Military Technology

Chapter 2202 This treatment is unbeatable at this stage

"No, the preliminary results of this repair are very satisfactory. If there is any accident, the patient's life will not be in danger in a short period of time. And during this process, we will continue to test the patient. If there is a problem, we will It can also be dealt with in time." Director Tong replied.

After hearing his words, many experts present nodded in approval. But the expert who asked the question earlier shook his head and asked further.

"Simple problems can be dealt with in time, but if there is a serious heart problem or even a heart failure, can it still be dealt with?"

This question is obviously somewhat targeted, even seeking to find fault. But since it has been raised, Director Tong must give a correct and reasonable answer. Because in the process of medical treatment, any targeted questions or troubleshooting are responsible for life.

Therefore, it makes sense to look at these issues calmly and look at the issues raised by this expert. If a problem does arise during this period, will Director Tong be able to deal with it?

Facing the gaze of everyone, Director Tong's expression did not change. Instead, he nodded very calmly and said seriously: "We have also fully researched this issue and formulated a targeted solution.

First of all, for general issues, we will have a team of doctors on call 24 hours a day. They can rush to the ward as soon as the patient's condition occurs, conduct preliminary diagnosis and emergency treatment for the patient, and make selections based on the patient's condition. Whether to notify the expert team to come for further treatment.

For some more critical emergencies of heart disease, this team of doctors also has rich experience in dealing with them and can deal with most situations. But if it cannot be dealt with, they can also use ECMO to perform extracorporeal cardiopulmonary function circulation to stabilize the condition and wait for subsequent treatment.

If the heart stops or infarction occurs, irreparable damage occurs. Then at this time, we can consider heart transplant surgery.

Mr. Wu and his colleagues have prepared an intelligent bionic heart for patients, which is located in the hospital. Ready to use if needed. Of course, this is the worst-case scenario.

We can also continue to use artificial tissue to repair the patient's heart damage. Mr. Wu's biological cell cloning and cultivation laboratory has stored enough patient cardiomyocytes for the patient, and carries out metabolic replacement according to a certain cycle.

If needed, the cardiomyocytes grown from these clones can be put to use immediately. There will be ten biological 3D printers on standby in the biological 3D printing technology laboratory, ready for use at any time. We can use these ten bio-3D printers to print the required artificial tissues in the shortest possible time to meet surgical requirements. "


After hearing Director Tong's introduction, everyone couldn't help but look at Wu Hao and became stunned.

What a generous gesture.

That is to say, Wu Hao's brother-in-law can enjoy such treatment, which allows the biological cell cloning and cultivation laboratory to store a sufficient amount of somatic cells for them, and also allows the biological 3D printing technology laboratory to use ten biological 3D printers at any time. For emergency use.

This is no longer a question of money, but of resources. No matter how rich they are, if Wu Hao and others are not willing, these people will never enjoy such treatment.

You must know that unlike blood, body cells cannot be stored in cold storage for a long time. Even if they are refrigerated at low temperatures, after a certain period of time, the cells will metabolize and undergo apoptosis, which is irreversible. Therefore, the biological cell cloning and cultivation laboratory needs to continuously clone and cultivate cells for the patient so that his somatic cells can be maintained in sufficient quantity. This alone is not something ordinary people can afford.

Not to mention that there are ten biological 3D printers on standby at any time. There are probably not many people who can enjoy this kind of treatment. At least at this stage, they are invincible.

Thinking of this, the experts and doctors present couldn't help but start to envy the patients. Among the patients they treat, few can enjoy the benefits of consultation with so many experts, let alone the use of cutting-edge technology that has not yet been put on the market.

Even they, who are cutting-edge experts in the medical field, may not be able to enjoy it. This made everyone a little bit agitated, and then they saw Wu Hao's eyes became even more eager.

You must have a good relationship with Wu Hao, so that you can save lives at critical moments in the future.

As for Wu Hao, after feeling the warm gazes of everyone, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. This time, he really used most of the resources he could call. It can be said that without the support of these resources and technologies, Lin Lei would have died eight hundred times.

Mother-in-law and Lin Wei were so sad and worried these days that they didn't notice this. But my father-in-law noticed it, so he thanked Wu Hao many times in private.

Wu Hao, on the other hand, waved his hand. This kind of thing is his duty. Who knows that this is his brother-in-law-to-be? He is also a member of his family and must be taken into consideration.

Besides, it didn’t cost anything this time, at most it cost some money. But this money is just a dollar amount to him, and it should be the thing that he values ​​least.

Regarding Director Tong's response plan, the experts present had no objections and all gave high approval. After discussing some details again, the consultation was basically over.

Wu Hao, who was about to leave, was surrounded by a group of experts to build relationships. Although Wu Hao was a little helpless, he had to bite the bullet and deal with it. After a lot of dealing with it, everyone was finally sent away, and Wu Hao walked out.

She found that Lin Wei was already waiting in the corridor outside. When she saw him coming out, she hurriedly greeted him and asked, "What are the test results? Xiaolei's illness..."

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "There is no problem. He is recovering well from the operation. If everything goes well and there are no problems with another examination next week, he can be transferred to the general ward."


Hearing his words, Lin Wei immediately jumped up in surprise. After skipping, he realized that something was wrong with his previous actions. He turned around and looked around. Then he took Wu Hao's arm, leaned close to him and said excitedly: "Didn't I say there are several more surgeries? Why not?" Done?"

Feeling the softness in his arm, Wu Hao smiled and shook his head and replied: "The first operation was good, so the opinion of the expert group is not to rush into the second operation first, and first look at the postoperative recovery of this operation. Then decide on the second surgery plan.

In addition, I also hope that through a period of recovery and recuperation, Lin Lei can recover physically and mentally before proceeding with surgery, which will be safer. "


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