Military Technology

Chapter 2303 Draw a line at random

After briefly introducing this comprehensive battlefield information intelligent monitoring system, the on-site preparations have been completed.

Everyone's eyes were also focused on a new model of Warrior in the middle of the venue. The leaders who learned about it yesterday also knew that this was a military-grade autonomous driving system developed by Wu Hao and others. Unexpectedly, the first one was displayed.

Wu Hao introduced to everyone with a smile: "First of all, what we will show you is our military-grade automatic driving system. The military warrior assault vehicle in front of you is already equipped with our system.

Next we will give it instructions and then let it pass some off-road sections autonomously. "

Speaking of this, Wu Hao pointed to the picture on the big screen and introduced to everyone: "Please take a look, this is the remote command and control system interface of this military-grade autonomous driving system.

Next, we need to plan its route on this map. Generally, we only need to send the relevant longitude and latitude coordinates or detailed place names. Today, the size of the site is limited, so we adopted another method, which is to draw the route directly on the satellite map, and then let this military-grade autonomous driving system drive on its own. "

With that said, Wu Hao took a transparent tablet from the injured staff, then handed it to Leader Meng and said with a smile: "In order to better demonstrate this function and avoid making people think that we are cheating, I invite you to come in person." Plan a route of travel.”

Oh, haha, you kid always surprises me. Leader Meng took the transparent tablet, looked at the satellite map on it, and looked at Wu Hao with some confusion.

Wu Hao saw this and introduced with a smile: "You can try sliding this map. It is actually a 3D digital map that allows you to see the topography of the entire site very intuitively.

You can plan a route for this car in the venue according to your own ideas, and try to include those complex terrains, so that it can better demonstrate its performance. "

Hearing what Wu Hao said, everyone looked curiously at the big screen associated with it. The information on the transparent tablet will also be synchronized to the large screen for everyone at the scene to see.

Leader Meng smiled and nodded when he heard this, swiped to look at the map, and then started swiping on the map with his finger. At the same time, the driving route drawn by Leader Meng was also displayed on the big screen.

After listening to Wu Hao's words, he was not polite. Instead, he selected the more complex road conditions in the entire site, such as uphill and downhill slopes, sharp bends, wading areas, muddy areas, stone areas, trenches, etc. , basically drawing in the complex terrain of the entire site.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene laughed. Everyone obviously saw Leader Meng's ill-intentioned embarrassment, and became even more curious about the next test.

After drawing the route, Leader Meng raised the corners of his mouth, then leaned across the tablet and asked Wu Hao, "What do you think?"

I think your drawing is too simple. Wu Hao said with a smile.


Hearing his answer, everyone nearby also laughed.

Leader Meng smiled and handed the tablet to him and said, "Then I'll wait and see how this car passes the simple route I set."

Wu Hao took the tablet with a smile, then clicked on it, and then the test began.

The Warrior assault vehicle started on its own, and then began to drive quickly into the distance, its speed also rising.

Wu Hao, as for Wu Hao, pointed to the satellite navigation track on the big screen and introduced it to the leaders with a smile: "Everyone, please see, on the satellite map, the blue one is the route drawn by Leader Meng just now, and the green one is the route drawn by Leader Meng just now. , is its actual route. Please note that these two lines begin to overlap, so they will appear orange.

And if there is no overlap, or if the original route drawn by Leader Meng is blocked and needs to be detoured, then it will appear red! "

After listening to Wu Hao's introduction, everyone immediately looked at the moving picture of the car on the big screen. In addition to ground-based mobile unmanned vehicles and aerial drone tracking footage, there are also first-person footage captured by the vehicle's camera.

And through these shots, everyone can also understand the route of this car very intuitively.

As you have seen, there is no driver in this car at all, and the entire traveling process is carried out automatically by this car. And it is different from ordinary self-driving cars. This car travels very fast. It does not look like it is driving autonomously at all, but it looks like the driving style of a veteran driver. It is very stable and wild.

The vehicle pulled up a long tail of dust on the training ground, and could quickly pass any obstacles it encountered. Fast when it should be fast, slow when it should be slow. Especially the section across the single-sided bridge and the double-sided bridge made everyone at the scene sweat.

The single-sided bridges and double-sided bridges on this military training ground are not the low-rise facilities found in ordinary driving grounds. It is very high, consisting of two rails erected directly on a trench. It is very narrow, only half the width of a wheel. This means that when the car is traveling on this double-sided bridge or a single-sided bridge, more than half of the wheels are suspended. If you are not careful, it may be carried down.

This kind of difficulty can generally only be completed by experienced veterans, and requires extremely precise operation. But now, this several-ton warrior assault vehicle passed the single-sided bridge and the double-sided bridge very smoothly and quickly. It felt so relaxed, as if it were flat ground. The vehicle did not stop while driving, but was very smooth and drove past at a relatively fast speed. This made many people at the scene sweat, and then shook their heads involuntarily, thinking it was too rash. .

Wu Hao, who noticed this scene, said with a smile: "One of the major advantages of the autonomous driving system compared to humans is that it can very accurately perceive the surrounding environment and perform accurate ranging.

The human eye may have large errors. This error can be greatly reduced through training as soon as possible, but the error will still exist. As for the autonomous driving system, it can accurately measure it through the vehicle's thousand-channel lidar and image recognition system, as well as millimeter wave radar, reducing the error to a level beyond the reach of one person. In this way, the vehicle can grasp the information around the vehicle very accurately, thereby achieving precise control.

So these single-sided bridges and double-sided bridges are actually the same for our autonomous driving system. It's much easier to ride on than those bully hills. "

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