Military Technology

Chapter 2260 Sports Rehabilitation Training Center

Wu Hao naturally agreed to his father-in-law's request. However, he did not overly persuade Lin Wei, but relayed what his father-in-law meant, and then said a few words of his own opinion, leaving Lin Wei to decide the rest.

After all, this matter has nothing to do with him. Lin Wei's choice is her own business. He was not envious of how much of the family property he was allocated was hers.

Lin Wei's reaction to this was relatively calm, and it could be seen that she should also be aware of this matter. As for what she thought about it, Wu Hao didn't ask too much and left it to her. Sometimes giving others enough space is more considerate and important than showing meticulous care.

Lin Lei had been recuperating at home for more than ten days before he couldn't bear it anymore and requested to start the next stage of treatment for several days in a row.

In this regard, Wu Hao agreed after hearing the opinions of his father-in-law and mother-in-law. In this regard, it is ultimately the wishes of the individual and his family that are better, and his suggestions are just suggestions.

Choosing a good day, the Lin family accompanied Lin Lei to the Haoyu Technology Headquarters Park. As his son-in-law, Wu Hao was already waiting to greet him in the parking lot.

These people have all been to the headquarters campus and are relatively familiar with it. Therefore, Wu Hao did not exchange too many pleasantries and directly led everyone to the Intelligent Sports Medicine Technology Research Laboratory under the Intelligent Medical Biomimetic Technology Research Center.

The person in charge of the laboratory, Chen Yuheng, was already waiting there with his people. When they saw Wu Hao and the others coming, they all came to greet them.

Whether it was Lin Lei, his father-in-law, his mother-in-law, or Lin Wei, the quasi-boss, they all already knew Chen Yuheng and the others. Because Chen Yuheng has led a professional team to the hospital several times before.

So everyone smiled and said hello, exchanged a few words, and then came to the sports rehabilitation training center in the laboratory. At this moment, there are already seven or eight patients inside who are undergoing adaptive training.

Seeing Wu Hao and others arriving, these patients were very excited. They took out their mobile phones and smart AR glasses hosts and started taking photos. Some of them had already gathered here if the staff hadn't stopped them.

Seeing the curious looks on the faces of Lin Lei and his mother-in-law, Chen Yuheng smiled at everyone and introduced: "This is our sports rehabilitation training center. All patients who choose to wear our smart bionic electronic prostheses will be there." They receive adaptive training here for three months to one year.

Because of individual differences, each patient's adaptation and recovery time is different. Some patients with relatively good physical fitness may be able to walk quickly in three or four months. Then there is no need for them to stay here. They can be discharged from here and continue a series of subsequent adaptive training after returning.

As for some patients, their physical fitness is relatively poor, so it may take half a year to a year, or even longer, to meet the standards for recovery and discharge.

There may even be failures. We have had several patients fail their rehabilitation training before and had to end the treatment and leave with regret. "

"Why does this still fail?" The mother-in-law couldn't help but asked nervously after hearing this.

When his mother-in-law asked, Chen Yuheng immediately smiled and comforted: "Auntie, don't worry too much. In fact, these are just cases. In many cases, it is not a technical or therapeutic problem, but a personal willpower that is too poor and cannot endure the long period of time." Boring and painful rehabilitation training process.

Patients with lower limb defects like this need to constantly try various exercises after wearing smart bionic electronic prostheses, such as standing up, squatting, walking, and even jogging. If adaptive training takes a long time, the patient's amputation area may be worn out by the electronic prosthesis, which is a common occurrence.

Therefore, there are a few patients who cannot bear it and are passive and slow in their work, which leads to stagnation in rehabilitation training and ultimately fails to achieve the expected ideal results. "

I am not them, I will definitely check it out. Lin Lei, who was sitting in a wheelchair, couldn't help but clenched his fists and promised.

Of course, I believe it. Chen Yuheng smiled, then waved to a girl who was training in the distance and shouted: "Ye Ting, come here!"

Hearing Chen Yuheng's call, a tall girl came over. She seemed to be over 1.7 meters tall, with short hair and a delicate face. She was wearing a large T-shirt and a pair of blue shorts.

Of course, what attracts the most attention is one of her legs. From the thigh down, it is an intelligent bionic electronic prosthesis with no skin attached.

Mr. Chen, please find me. Ye Ting quickly ran to everyone, smiled and said hello, and then asked Chen Yuheng.

Well, Chen Yuheng smiled and nodded and said: "This is a new patient. He will undergo adaptive rehabilitation training here next. You are the eldest sister, please look after me."

No problem, leave it to me. Ye Ting smiled and made a guarantee, then looked at Lin Lei and then became more curious about why Wu Hao and Lin Wei came together, and was speculating on the relationship between them.

Okay, there you go. Chen Yuheng waved his hand at her.

Ye Ting nodded, then smiled at a few people, and then ran out quickly.

Chen Yuheng looked at the back of Ye Ting running away, and then introduced to everyone: "Ye Ting is also a patient here. She was in a car accident when she was a child, so one of her legs was amputated, which left her disabled.

This girl is very strong and very sunny. She had been training consistently and had won medals in several Paralympic Games.

And he was admitted to Qingbei University with excellent results and received direct postgraduate guarantee.

After learning about our intelligent bionic electronic prostheses, she also actively signed up and became one of our many clinical volunteers. When she first arrived, her performance was actually not very satisfactory. Especially since her amputation took so long, her motor memory about the residual limb has disappeared and her nerves have atrophied, so her performance in adaptive training was naturally poor at the beginning.

But this girl has a tenacity in her body, and she completes the training tasks extra every day, without fear of pain or crying. The residual limb was bruised by the electronic prosthesis, but she still continued to train. It has only taken four months now, and I can already walk, run, and even do some simple exercises normally.

With her current recovery condition, it is expected that she will be able to recover and leave in one or two months. "

Speaking of this, Chen Yuheng turned to look at Lin Lei and said: "Her situation is basically the same as yours, and may not even be as good as yours. She is still able to persist now and achieve such effective treatment results. What about you? , can’t it be compared to a girl?”


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