Military Technology

Chapter 2214 Sudden news!

It was getting dark and a bonfire was lit.

This is certainly not for warmth, but to create an atmosphere. The swimming pool has returned to calm, and the beauties in bikinis have also left the scene.

At this moment, they were the only ones left here.

Two chefs were grilling things over there, and the waiter began to place various grilled things on the long table. Everyone was chatting, drinking wine, and tasting various baked goods brought by the waiter.

The wagyu beef was well grilled, tender and juicy. After tasting a piece, Lin Wei raised the corners of her mouth and praised it.

Really? Let me try it! After hearing this, Zhou Xi also forked a piece and took a bite, then nodded and said, "It's very good, and the heat is well controlled."

After everyone heard the words, they all tasted it. Wu Hao also forked a piece and put it in his mouth. It was indeed very tender and juicy, but it was not just the so-called melt-in-your-mouth kind, it was just meat, but not woody, and the texture and taste were just right.

Come on, do one! Lin Wei picked up the wine glass and suggested to everyone.

cheers. The girls drank ice wine, while Wu Hao and the others drank beer puree. The chilled puree is very refreshing, and it is very refreshing when paired with barbecue.

Zhang Jun leaned back in his chair and said lazily: "I haven't felt this comfortable for a long time. I really forgot about everything when I was so busy."

After hearing Zhang Jun's words, everyone else couldn't help but complain. The first person to complain was Zou Xiaodong. He complained to everyone: "No matter how busy you are, how can you be as busy as me? I have been running around every day all year round, and I have spent millions on air tickets. It's not easy." Take some time off, why don’t you think you’re being forced to become a product manager? You’re really a black-hearted capitalist, squeezing out every last bit of residual value from you.”


Zou Xiaodong's words were naturally complaining about Wu Hao, Zhang Jun and the others. He had been complaining for a long time about letting him be the product manager. But despite the appointment, he could only bite the bullet and proceed.

And everyone naturally knew about this, so they naturally laughed when they heard Zou Xiaodong complaining again.

"Okay, I just asked you to be a product manager, and I didn't ask you to go through the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire. What's there to complain about? Are you tired? Haozi and I said we were tired when we managed such a large company. We complained. Is it hard? Ms. Tong went overseas for several months and faced so many difficulties and assumed so much pressure. Did she ever complain about it? If you are asked to do just a few things and complain endlessly, you really think you are sacrificing your life for us. You I am also a shareholder after all, so I have a sense of ownership, okay?" Zhang Jun said angrily to Zou Xiaodong.

Hearing Zhang Jun's words, Zou Xiaodong chuckled, then showed a wry smile and said: "I'm not complaining, but complaining. If you ask me to do other things, I won't say anything about the things I'm good at. I've done this. I haven’t complained for a long time, so I’m tired. The key is that this job is really not suitable for me.

Having a meeting with experts like them, my brain was almost blown out of my mind. "

Yang Fan, who was eating, saw Zou Xiaodong pointing the finger at him. He put down the knife and fork in his hand unhurriedly, wiped his mouth with a tissue, then ignored Zou Xiaodong, but smiled at everyone and said: "Thanks to Mr. Zou for your help, this has played a great role in our research and development work." A big promotion. I can only say that this decision is really the right one.

Mr. Zou, I have to ask you to pay more attention in the future. "

Ha ha ha ha……

After hearing Yang Fan's words, everyone burst into laughter. As for Zou Xiaodong, he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything. In the end, he had to vent his anger and start eating.

Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Wu Hao waved his hand, then raised his draft beer and smiled at everyone: "Come on, give everyone a toast."

Say something? Zhou Xi said to him.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "No more talking, just respect the weekend!"

"Okay, here's to the weekend!"

Everyone cheered and then drank heavily.

Putting down their wine glasses, everyone started chatting again.

Zhou Xi looked at Yang Fan and then said something to him. Yang Fan froze when he saw this, and looked at Wu Hao and the others but said nothing.

It was Lin Wei who saw it and couldn't help but smile and asked: "You two are flirting. If there is anything unspeakable, tell it and let everyone have fun."


After hearing Lin Wei's words, everyone looked at the two of them curiously. The two of them felt a little uncomfortable under their gazes, while Zhou Xi was a bit feigned anger and said, "If you don't tell me, I'll tell you."

Ahem. Yang Fan coughed awkwardly, then forced everyone's gaze to smile and said, "Let me tell you something, I, we are going to get married."


Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and then cheered and clapped.

Wu Hao smiled and said: "This is a good thing. As for being so hesitant, there is nothing shameful about it."

He was worried that he would embarrass you if he said it on such an occasion. Zhou Xi glanced at Lin Wei, and then said openly.

There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Zhang Jun said something, but after glancing at Wei Xiaoya's eyes, the next few words were a bit false. As for Wu Hao, it was obvious that he could feel Lin Wei's gaze. Find Shuyuan

Ahem, Wu Hao coughed, and then said with a smile: "Congratulations, but why did you suddenly think of getting married?"

After hearing Wu Hao ask this question, everyone looked at the two of them.

Facing everyone's gaze, Zhou Xi's face turned slightly red this time, then he stroked his belly and said, "I have it!"


This surprise came from Lin Wei. She glanced at Zhou Xi's belly exaggeratedly and couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't I know when it happened? No wonder I think you have gained weight recently, and I don't even want you to go swimming today." tour."

"Haha, it's been two months. We just found out not long ago, so we were a little surprised, but now that this little guy is here, we don't intend to give up on him. So we discussed it and decided to get married." Zhou Xi He gently put his hand on his belly, then said with a gentle smile, his eyes full of maternal tenderness and happiness.

Okay, you boy, your hands and feet are very nimble. When Wu Hao saw this, he couldn't help but smile and joke.

Zhang Jun, on the other hand, smiled at Yang Fan and asked, "Tell me, has this been planned for a long time?"

Hearing what the two of them said, Yang Fan shook his head slightly, then looked at Zhou Xi's belly with a loving expression, and said with a smile: "Actually, we originally planned to wait for a few years to have some free time, and then we Xixi and I have already made plans to travel and get married.

But we didn't expect this little guy to arrive suddenly, which caught us off guard. After thinking about it for a long time, we finally decided that since he has come into the world, we naturally have to shoulder this responsibility. So after some discussion, we decided to get married while her body is not heavy yet. "


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