Military Technology

Chapter 2218 Every rabbit has a space dream

Looking at the reporters who were taking blood shots, Wu Hao's lips slightly raised. This was the effect he wanted. Otherwise, how can Haoyu Aerospace's stock price rise?

After a period of commotion, under Shen Ning's organization, the scene finally returned to silence.

A new reporter got the opportunity to ask questions, and then asked Wu Hao: "Mr. Wu, does this mean that the lunar scientific research station project in your company's lunar exploration plan has been officially launched?

In addition, Mr. Wu, can you tell us about the alternative camps you have chosen for these lunar scientific research stations and why you chose these places. "

Hearing this reporter's question, Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "In fact, our lunar exploration plan has already started. Ever since we determined to develop the aerospace technology industry, we have already formulated a very long-term and large-scale space exploration plan. plan, and the lunar exploration plan is only an important part of the entire space exploration plan.

As for the lunar scientific research station project, we have also passed the relevant professional demonstrations and will now officially enter the implementation stage. Next, we will take three to five years to build a lunar scientific research station on the moon that can accommodate more than ten people for living and experimenting.

This is only the first phase of our lunar scientific research station. Next, we will gradually expand the area of ​​the scientific research station, add more functional modules, and strive to build a comprehensive scientific experiment center on the moon. By then, this comprehensive experimental center will accommodate more than a hundred astronauts, scientists, and some tourists. And it can achieve basic self-sufficiency through resources on the moon, supporting members of the experimental center to stay for a long time.

If this plan goes smoothly, we will continue to expand on the basis of this lunar experimental center to build a small lunar city. This lunar city will accommodate thousands to tens of thousands of residents. And by establishing a complete ecosystem, it can achieve self-sufficiency and basically get rid of the earth's supplies.

In the future, this lunar city will also become a transit station for humans to go into deep space, undertaking the task of supplying supplies and transporting humans in and out of deep space. "


When the reporters present heard such a brilliant, no, it should be said to be a crazy plan, they were stunned for a while, and then started to go crazy. This is absolutely shocking news. When this news is released, it will definitely shock the whole world.

In previous interviews, no one has boasted. For example, Musk has boasted a lot, such as going to Mars and uploading his own consciousness. But everyone knows that these are just bragging by this guy, and it is unknown whether they can be realized in the future.

And now, Wu Hao also boasted. The difference is that Niu Wuhao and the others are realizing it, and what they say is extremely true. People can't help but believe that this lunar comprehensive experiment center and the future lunar city will definitely be realized.

After giving everyone some time to react, Wu Hao continued: "Currently, we have selected a number of areas on the moon for the construction of lunar scientific research stations. And this Wangshu 2's intelligent lunar surface The main job of the exploration and experimental vehicle is to select the most suitable place for us to settle and build a camp from these multiple areas.

At present, our initial choice is a plain near the Liffey Mountains in the Zhihai Basin in the southern hemisphere of the moon. As for why we chose this place, we are mainly interested in the rich resources contained in the lunar soil here.

For example, here near the fold shadow of the mountains, our 'Wangshu-1' intelligent lunar surface patrol rover discovered very abundant reserves of solid water. Preliminary estimates indicate that the solid water content here exceeds 10,000 tons, which is enough for us to use for many years.

In addition, we have also discovered abundant mineral resources in the Zhihai Plain, including manganese ore, aluminum ore, and some rare earth metal elements.

In addition, the entire Zhihai also contains another well-known resource on the moon, which is helium-3.

One of the purposes of building this scientific research station is to conduct in-depth research on these rich resources on the moon and prepare for subsequent lunar mining. "

Wu Hao looked at the crowd and said, of course he had a motive for mentioning this, it was just to increase the confidence of the stockholders and investors in the story. Tell them that this project is profitable and that it is a huge market that cannot be missed.

This is also the reason why Wu Hao is so willing to talk so much in front of these media, he will not engage in loss-making business.

Wu Sheng, in other words, your ultimate purpose of building this lunar scientific research station is to collect the precious resource helium-3 on the moon? A very baby-like voice came, and the speaker was a Wandao reporter. Her sudden question caused other reporters present to glare at her for not following the rules.

Wu Hao smiled upon seeing this, then looked at the reporter and nodded slightly: "The helium-3 reserves on the moon are very abundant, and it is a very efficient and clean energy source. If it can be transported back to the earth for utilization, it will be very useful." Solve the energy crisis on the earth to a great extent.

For example, your frequent power outages can be perfectly solved.

At present, there are many projects and companies targeting the mining of lunar helium-3 resources. It can be said that space agencies from various countries and some aerospace companies are engaged in research work in this area, and we are just one of them.

However, compared to other institutions and enterprises, we have our own development plan. In the future, we will develop steadily according to this plan. I believe that in the near future, everyone will be able to use such clean energy and will no longer have to worry about power shortages. "

Having said this, Wu Hao glanced at the reporter and then continued: "In addition, we have many goals.

There is a saying that goes well, our journey is like the stars and the sea. This sentence has always inspired us to work hard, develop and explore. We hope that the moon is just the first step for us to explore this unknown space. In the future, we will also use it as a starting point to explore more unknown deep spaces and serve as a pioneer for mankind to move beyond the earth and into deep space. "

Mr. Wu, does this mean that in your space exploration plan, the lunar exploration plan is only a very small part of it. In addition, there are other exploration plans, such as Mars, Jupiter, the solar system, etc.

A reporter reacted immediately and asked a very targeted question.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded when he heard this: "Every rabbit has a space dream. We have many such dreams. The key is to see how to realize it, and now we are working hard."


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