, such as long fish in soft pocket, braised silver carp head, crystal meat, three sets of duck and so on. Among them, the most famous, the most well-known, the most widely spread, and the most representative Huaiyang cuisine is naturally Wensi Tofu.

This dish is a dish for showing off your knife skills. The taste is okay, but not as amazing as the previous ones.

Because I was reminded in advance, the number of dishes served was actually not large, but it was enough for four people. Especially the father-in-law and the mother-in-law, although they have put it aside for the time being, due to their age and the night, they don't actually eat much. Most of the time, they are actually greeting Wu Hao and Lin Wei. eat.

Lin Wei also ate very little. In most cases, the three of them would greet Wu Hao to clean up the mess.

The food was certainly delicious, but it couldn't stand up to the three people's greetings, so the meal made him feel a little depressed. Fortunately, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are in a better mood, so all their efforts were not in vain.

After dinner, Lin Wei proposed to go for a walk or something together, but the father-in-law and mother-in-law refused. The two of them missed Lin Lei in their hearts, so they wanted to return to the hospital anxiously. In the end, their persuasion was fruitless, and Wu Hao and Lin Wei had no choice but to send them back to the hospital.

After staying with the two elders in the hospital for a while, Wu Hao and Lin Wei returned home at their urging.

In the next few days, the situation was as usual. Lin Lei's body did not have any unexpected problems and he was recovering bit by bit.

Although he still didn't leave the oxygen, Lin Lei's consciousness was awake and he could speak softly. However, just as Director Chen and the others had judged, Lin Lei suffered partial amnesia. He forgot how he drove down the cliff and how he went out to play. In addition, he also forgot his memories from junior high school, including his first love, classmates and friends in junior high school, etc.

And this is only the current discovery. As for what else has been forgotten, this has not yet been tested and checked.

Compared to these, Lin Lei was very excited about losing his left leg and eye. So much so that the doctor sedated her twice, which made the father-in-law and mother-in-law who were standing outside heartbroken. If it weren't for Wu Hao and Lin Wei's urging, the mother-in-law would have rushed in desperately, given her mother-in-law's character.

Gradually, Lin Lei gradually accepted the fact that he had lost his left leg and eye, but his mood was always low. This naturally made Father Lin and Mother Lin very anxious.

Because what Lin Lei was suffering from was a typical case of post-traumatic stress disorder, if timely intervention was not provided, it would likely lead to the patient's psychological collapse, or to extremes.

Therefore, in order to ease Lin Lei's emotions, the expert team agreed to let a family member go in to stay with him in bed and ease the patient's emotions.

This task naturally fell on Lin's father and Lin's mother, and the two took turns to stay in bed and do ideological work. However, for Lin Lei's safety, both elders had to wear trap protective clothing to go in. Although it is very troublesome, the two elders still enjoy it.

For them, nothing is more important than being close to their son.

Accompanied by his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Lin Lei's mood improved and his physical condition recovered well. So the expert team decided to move to the next step of treatment.

As mentioned during the previous consultation, Lin Lei's heart was severely shaken and torn, and the damage was relatively serious. Although the basic function of the heart was barely restored through cardiac surgery, it was still very poor. Especially after such a long period of testing, it was found that Lin Lei's heart function had been seriously damaged and surgery was necessary.

If the traditional heart surgery plan is followed, Lin Lei's heart will be repaired and implanted, and the normal function of the heart will be restored through biological valves, heart stents, etc.

The prognosis of this traditional heart surgery is also good, but considering that the patient is only 23 years old, the implantation of artificial biological valves and heart stents so early will have a serious impact on the patient's future quality of life.

Although he can return to a normal life, he can only meet some daily needs. He cannot run, jump, do distance sports, and cannot get emotional. Quit drinking, quitting smoking, quit spicy food, go to bed early and get up early without getting tired.

Even so, the patient's heart problems will inevitably worsen over time. Therefore, subsequent heart surgeries are required to implant heart stents. Until all this is useless, there are only two results waiting for the patient. Either replace the heart or wait for death.

This kind of long-term heart problem will also cause damage to other organs. Even if the artificial heart is replaced, it cannot save the previous damage to other hearts and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the best way now is to perform surgery and use new technology to repair the damaged part of his heart, so that his heart can gradually return to normal.

The so-called new treatment technology is actually a heart repair surgery based on 3D printed organ tissue proposed by Qin Ziheng and his bio-3D printed organ tissue technology team. Lin Lei's myocardial tissue cells were extracted and cloned, and then a bio-3D printer was used to print Lin Lei's damaged heart myocardial tissue and tissues such as heart valves. It was then surgically implanted into the damaged part of Lin Lei's heart to repair the damaged part.

In this way, the repaired heart can return to normal function and the patient can have a complete and healthy heart. This can ensure that Lin Lei's future quality of life will not be greatly affected by heart problems.

This new technology treatment method is certainly good, but it also carries huge risks. Using traditional surgery has relatively low risks, mature technology, and faster recovery. For example, some stent implantation surgeries can be performed entirely through interventional surgeries, without the need for surgery. Basically, they are done on the first day and can be discharged from the hospital the next day.

This has also led to the abuse of stents in cardiac surgeries in major hospitals for a long time. It seems that no matter what the heart disease is, two stents are put in first to suppress the shock.


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