Back home, Lin Wei began to play with the flowers. She first threw away all the flowers in the flower pots at home, then replaced them with water and started cutting them.

Wu Hao smiled and walked into the kitchen to get busy. He did not choose to cook today, but took out two steaks, some sausages, and potatoes from the refrigerator, and then went to the smoker outside.

Today he wants to make Western food, which is actually a very simple barbecue. Different from Chinese barbecue, Western barbecue is actually a kind of smoked barbecue. Simply put, it is a slow-fire smoking method that allows the meat to cook slowly, so that the barbecue not only has the special aroma after being smoked, but also the meat is rich in juice and tastes better.

In addition, he also got some sausages to smoke and grill in the same way.

Abroad, this kind of barbecue can be said to be an essential skill for every family man. They basically cook this kind of barbecue, and it is also a must-have meal for their friends’ gatherings.

Because it is simple enough, straightforward enough, and delicious enough.

Of course, this may seem a bit crude to those of us who have been accustomed to fine dining since childhood. But when you really accept it, you find that it's actually not bad.

After grilling for a while, Wu Hao plated the two grilled steaks and brought them to the table, along with a plate of vegetable salad and two glasses of wine.

time to eat! Wu Hao shouted to Lin Wei, who was still excited and busy.

coming! Lin Wei responded, and then hurried to the bathroom. After a while, she walked out with a relaxed look on her face and complained to him: "It's all your fault. You brought so many flowers. I'm exhausted." .”

Haha, if you think it's too much, you can give some to Wei Xiaoya and Zhou Xi next to you. They will definitely accept it happily. Wu Hao said with a smile.

What a beautiful thought, these are all mine. Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him, and then said with a domineering look.

Okay, it's yours. You can continue your work later and eat first. Wu Hao smiled at Lin Wei and said, "Try the steak I just grilled!"

Hearing this, Lin Wei cut a small piece with a knife. Looking at the juice that came out when squeezed by the knife, Lin Wei's eyes lit up. Then she put the meat into her mouth with a fork, her eyes and the corners of her mouth raised at any time: "It's delicious. Why did you start cooking Western food today?"

How about a change of taste? It's no worse than the ones in Western restaurants. Wu Hao said proudly with a smile.

Moreover, Lin Wei rolled her eyes at him and continued eating: "This is good beef, but your cooking skills are so-so."

Wu Hao shook his head helplessly when he heard this, then picked up the wine glass and clinked it with her, then took a sip, and then slowly started eating: "I also grilled sausages and potatoes, do you want them?"


Lin Wei picked up a paper towel and wiped her mouth, then shook her head and said: "No sausage, give me a potato. I haven't eaten baked potatoes for a long time."

OK. Wu Hao nodded, then walked to the backyard, opened the oven, and turned over the sausages and potatoes inside. At this moment, the sausages were slightly burnt, and the potatoes were wrapped in tin foil. Wu Hao poked them with a fork, then picked a few and put them on the dinner plate and brought them into the house.

Lin Wei, who was looking at the transparent folding screen, saw Wu Hao come in, and immediately put down the device with a look of anticipation.

Wu Hao put a potato for her, and for himself, he put a sausage on the dinner plate.

This sausage is a classic German sausage. It tastes pretty good and is delicious after being smoked and grilled. Wu Hao slowly ate the sausage. Lin Wei, on the other hand, was already eating potatoes.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, and Wu Tong's figure appeared on a transparent screen in the restaurant, followed by Coco's voice: "Sir, Miss Wu Tong is here!"

Seeing this, Wu Hao smiled and said, "Why is this crazy girl here? Let her in!"

I was very tired when I saw Wu Tong, wearing a handsome summer dress, walking in from outside. She wore an open floral T-shirt on her upper body, with a short white suspender belt underneath, and a pair of ultra-short jeans on her lower body, and a pair of thick-soled canvas shoes. He also wears a certain white hat backwards on his head.

smell good! The girl walked in, sniffing hard and agreeing.

Brother, sister-in-law! With that said, she walked to Lin Wei and sat down.

Lin Wei saw this sister-in-law and asked with a smile: "Why are you here today free? Have you eaten?"

Not yet, I came here just like you, but like my brother, he didn't even call me for half a month, as if he didn't have a sister like me. Wu Tong looked sideways at Wu Hao and then complained to Lin Wei.


Upon hearing Wu Tong's complaint, Wu Hao's head was full of black lines. This girl was clearly the villain who complained first. Lin Wei, on the other hand, showed her white teeth, obviously happy to see this scene.

You still have the nerve to say, I called you so many times, but you answered the phone well that time, didn’t you just hang up after a few words? Wu Hao said angrily.

I'm busy, I've explained it to you, but I didn't expect you to be so stingy and still holding a grudge, hum! Wu Tong glanced over and pouted.

Okay, stop making trouble. Lin Wei tried to persuade her with a smile, and then said to Wu Hao: "Your sister hasn't eaten yet, go and get it if you feel like it."

I owe her. Wu Hao's eyes widened, but he still took the tableware from the kitchen, then put some sausages and potatoes on the plate for her and said, "Eat these cushions first, do you want the steak?"

"Eat, I'll eat anything!" Wu Tong nodded, then eagerly picked up the sausage and started chewing it.

"Slow down, you look like a girl when you eat." Wu Hao said angrily when he saw this.

In response, Wu Tong rolled his eyes at him and asked, "What should a woman do?"

Hearing Wu Tong's words, Lin Wei also turned around and glared: "What should women do?"

"Uh, it's nothing, I'm going to have a barbecue!" Wu Hao shook his head repeatedly when he saw this, and then walked out quickly. I couldn't avoid it.

Wu Tong and Lin Wei's laughter came from behind.

Seeing Wu Tong gnawing on the sausage like a wolf, Lin Wei couldn't help but feel a little distressed and said: "How are you doing in school? It's like you took it out of a refugee camp."

"Don't mention it, the food in the refugee camp is better than the food in school." Wu Tong finished a piece of sausage, burped, and then brought Wu Hao's wine glass over and took a sip.

"Didn't I give you the money? Why did you spend it all?" Lin Wei couldn't help but ask.

Wu Tong shook his head, and then while eating potatoes, Lin Wei complained to him: "How can I have time? I have signed up for several courses. I have to study this and that, but I have no time at all."

"So busy?" Lin Wei was a little confused. In her impression, the university should not be so busy that she has no time to eat.

"Well, I'm mainly busy with my own things." Noticing Lin Wei's eyes, Wu Tong explained with a smile.

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