Military Technology

Chapter 2002 This is the power of technology

"What a good thing!"

Seeing several small robotic arms performing operations flexibly on the big screen, Mr. Sun, who was sitting next to Wu Hao, couldn't help but sigh.

"In the past, it took us five to six hours, or even seven or eight hours to perform such an operation. But now with the use of this robot, we can shorten the entire operation time to one or two hours, which is really convenient."

"This is the power of technology." Dean Liao praised it, and then said to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, can you put this sixteen-tentacled medical robot here with us instead of shipping it back?"

After hearing Dean Liao's words, Wu Hao said helplessly: "You really know how to speak when you find the time. Yes, yes, but let us discuss the details below."

Seeing what Wu Hao said, Dean Liao couldn't help but smile: "You won't give us a lion's mouth."

We have been working together for so long, and I believe you know our reputation. You get what you pay for. The price is clearly marked, so you can't say it randomly. Besides, there are only so many hospitals in China that can purchase such high-end medical equipment, and the circle is very small. If we open our mouths like a lion, the whole circle will turn around the next day, which is not worth the loss for us. Wu Hao explained with a smile.

After hearing what he said, Dean Liao smiled and nodded, then looked at the operation screen on the screen and said, "The operation is almost over."

After hearing his words, Lin Honghan, who had been waiting anxiously, couldn't help but sit up and became a little excited.

On the big screen, the operation had indeed entered the final stage. Mr. Sun glanced at Lin Honghan, who was a little nervous, smiled and comforted him: "The operation went very smoothly, don't worry."

Thanks! Lin Honghan immediately thanked him after hearing this.

As President Liao said, the operation is coming to an end. As the mechanical tentacles were withdrawn from Lin Lei's body, the operation entered the final stage.

Several wounds on Lin Lei's body healed quickly under the doctor's sutures. This time the doctor did not use traditional surgical sutures, but used a new suture method.

They first applied a transparent biogel on the wound to stick the skin together, and then used a skin stapler to suture the skin of the wound. In fact, just like an ordinary stapler, titanium nails are driven into the skin to pull and fit.

In fact, applying this biogel can act as a suture for wounds. This biogel also contains ingredients that promote wound healing. However, in order to prevent the pain from the wound after the patient's anesthesia wears off and the wound tearing caused by movement, this kind of skin nailing machine needs to be used for reinforcement. In this way, the wound will not open easily.

Moreover, this kind of titanium nail will automatically fall off after the wound heals, and does not require surgery to remove the nail. It is a very new suture technology. At present, this technology is widely used in the field of emergency suturing, which can greatly save the time of doctors and patients and facilitate rescue treatment.

Of course, this kind of skin nailing machine and titanium nails also have their own limitations, that is, they can only be used to suture some superficial skin and cannot be used to suture internal tissues. Because this kind of titanium nail cannot be digested and absorbed.

The nurse cleaned the sutured wound again and then put a large band-aid on the wound. Of course, these are all done by assistants and nurses. As for Director Tong and others, they are already here.

Wu Hao and the others stood up immediately upon seeing this. Director Tong seemed a little excited. He first smiled and nodded at Lin Honghan who looked anxious, "The operation went very smoothly, and the effect was also very good.

After a while, we need to send the patient back to the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) for close monitoring. If there are no problems, he can be transferred to the general ward after a week. "

Thank you, Director Tong, and thank you all for your hard work. Lin Honghan immediately thanked him.

Director Tong smiled and waved his hand, and then said excitedly to Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, your sixteen-tentacled surgical robot is really easy to use. It is much easier to use than the previous eight-tentacled one, and it is more accurate." The precision and fineness have also been greatly improved. What I am most satisfied with is its intelligent automation, which is very easy to use in processing some wound sutures. The automatic suturing stitches are much better than ours."

Haha, as long as you are satisfied. This is also the first time that this generation of medical surgical robots has been used clinically. We are worried that you will not be used to it. Wu Hao said with a smile.

How could I not get used to it? I am so used to it. I'm worried that once I get used to this thing, I really won't be able to do without it in the future. Director Tong looked a little disappointed in his smile.

"Originally, the techniques that many of our shell doctors were proud of, such as suturing surgery and minimally invasive surgery, were unexpectedly replaced by such surgical robots so quickly. They have been practicing their unique skills for decades, but in the end they still couldn't compare. robot. "

Feeling the emotion in Director Tong's words, Wu Hao shook his head slightly and said: "Actually, it's not as good as you praised. No matter how advanced this surgical robot is, it is still not as good as an experienced doctor.

Take this suture as an example. Although automatic robot suture is good, it is difficult to handle some more complex suture wounds. In our surgery, the most common things we encounter are various emergencies. In this regard, the processing capabilities of robots are significantly weaker than those of excellent surgeons.

Although this kind of surgical robot is also very smart, it still cannot match the human brain in the field of flexibility. An excellent shell doctor can adapt to local conditions and deal with various emergencies at any time, but robots cannot. If there is no data support in this area, it cannot be processed, or there will be problems in its processing. "

"That's true. There used to be a doctor in our department. His suturing skills were superb. He performed many of our more difficult surgeries. Unfortunately, we didn't keep him in the end. He was taken over by Shang Hai's family. The medical beauty hospital poached her away with a high annual salary. It has only been a few years, and now she has bought a villa in Shanghai." Speaking of this, Director Tong said with emotion and even more envy.

We were all colleagues together at first, but suddenly one day, she was poached by a medical aesthetics hospital with a high salary. Anyone who saw the salary would be moved by the dismissal. This may even make him regret a little, why he didn't learn to sew properly in the first place.

Haha, you are not bad now either. And in the field of surgery, your achievements are far beyond his comparison. Decades from now, people may forget an excellent plastic surgeon, but they will not forget an excellent expert who saved people in distress. Wu Hao comforted him with a smile.


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