Military Technology

Chapter 2309 What happened just now?

At this point, Wu Hao saw that the preparations over there were ready, and he stopped talking nonsense, and then introduced with a smile to everyone: "The preparations over there are ready. Now please watch the active action of our medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle. The first live-fire interception demonstration of the defense system.

As you can see, our vehicle is ready. Next, three RPG rockets will be launched from different directions to attack our medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle.

This demonstration focuses on testing the active defense system of our medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicle against multi-point incoming rockets. If we are not careful, or if our technology is not strong enough, the interception will fail. , this multi-million prototype car will also be destroyed.

Everyone has noticed that we have prepared two medium-sized intelligent unmanned combat vehicles on our side. They are backups in case of failure of interception, so you don't have to worry. "

What Wu Hao said was both true and false. The two vehicles were backups, but they were not all preparations for this interception experiment. The reason why he said this is to create a sense of tension and excitement that can enhance everyone's viewing experience.

Attention all units, the test countdown begins, ten, nine, eight... two, one, launch!


A few hundred meters away from the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle, a burst of white eyes suddenly appeared, and a rocket flew towards the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle like an arrow.

This was not over yet. A few seconds after the rocket was launched, another rocket was launched from a different place and struck the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle.

When everyone saw this, their hearts couldn't help but hang up. This was basically the first time they had seen such a live ammunition interception demonstration, so the time interval between the launch of two rockets was probably too short. Those previous active defense systems didn't dare to play like this, they still looked at it from a different angle.

Under the gaze of everyone, the control system interface of this medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle suddenly flashed a red logo on the big screen. Then, the screen continued to zoom in, showing the incoming rockets.

One shot, two shots!

When the two targets were discovered, the system immediately locked and tracked them, and then began to control the 14.5 mm three-barreled machine gun on the turret to intercept the first rocket.

The three-barreled heavy machine gun opened fire quickly, firing a row of barrages in the air. Then it turned its muzzle and aimed at the second incoming rocket.

Just when everyone was confused, an explosive point suddenly appeared in the row of barrages in the air, and the incoming rocket disappeared from the screen.

Looking from a distance, everyone saw a burst of white smoke rising from a position about a hundred meters away from the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle. This should be caused by the explosion of the rocket after the interception was successful.

Just as everyone was cheering, the second rocket also exploded in the air, raising a puff of smoke.


At this moment, the entire rostrum and even the entire guest stand became agitated, and everyone applauded warmly and cheered. For everyone, the scene just now really opened their eyes.

They never thought that it would be so easy to intercept rockets. It felt too easy. They didn't make much effort at all. They just fired a row of barrages and successfully intercepted them. When had such an interception success rate been achieved?

The leaders on the rostrum were even more excited, applauding and communicating with each other. They praised this technology and this system in their words.

However, the test was not over yet. As everyone was talking and laughing excitedly, the last rocket was launched. The rocket was launched from a very short distance, maybe only a hundred meters.

Everyone was obviously startled, and then quickly stared at the screen, not wanting to miss this wonderful moment. Everyone's minds were spinning rapidly, thinking and calculating whether this interception of the low-energy would be successful.

You know, the attack distance this time is only about a hundred meters, which is too close. The muzzle velocity of the RPG is about 117 meters/second. The rocket engine is ignited when it is 11 meters away from the muzzle, and it quickly reaches the maximum speed of 294 meters/second. In other words, there may only be about a second from launch to attack. If you don't have time to react quickly, you're basically waiting to be destroyed.

Just when everyone was worried, there was an explosion in the air, and the rocket exploded in the air.

what happened?

Everyone couldn't help but wonder. The speed was too fast just now. No one could see clearly what happened. Why did the rocket explode in the air?

Seeing everyone's confused expressions, Wu Hao smiled and then motioned to the staff to slow down the scene.

Finally, in slow playback, everyone saw what happened just now.

The moment the rocket came out of the barrel, the active defense system of the medium-sized intelligent unmanned assault vehicle here reacted, locked and tracked the target, and then controlled the turret to quickly turn and attack the rocket. An attack interception was launched. The entire response and interception process only takes less than a second, which is very fast. It can be said that the interception was successful in the blink of an eye, solving a life and death crisis.


The screen returned to normal. Seeing the rapid reaction firing of the turret machine gun in the screen, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then the whole scene started to make noise.

Xiao Wu, was this test rehearsed in advance? How come the unmanned vehicle on the other side noticed the rocket as soon as it was launched and started to intercept it? How can this be well-rehearsed and well connected? A leader present asked him, with an incredible look on his face. There was not just this one person with such an expression, there were many others. Obviously, everyone does not quite believe that their technology can achieve such a degree of response and interception. ‘

In response, Wu Hao smiled and said: "No, the whole test process was completely random. The person in charge of the training ground and the person in charge of the exhibition can testify to us that we did not achieve any such live-fire interception exercises."

Speaking of this, Wu Hao paused for a moment, giving everyone a time to react and digest, and then continued to explain: "The reason why it can respond so quickly is also due to the fact that our environment sensing system can sense the immediate vicinity of the vehicle. environment changes.

For example, sudden fires, explosions, and other noises are all targets that our environment perception system needs to pay attention to. Therefore, when a fire is detected near the vehicle, the environment sensing system will immediately transmit it to the vehicle-mounted active defense system for determination and confirmation, so that it can respond quickly to intercept it, which is why everyone will see such a fast scene. "

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