Military Technology

Chapter 2298 Selling face for personal gain

After sending away Li Weiguo and his gang, Wu Hao welcomed several groups of visitors, including representatives from the military, some leadership experts in the military industry system, and some corporate CEOs.

In addition to visiting, they also came for the purpose of inquiring about information and seeking cooperation, which Wu Haoni resolved one by one. Of course cooperation is no problem, the key is how to cooperate.

Don't be anxious in this regard. The more anxious you are, the easier it is for others to manipulate you, so take your time. Only by working steadily and striving for the best can you seek the greatest benefits.

Of course, this is not an endless asking for prices, but an attempt to seek legitimate interests. After all, they spent a lot of money to develop these technical weapons and equipment, so they can't give them away for free, so they must still strive for a reasonable and appropriate price.

After a few more leaders and visitors arrived in the afternoon, Wu Hao left the exhibition site and handed over everything to Zhou Yonghui and the others. He took Shen Ning back to the hotel, rested for a while, and then packed up and went out. Keep appointments.

We drove to an old restaurant in an alley, where Luo Kai was already waiting. Seeing Wu Hao get out of the car, he immediately waved to him.

Wu Hao nodded, and then walked into the restaurant with Luo Kai and another middle-aged man who looked about forty.

The restaurant hall was already full of people and very noisy. Only then did Wu Hao discover that this was a meat-shabu restaurant. Judging from the sound, the shabu-shabu in this restaurant should taste good.

The busy boss in the restaurant nodded when he saw them coming in, and quickly guided them into a small private room that had been reserved.

Not long after they sat down, the boss led another young man in, carrying a copper pot and hand-cut mutton, and then placed them on the table one by one. This middle-aged man also took out two bottles of white porcelain wine from the black bag on the corner of the table. Although the labels had been torn off, the white porcelain bottles were so famous that everyone knew what kind of wine they were.

Brother Luo, Brother Zhang, the dishes are all here. Eat slowly and call me if you need anything. The shop owner looked at Wu Hao and Shen Ning who were accompanying him, then nodded to Luo Kai and the middle-aged man and said hello, then walked out and closed the door behind him.

Xiao Wu, let me introduce to you. This is the elder brother Zhang Zhiyuan I mentioned to you. Luo Kai then introduced Wu Hao with a smile.

The Zhang Zhiyuan mentioned by Luo Kai smiled at him and said: "Mr. Wu, I have heard of your name for a long time, but I have never had time to meet. Today, thanks to Ronaldinho's help, we have Opportunity to meet.

Please forgive me for disturbing you. "

Judging from what you said, you are Brother Luo’s friend, so naturally you are my friend. Brother Luo, I told you about you, and I admire you very much from the bottom of my heart. Wu Hao looked at the man in front of him and replied with a smile.

This Zhang Zhiyuan was introduced by Luo Kai on the front line. He can also be regarded as Luo Kai's comrade-in-arms, and they once had the experience of serving together. Later, Luo Kai was transferred to work in an agency, but he stayed in the army and is now the chief officer of a certain ace unit.

The reason why Luo Kai was asked to meet him on the front line was mainly because Zhang Zhiyuan wanted to ask for something. He was born in a rural area, and later he fell in love and got married to a rural primary school teacher when he returned home to visit relatives. Because he has been in the army, the couple spends less time together and more separation. His wife has been taking care of his parents, brothers and sisters in the countryside without any complaints.

This lasted for more than ten years. Later, he was of high rank, but his parents were getting old, so his wife declined the military treatment and continued to stay to take care of her parents. It was not until her parents passed away that she followed the army to the military station to reunite with Zhang Zhiyuan. .

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Zhang Zhiyuan's wife suffered from heart disease due to overwork. Despite receiving treatment, his wife's illness became more and more serious over time, and now she has reached a critical stage.

If there is no other way, then his wife may really die soon. Zhang Zhiyuan was reluctant because he felt that he owed his wife a lot over the years, so he had been seeking treatment for his wife. With the help of the army and organizations, he also received help from many hospitals and experts. Although he underwent joint surgical treatment, his wife temporarily kept her name. But experts have clearly told them that this is only a slight delay. If other measures are not taken, once the disease relapses, there will be no chance.

After some consultation, he learned that the best way for his wife's current situation was to change her mind. It's just that there are too few heart donors, even fewer matches, and there are too many people queuing up. Considering his wife's condition, it may be difficult to get in line.

So the doctor gave them another suggestion, that is, let him try Haoyu Technology Company, because Haoyu Technology Company has a clinical trial project of intelligent bionic artificial heart. If he could obtain it, he could replace his wife with such an artificial heart, which would greatly extend his wife's life.

After hearing this, he was overjoyed and naturally asked to make contact. But after some understanding, his heart felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on him. At present, Haoyu Technology’s smart bionic artificial heart has not yet been launched on the market, but is only undergoing Phase III clinical trials.

All clinical trial volunteers need to apply for registration and then be selected by drawing lots. And there are so many patients applying now, it is said that there are already hundreds of thousands of people, and there are also many patients who have come specially from overseas.

He signed up, but is still in line. Even if he is ranked, he may not be chosen. Because Haoyu Technology's clinical trial projects need to be screened based on the patient's condition, his wife's condition is very critical, she has undergone several major surgeries in a row, and her physical condition is relatively poor, so it may be a bit difficult to compete with other patients. question.

So he was so anxious that he was naturally unwilling to do so, so he thought of many ways. Finally, after much inquiring, he learned that Wu Hao and Luo Kai had a good personal relationship, so he licked his face and begged Luo Kai.

Luo Kai was also very concerned about this old friend whom he had not seen for many years, and immediately called Wu Hao to communicate repeatedly. Today's dinner party was hosted by Luo Kai and invited Wu Hao over.

Luo Kai's face was naturally given to Wu Hao, so although he didn't like this kind of backdoor behavior, out of excellence, he decided to sell Luo Kai's face. Prepare to meet Zhang Zhiyuan in person first, and then make a decision.

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