Military Technology

Chapter 2289 A powerful display!

After introducing the drone family, Wu Hao did not stay too long, but took the time to lead the leaders and everyone to another exhibition area, which is the intelligent mechanical exoskeleton area.

The entire exhibition area displays a variety of intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products developed by Wu Hao and others, ranging from heavy-duty mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor systems, to medium-sized intelligent mechanical exoskeletons, and light-weight intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products. There are also some special-purpose products, such as medical intelligent mechanical exoskeletons and close-fitting intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products that can be worn under clothes.

Of course, what attracts the most attention are the two models wearing intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products, both of whom are their experimental demonstrators. Among them, the male model is wearing a heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system, while the female model is wearing a lightweight intelligent mechanical exoskeleton product.

Seeing Wu Hao leading the leaders over, the two models quickly stood up and saluted the leaders and many other leaders. They were originally soldiers, and after retiring, they also joined the militia organization of Haoyu Technology Company, so they naturally and instinctively saluted when they saw the leader.

The reason why a militia organization was established within Haoyu Technology Company was, on the one hand, because their company accepted a large number of veterans, so it was suitable to establish a real organization to lead and manage these veterans. On the other hand, it is also because only by establishing such a paramilitary organization can they apply for some firearms and equipment in the name of a militia organization for testing and daily training.

After the ceremony, the male model wearing a heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system raised his facial armor, revealing his face inside.

Wu Hao also introduced it at the right time: "These two intelligent mechanical exoskeleton products have been installed in the army. This heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton assists the protective armor system. It is mainly equipped with some elite combat troops. With its super mobility, With its protective capabilities and the ability to perceive battlefield information, this heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton assists the protective armor system with very powerful combat effectiveness.

To a certain extent, this heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system is comparable to an infantry fighting vehicle or even a tank. Moreover, the combat effectiveness they exert in some environments is unmatched by ordinary armored combat vehicles and tanks.

For example, in areas with complex terrain, such as deep mountain canyons, plateaus, dense forests, and urban street battles, bulky and bulky armored combat vehicles have limited movement and are unable to exert their combat effectiveness. But for this heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system, it is like a fish in water.

In addition, it also has a strong load-bearing capacity, so it can carry and carry various weapons and equipment and related combat support supplies. We can equip this heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system with some large-caliber and large-capacity machine guns, such as conventional 12.7 heavy machine guns, 14.5 large-caliber anti-aircraft machine guns, or triple rotary machine guns with stronger firepower. Or a six-barreled Gatling gun. Its powerful carrying capacity can carry more than two thousand rounds of ammunition, so it can provide powerful and continuous suppressive firepower.

You know, heavy firepower weapons like this are usually carried and transported by vehicles, and it is very difficult for personnel to carry them, especially in complex terrain.

Our heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system is not affected. It can even be designed while traveling, because the mechanical exoskeleton inside can help the wearer bear most of the recoil and vibration.

In addition to these conventional weapons, it can also carry anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, etc. on its back, providing heavy firepower and anti-aircraft firepower support for combat units. "

After hearing Wu Hao's introduction, the leader smiled, nodded with satisfaction and then asked him: "How is the protective performance of this exoskeleton armor?"

Very powerful, basically reaching the level of an armored vehicle. It can withstand 7.62mm steel-core bullets at close range, and can also withstand frontal attacks from 12.7mm machine guns and anti-materiel sniper rifles at a longer distance. If attached armor is installed, it can also withstand 12.7mm tungsten core armor-piercing bullets and armor-piercing incendiary bullets.

As he spoke, Wu Hao pointed to the front protective armor of the model's heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton-assisted protective armor system, and introduced it to the leaders and everyone: "Everyone, please take a look, our heavy-duty intelligent mechanical exoskeleton assists The armor on the protective armor system is modular protective armor designed according to the curves of the human body. It uses composite armor materials, so it has strong protective performance.

In addition, the special curve design of the surface is conducive to the side slipping of the bullet when it hits the surface, that is, the ricochet, thereby reducing the impact and penetration force caused by the bullet.

This kind of modular armor can also be easily replaced and maintained, which can greatly improve its battlefield survivability. "

"This one here doesn't have armor protection?" The leader looked at the light mechanical exoskeleton system on the female model and asked with interest.

Wu Hao smiled and nodded: "This is a lightweight mechanical exoskeleton system we developed. It mainly provides the wearer with additional assistance, allowing the wearer to have stronger mobility and better mobility. A tremendous strength."

As he spoke, Wu Hao said to the model: "Show it to the leaders."

"Yes!" The model responded immediately, and then made a look like she was about to jump in front of everyone. Upon seeing this, everyone immediately retreated to vacate the venue. The female model immediately jumped up and jumped to a height of nearly two meters very easily, her head almost hooked on the frame of the ceiling above.

You must know that this is a standing height adjustment, which is completely different from the sprint and take-off in sports games. What's more, she also wears a mechanical exoskeleton system. Without the help it provided, she would never have been able to jump so high. Not to mention jumping so high, even movement will be hindered.

What's more important is that the model didn't make any sound when she landed, but landed very lightly, which made everyone couldn't help but praise her.

Immediately afterwards, the female model walked to another dumbbell, which was a black dumbbell marked with one hundred kilograms. I saw it leaning over to hold the dumbbell, and then lifted the dumbbell very easily, and then slowly raised it to the top of its head. I wanted to show it to everyone, and then slowly let it go.

Under the leadership of the leader, everyone at the scene applauded. A general at the scene was still a little skeptical about this, and then stepped forward to try to lift the pressure, but he still couldn't lift it after exerting a lot of force.

Seeing the general's red face, everyone at the scene laughed knowingly.

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