Military Technology

Chapter 2291 Man-machine accompanying combat system

【Corrected version】

After watching the leader and other leaders leave, Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was the first time for him to face such a big leader, so he would inevitably feel a little nervous and excited.

But he still controlled himself, and his performance should be pretty good. At least the leader spent a lot of time with him. You must know that the leader's schedule is very tight. It is not easy to stay here for such a long time and listen to his introduction.

As the leaders left, the exhibition officially began.

The scene also became lively. As the focus of everyone's attention in the entire exhibition, Haoyu Technology's booth never lacked visitors. Most of these visitors were received by Zhou Yonghui and others, and only a small number of them required Wu Hao to deal with them personally.

For example, Li Weiguo from the Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, who had been in the crowd just now, Meng Changbo from the Army, Wu Hao's old friend Luo Kai and others, as well as several professors and experts he knew.

They stayed at the booth and showed a look of unfinished business. Obviously, they saw that there were many new weapons and equipment on their booth that were not introduced, and these people came here for these things.

"Xiao Wu, it seems that you have come up with a lot of new things this time. Why, give us some introductions." Li Weiguo was not polite to him, and immediately revealed their true purpose.

In this regard, although Wu Hao was a little tired, he still smiled and nodded at a few people and said, "No problem, what do you want to know?"

"You kid, stop trying to be careless about us, just do it one by one. Don't worry, if you come across something good, we will help you sell it without you having to say anything." Luo Kai smiled at him and joked.

After hearing Luo Kai's words, everyone laughed, and Wu Hao naturally laughed too. This was of course the main purpose of their participation in this promotion meeting. So of course he was happy when he heard several people say this.

"No problem, let's invite you over here!" Wu Hao said, nodding and waving to everyone, and then led everyone to the three medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles they had recently displayed.

Looking at these three medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles, which have different functions and are very different from the small unmanned combat vehicles currently in service, I naturally showed a very interested look.

Wu Hao didn't waste any time and directly introduced the relevant performance of these three medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles to everyone. The different configurations and functions of these three medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles were introduced to everyone one by one, and the eyes of everyone who listened could not help but reveal a hint of interest.

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, the first person to ask questions was Meng Changbo from the Army. He showed some excitement and was obviously very interested in this equipment.

"The environment on the battlefield is ever-changing. Is this unmanned combat vehicle capable of handling it calmly? In addition, how do you solve the problem of strong electromagnetic environmental interference on the battlefield?"

Hearing this question, Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Actually, this problem has been thought of when we started this project, and it has been regarded as one of our key problems to solve.

At present, we mainly have three solutions. The first is of course the most traditional anti-interference processing technology. We use the most advanced anti-interference technology on this unmanned vehicle, which can make it capable of dealing with most electronic interference environments on the battlefield and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

In addition, it will adopt different response strategies according to different electromagnetic environments, such as temporarily blocking a certain band, radio silence, or using electronic countermeasures to resist the enemy's strong electromagnetic interference.

The second is autonomy. This car can achieve autonomous operations. In other words, as long as we issue relevant combat mission instructions, as well as relevant precautions, or condition requirements, then this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle will perform various tasks in accordance with these orders and requirements. This process is all completed independently by the unmanned vehicle's system, without the need to contact the rear command center. This also means that it can be largely immune to interference from strong electromagnetic environments, causing malfunctions and paralysis, and losing combat effectiveness.

Finally, you can use the laser communication system to get in touch with the rear, or establish contact with the controllers on the battlefield. Remote control of vehicles through remote control equipment can also greatly reduce interference from local strong electromagnetic environments.

Of course, this last method is only used in some special occasions. In most combat environments, the first two methods are sufficient.

As for the first question you just mentioned, I dare not give you a 100% answer. Because in a complex and ever-changing battlefield environment, no piece of equipment can be 100% reliable, and no piece of equipment can calmly handle various responsible battle situations.

In our opinion, this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle is light enough to handle most combat situations on the battlefield. Compared with ordinary combat vehicles, it has very strong battlefield survivability. And because it is an unmanned vehicle, there will be no casualties and it is very suitable for performing some high-risk tasks.

Moreover, this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle can independently perform various combat tasks, and can also be organized into a small team for combat.

This medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle is equipped with a swarm control system, which also means that like our drones, it can realize data exchange and situation sharing between vehicles, and can control the swarm system according to different mission types. The unmanned combat vehicles under the command are assigned tasks. Achieve cooperation and collaboration between multiple unmanned combat vehicles to jointly perform a task, or to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.

In addition to this autonomous combat capability, this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle can also be used as a remotely controlled combat vehicle, or similar to the Air Force's 'loyal wingman' system, to achieve accompanying combat missions.

Therefore, we can group this medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle with conventional armored combat vehicles and tanks to perform various assault missions together.

During combat, these medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles can independently choose to assist armored combat vehicles and tanks in combat, or they can also conduct operations independently.

Our armored combat vehicles and tank drivers can also perform some high-risk combat missions by controlling core unmanned combat vehicles, or provide battlefield cover for our combat vehicles.

Even without our conscious control, these medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles will autonomously protect our armored battlefields and tanks on the battlefield. When our armored fighting vehicles and tanks are threatened, it will launch defense and take corresponding measures to greatly protect the safety of our fighting vehicles and personnel. "

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