Military Technology

Chapter 2276 Nothing sounds better than the sound of money

"Seeing that the eyes of several people around him were attracted by his words, Zhang Jun immediately complained to everyone.

As you know, the storage environment of this instrument is harsh on a daily basis. In order to prevent it from being bumped during transportation, we fully protected it. We even used materials such as silicone to directly mold the piano, and then produced buffer materials specifically to protect it.

This doesn't just mean that you can just pour silicone directly onto the steel bar and then mold it, that's not the case. In order to introduce the damage caused by molding, silicone and other materials to the paint surface of this antique piano. So we need to imitate a piano model of exactly the same size and style according to the size of the steel bar.

Then, the piano model is placed in a box of the specified size and filled with silicone foam material. After the silicone foam material inside is completely solidified, dismantle the box, divide the entire silicone foam filling material into relevant sizes, and polish it carefully. These silicone foam filling materials are then used to wrap the entire antique piano. This allows for a perfect fit and full protection of the piano. "

"This is not over yet," Zhang Jun continued: "Everyone knows that the reason why this antique piano is expensive is not only because it is older, has a long history, and was once used by a famous pianist. It is also because of its The sound is quite nice, and it can be said that the reason why it is expensive is due to its sound.

Therefore, there are very strict requirements for the storage environment of the piano. Its temperature and humidity must be controlled. If the temperature is too high, it may accelerate the evaporation of the water content in the piano body material, thus affecting the tone. The same goes for humidity levels.

In order to avoid the impact of the outside environment on the piano during transportation, we specially obtained an air-conditioned container for transporting precision instruments, and then carefully loaded the piano into it. "

"And this only solves its transportation problem. We also have to go through complicated customs declaration and other procedures. To transport it safely and smoothly from Europe and then enter the country, the procedures are very complicated, especially when it comes to such precious products. cultural relics. Anyway, it took a long time to transport them to Anxi.

This is not the end, because in order to ensure that the piano can adapt to the climate environment of Anxi, the transportation company also breathed the piano. "

"I'm old. I've only heard of raising fish and passing water. I've never heard of people who are old." Zou Xiaodong joked with a smile. It's rare for this guy to have time to come over and join in the fun today.

Zhang Jun nodded and said with a smile. "Yes, that's the principle. In order for the newly purchased goldfish to adapt to the water temperature and quality of the fish tank, they need to be exposed to water first so that they can slowly adapt.

The same goes for the piano. By constantly adjusting the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the constant-temperature container, it can gradually adapt to avoid damage to the piano caused by severe temperature differences. "

This is too troublesome. Do you still dare to play this piano? Wei Xiaoya couldn't help but sigh.

Zhou Xi, on the other hand, smiled and stroked the keys and said, "Of course I can play it. Although it is a bit more expensive, the feeling and tone of playing it are really different from ordinary pianos."

As he said that, Zhou Xi played an impromptu piece. Everyone also stopped talking and listened carefully to the difference between this more than one million US dollar piano and ordinary pianos.

But for people who don’t understand music, the sounds seem to be the same, and there is no difference. However, when Zhou Xi finished playing, everyone still gave him warm applause. Many people nodded slightly, probably because they knew it was expensive, and it also gave everyone the illusion that the sound produced by this piano was particularly pleasant.

"Well, I heard it. It's the sound of money." Just as everyone nodded in praise, Zou Xiaodong nodded slightly and commented.

Hahahaha... everyone laughed when they heard this.

"Go, vulgar!" Zhou Xi rolled his eyes and said angrily.

Yes, I am vulgar, so I can only give jewelry. Good guy, I just don’t understand. Are those few stones worth that much? Zou Xiaodong also rolled his eyes and said retort.

Zhou Xi was not to be outdone, and immediately counterattacked: "It's true that you are vulgar. No stone can be as expensive as these. This set of jewelry is top-notch in the world in terms of design, workmanship, and materials. It should be said to be the crystallization of human art.”

Uh, okay. When Wu Hao and the others heard this, their foreheads were covered with black lines. It was obvious that they didn't quite buy Zhou Xi's words.

But women like Lin Wei, Wei Xiaoya and others agreed with each other. They had all seen this set of jewelry before, and they all showed envy. Women are naturally irresistible to these shiny and beautiful things, let alone such exquisite jewelry.

As a result, a very rational woman like Lin Wei felt a little uneasy when she saw this thing, and showed a hint of resentment towards Wu Hao.

Seeing this, Wu Hao couldn't help but smile bitterly. It seemed that he had to spend another sum of money. It's not that I'm reluctant to part with the money, but it seems a bit wasteful to use the money to buy such a set of stone metal to mount on my body.

But if women like it, then buy it.

After chatting for a while, everyone started to get busy again. The women went upstairs to try on wedding dresses with Zhou Xi. This time Zhou Xi's wedding dress was also customized from abroad, and she hired a very famous wedding dress designer. It is said that this wedding dress is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, and there is no one else.

However, Yang Fan is happy to be liked by others. This little money is nothing to them, not to mention that it is such an important thing as getting married, so it is worth spending more.

Moreover, Zhou Xi's family affairs are not bad, his family is relatively wealthy, and he is perfectly white and rich. Even compared to Lin Wei's home, her home is not inferior at all. She is the only precious daughter in her family. Who can spend all the accumulated money if not her?

So in comparison, Yang Fan actually took advantage, picking up such a wealthy Bai Fumei back for nothing. As for Zhou Xi's parents, they also like Yang Fan, a young and promising son-in-law. So after learning that the two had established a relationship, they kept pushing for marriage and a baby.

No, when they learned that Zhou Xi was pregnant, the two were planning to get married. Zhou Xi's parents and Yang Fan's parents took over everything and started busy.

It is precisely because of this that their luxurious chaos was able to be prepared within such a few months. Otherwise, with Zhou Xi's character and pickiness, I'm afraid it won't take a year to prepare for this wedding.

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