Military Technology

Chapter 2204 Relatives of the Lin family with different thoughts

Of course, Wu Hao didn't care at all about these relatives of the Lin family who had different thoughts. With the shrewdness of Lin's father and Lin's mother, as well as Lin Wei's character, including Lin Lei, who seemed to be relatively young and suffered a big loss, how could they be able to gain an advantage?

Although everyone didn't say it, they all understood that these people came to visit so diligently. Do they really have no other thoughts besides concern? This is probably impossible.

For Wu Hao, it doesn't matter what these people have in mind, as long as they don't cause trouble for him. As for the Lin family's wealth, to be honest, he didn't look down on it at all, especially Lin Wei, who had been self-reliant since childhood. Besides, they don't lack these now. Lin Wei has also said on many occasions that these things will be reserved for Lin Lei in the future and she doesn't want them.

As for Lin Lei, Wu Hao had a rough judgment about him since he had been in contact with him for such a long time. Although this kid is careless and frizzy, he still has something. And I believe that after this disaster, he will become more mature.

As for his future, there is no need for these relatives to worry. Not to mention his smart bionic electronic prostheses and electronic eyes, he can live a normal life. Even if not, with Wu Hao's current strength, can't he take care of his brother-in-law to live a stable life, as long as he doesn't break the law?

After a happy gathering, Father Lin and Mother Lin sent away the group of reluctant relatives, and of course Lin Lei's friends. They are all good young people. Compared with those relatives, these young people know how to ask Wu Hao about Lin Lei's situation. After receiving Wu Hao's answer, these people were also happy for Lin Lei, and the happy expressions in their hearts could not be deceived.

After sending these people away, the ward became quiet. Mother Lin sat on the edge of the hospital bed, peeling an apple with a smile on her face. Lin Wei and Father Lin cleaned the ward with a broom and a mop. As for Wu Hao, under Lin Wei's orders, he began to pack the flowers and fruit baskets brought by relatives and Lin Lei's friends.

Lin Lei, who was on the hospital bed, sat there smiling and watching all this, and then communicated with his mother.

Come, eat an apple! Mother Lin cut off a small piece of apple and handed it to Lin Lei's mouth.

Mmm, so sweet. Lin Lei took a bite of the apple, and then showed a look of enjoyment while chewing: "In the ICU, you can't eat this, you can't eat that, everything you eat has no taste, it suffocates me to death.

Mom, I want to eat your braised pork, braised prawns, sweet and sour pork ribs, and I also want to eat..."

No, you are still in the recovery stage, and the doctor has told you not to eat anything too fatty. Weird, mom will do it for you when you get better. Mother Lin persuaded Lin Lei.

I'm already well. The food in the hospital is terrible. Can't you bring me something to eat? Lin Lei curled his lips and complained in dissatisfaction.

You were in the ICU. Even if we brought you food, would you be able to eat it? Lin Wei, who took the mop from Lin's father and was mopping the floor, couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Now, can I stop eating food from the hospital? Lin Lei caught the loophole in Lin Wei's words and asked involuntarily.

You have to ask your doctor about this. Lin Wei glared at him and replied.

Brother-in-law! Lin Lei turned to look at Wu Hao after hearing this.

When Wu Hao saw this, he smiled and said, "I'm not a doctor. It's useless for you to ask me."

Your words are more effective than a doctor's, so just help me. Lin Lei couldn't help but beg him.

"Help you, your brother-in-law has helped you a lot. Do you know, brat, in order to save your life, your brother-in-law immediately rushed back from the northwest, and contacted a helicopter to bring you here, and We have invited all the experts in the field of surgery in Anxi. Otherwise, you would have died eight hundred times." With that, Mrs. Lin poked Lin Lei's forehead with her finger and scolded.

I know, the nurses in the ICU told me. Thank you, brother-in-law. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. You will be of use to me in the future. I will definitely go up to the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire to die... When Lin Lei said this, his mother grabbed his ear and scolded him: "What are you talking about, too much?" It’s unlucky, hurry up, bah bah bah…”

Lin Lei had no choice but to start pouting under Mother Lin's coercion.

Wu Hao looked at the boy's unhappy look and said with a smile: "I'll help you ask the doctor later. You should be able to eat some normal things, as long as they are not irritating.

Well, just tell me what you want to eat and I'll have it cooked for you. "

Xiaohao, don't go to such trouble, just leave these to me. Mother Lin quickly persuaded her when she saw this.

Father Lin on the side also nodded and said to him: "Don't spoil this little bastard too much, otherwise his tail will fly up to the sky."

It's okay, it's okay, it doesn't matter. Wu Hao responded with a smile.

It's up to me to do it, I don't feel comfortable leaving it to others. Mother Lin shook her head, then looked at Lin Lei and said, "I'll go back and ask the doctor, and then I'll cook for you. You can tell me whatever you want to eat."

Thank you mom. Hearing Mother Lin's words, Lin Lei quickly thanked her happily.

Everyone laughed when they saw Lin Lei playing tricks. As for Lin Lei, his remaining right eye turned and he looked at Wu Hao and asked: "Brother-in-law, you see I am idle now. Can you let me get used to that intelligent bionic electronic organ first?"

Hearing Lin Lei's words, the other three members of the Lin family stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Wu Hao. When Wu Hao saw this, he looked at the boy and shook his head angrily: "Let's wait until you feel better. It won't take more than a few days."

Your brother-in-law is right, wait until you get better. After hearing this, Mother Lin also began to persuade.

mom! Lin Lei first coquettishly directed at Mother Lin, and then begged to Wu Hao: "Brother-in-law, please help me. I can wait for my legs, and it won't have much impact, but can I let my eyes go?" Adapt early.

I have only one eye now, so I am not used to seeing things. "

As he spoke, Lin Lei showed a pitiful expression. Seeing this, Mother Lin, Lin Wei, and even Father Lin couldn't help but be moved, and then turned to look at Wu Hao, showing a hint of hope.

As for Wu Hao, he shook his head: "It's not as simple as you think. Wearing the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye is not just installed in your eye socket. This requires a series of surgeries in the early stage to integrate the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye." The base of the prosthetic eye, which is the ocular nerve sensor chip, is implanted into the fundus of your eye. Then we can install the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye into it and connect it to the base, so that you can see through this electronic prosthetic eye.

And even after wearing it, you still need a long period of adaptation and training. It doesn't mean that everything will be fine just after wearing it. "


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