Military Technology

Chapter 2258 Not all organs and tissues can be printed

Not all tissues and organs can be 3D printed. The eyeball is the most fragile and one of the most complex organs in the human body. Its special structure is difficult to print.

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Lin Lei and then continued: "Besides, even if the eyeball is printed, how to implant it into the patient's missing eye socket is still a problem.

Our glasses are protected within the eye sockets, surrounded by the brow bone, cheekbones and nasal bones, without any income intervention window. In other words, we do not have enough space to complete the nerve tissue connection surgery behind the eyeball. "

After hearing what he said, several people present nodded, with a hint of disappointment in their expressions. Wu Hao didn't care about this. If he was disappointed, let him be disappointed. It was better not to give them too high expectations for this kind of thing. Otherwise, the higher the expectations, the higher the disappointment.

After giving everyone a little time to digest, Wu Hao continued: "Of course, don't be completely disappointed. With the development of technology, there will definitely be a perfect solution in the future.

For example, although 3D printing technology is not possible, scientists are already considering whether stem cells can be used to grow eye tissue and then transplant it into patients.

Moreover, research on eye transplant surgery is also ongoing. For example, scientists have proposed using minimally invasive surgery to drill holes from the patient's nasal bones and then penetrate deep into the bottom of the orbit to complete the most important nerve bridging surgery in eyeball implant surgery. It is also proposed to go deep into the temples on both sides of our eyes to complete the related optic nerve bridging surgery.

Regarding this technology, many scientists and scientific research institutions around the world are currently conducting research. We are also increasing investment in medical technology in recent years.

We believe that one day, this technology will be conquered.

As long as it can successfully enter clinical trials and be successful. I believe that with our resources, you will get such an opportunity before many others. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao glanced at Lin Lei and continued: "Besides, the smart bionic electronic prosthetic eye you are wearing now is not bad. It is still the most advanced technology in this field.

With its current capabilities, it is sufficient for your daily use and will not cause any inconvenience. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, Lin Lei smiled awkwardly: "I just asked, asked. After all, this thing is an electronic device, and it is not as comfortable to use as my own."

If you had known this, why did you do it in the first place? You did all this yourself. Mother Lin immediately scolded him.

Being scolded by Mother Lin in front of so many people made Lin Lei a little embarrassed. He smiled awkwardly and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the father-in-law Lin Honghan said: "Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

With that said, he turned around and asked Wu Hao: "Xiao Hao, will Xiao Lei be able to be discharged from the hospital next?"

Hearing what he said, the other three people also turned to look at Wu Hao. Being discharged from the hospital is something everyone is looking forward to. Especially Lin Lei, he has been looking forward to it for a long time.

Facing the expectant looks of everyone, Wu Hao finally nodded and said, "Well, the hospital will conduct a systematic examination of his whole body in the next two days. If there are no problems, he can be discharged."


Lin Lei screamed excitedly when he heard this. If it weren't for the missing leg, he could jump out of the wheelchair.

The father-in-law, mother-in-law and Lin Wei all had happy faces. They had been waiting for this day for a long time, and finally hoped that Lin Lei would be discharged from the hospital.

Looking at the excited faces of everyone, Wu Hao smiled, then stood aside and waited slowly.

Seeing that they had almost calmed down from their joy, Wu Hao said to Lin Lei: "After being discharged from the hospital, let's go home and rest for a while, and then start the next treatment process.

Whether it is your skin grafting surgery or the adaptation training of the smart bionic electronic prosthesis, you cannot stop it once it starts. It takes a long period and will be very hard, so you must be prepared. "

No, I can do it now! Lin Lei waved his arms and said excitedly.

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Listen to me, rest at home for a while, and spend time with your parents. They are working very hard during this time, so be sensible."

After hearing what he said, the mother-in-law also persuaded Lin Lei: "Just listen to your brother-in-law and rest at home for a while."

Seeing his mother speaking, Lin Lei, although a little anxious, nodded and agreed.

After chatting with them for a while, Wu Hao and Lin Wei said goodbye and left.

After leaving the hospital, Lin Wei turned to Wu Hao and asked, "Why do you want Xiao Lei to rest at home for a while before starting? Is this a mandatory requirement?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "It's not a hard requirement, it's just a little thought of mine."

After hearing what he said, Lin Wei couldn't help but wonder why he did this.

Facing Lin Wei's curious and questioning eyes, Wu Hao said with a smile: "Any treatment and adaptation to the rehabilitation course are not only a test for the patient himself, but also a test for his family.

It can be said that the participation of family members is essential throughout the entire treatment process. Many patients have successful surgical treatments, but they do not receive good care from their family members, resulting in their condition worsening and eventually their death.

This kind of care is not only physical and material, but also spiritual and psychological. Only in this way can the patient's condition be restored very well.

Whether it is skin grafting surgery or smart bionic electronic prosthetic wear and use adaptation training, long-term treatment is required. During this treatment process, the uncle and aunt will also face huge physical and mental tests.

So I also want to take this opportunity to give your parents some time to recover and rest so that they can face the longer challenges ahead. "

After hearing what he said, Lin Wei nodded in approval, and then asked him, "Can't I?"

Wu Hao smiled slightly and asked, "Are you okay?"

Hearing Wu Hao's question, Lin Wei was stunned for a moment, and then said in frustration: "You're right, I can't do it. But, can't we hire professional rehabilitation therapists and escorts for this?"

Wu Hao smiled and shook his head: "Yes, yes, the question is, are your parents really relieved?"

Lin Wei opened her mouth when she heard this, then sighed, then shook her head and said: "This is their precious son, how can they be relieved? These days, their hearts are almost all here, including family matters and company matters." I don’t care much anymore.

Forget it, let them go. "

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