Military Technology

Chapter 2229 Humanity’s first scientific research drilling on an extraterrestrial planet

In the lobby of Xinyuehu Space Command and Control Center, Zhou Xiangming, Shi Zhaoping and other leaders and technical experts gathered here to witness the first scientific research drilling of mankind on the moon.

Facing everyone's gaze, as the project commander, Zhou Xiangming issued the order.

The order has been issued!

Immediately, the picture on the big screen showed that the drilling platform had started. As the drill bit rotated in the lunar soil, a lot of dust was soon drilled out.

How long does the entire drilling take? A geological expert asked next to him.

Shi Zhaoping smiled and replied: "It will take about ten to fifteen hours."

So fast? Hearing Shi Zhaoping's pad, the geological expert and other experts present were surprised. They did not expect that the entire drilling process would be so fast.

"If it were on Earth, the depth of fifteen meters would probably only take dozens of minutes to complete." Zhou Xiangming said with a smile.

But this is on the moon, is it okay to go so fast? An expert in planetary geology asked.

Zhou Xiangming smiled and waved his hand: "Don't worry, there will be no problem. We have tested the relevant technology many times and there will be no problems."

Drilling continues, and more and more lunar soil accumulates at the edge of the drilling well. These are all lunar soil brought up by the rotation of the drill pipe. However, this is only a small part of the surface layer. What everyone is waiting for is actually the deeper lunar soil composition.

The entire exploration process should be said to be relatively boring, but the experts in the hall watched it quietly and interestingly. For them, there are several times in their lives when they can witness the exploration of extraterrestrial planets.

The speed is somewhat fast. Shi Zhaoping glanced at the data and frowned.

Is not it good? One of the experts present asked doubtfully, shouldn't it be a good thing that it is easier to drill?

After hearing what this expert said, one of the geological experts shook his head and said: "This shows that the surface lunar soil here is relatively soft, so it is easier to drill.

However, this kind of geological structure is not suitable for building housing facilities because it is easy to sink. Even though the moon's gravity is very small, there is still gravity. "

Now we can only continue and see what the geological conditions are like below. Another geological expert also said seriously: "However, this is quite in line with our expectations, isn't it? The entire Zhihai is a large crater, so the soil layer must be relatively loose. I don't know that after such a long period of lunar geological activities and precipitation As it evolves, will the deep lunar soil structure become more compact?

As for whether it can hit the rock layer, it's really hard to say. Although it is on the edge of the Zhihai Sea, such a large crater is as powerful as the original impact and how deep it can be. "

No, another expert present shook his head: "Relatively speaking, the structure of the lunar soil here should be more compact. The huge impact caused by the meteorite should exert a greater force on the lunar soil. The peripheral and downward pressure forces the originally loose lunar soil structure to become tighter.

So I think it's just the top layer of dead top soil right now, and the soil underneath is going to be more compacted. "

Hope so. After hearing this, everyone paused slightly and said.

Zhou Xiangming, as for Zhou Xiangming, looked at the solemn-faced people and said with a smile: "Actually, this is also a good thing, because this is great news for our lunar mining project.

As we all know, the helium-3 content in the lunar soil is mainly distributed on the surface of the lunar soil. If the surface of the lunar soil is too solid, it will definitely bring many difficulties to the mining process. But now that we know that the surface lunar soil is loose, it will be much more convenient to mine helium-3 in the future. "


After hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, everyone at the scene laughed.

An expert asked Zhou Xiangming: "Why, are you really planning to mine helium-3 on the moon?"

Why don't you believe it?

Zhou Xiangming hesitated, and then said with a smile: "We have spent so much money and effort to build a lunar scientific research station on the moon. Is it just for research? The cost is too high. .

Besides, how many companies do you think can support such scientific research projects, and how many scientists and scientific research institutions can afford such huge scientific research funds.

Take everyone here as an example. After the construction of our lunar scientific research station is successful in a few years, we will open relevant quotas to relevant geological science research experts and allow them to stay and conduct field work at the lunar scientific research station. Research.

However, the related costs must be borne by everyone and the institutions behind them. At that time, how many of you and the scientific research institutions behind you could afford it? "

After hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, many experts present shook their heads. The small amount of scientific research funding their scientific research institutes have each year can support such a large scientific research project.

Even if the funds are reduced, it is not certain whether it will be my turn. First of all, there is the physical aspect. How many of these people who are over 50 years old can withstand the bumps of the journey to the moon in space.

Apart from anything else, let's just talk about the load that the rocket has to bear during the ten minutes it takes off. This is something that not everyone can bear. Even though Haoyu Technology's Walker manned spacecraft is very advanced, it still has certain requirements for its members.

As Zhou Xiangming said, if such a large project is only used for scientific research, it would be too wasteful. They are a private aerospace company and have invested so much. Naturally, it cannot be just to send a few experts to the moon for scientific research. There must be a larger purpose.

As for helium-3 resources, it is a rare energy material that is relatively scarce on the earth. If it can be successfully mined and then brought back to the earth for sale, the profits will undoubtedly be huge.

And this can not only bring huge economic benefits to Haoyu Technology, but also help the country achieve energy freedom, and even promote the entire world to achieve energy freedom. We no longer have to worry about energy, because thermonuclear power generation using helium-3 can bring abundant power resources to human society. Moreover, this resource is clean and green, has no emissions, and has no radiation danger. It should be said that it is the most ideal existence among the known energy sources discovered by mankind so far.

Therefore, after hearing Zhou Xiangming's words, many experts present were shocked. It seems that the ambition of this group of people is greater than they imagined. Now they are still exploring the unknown, but these people are already studying how to use the unknown.


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